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Dem boys seh… Pat Jagdeo pun he head

August 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Source


In life everybody needs somebody, sometimes. Some people when things bad, need a sympathetic pat on the head. Jagdeo feel bad since de other day in Parliament and he need a sympathetic pat on the head—with a sledge hammer.

He feel bad when Rum Jattan announce in Parliament that he gun jail all of dem who been in de last government. He call all of dem a thief and he seh that dem thief too much. That is why dem going to jail.

When he mek de announcement de whole parliament get quiet; you coulda hear a pin drop. All dem former Minister get quiet because right away dem see dem future before dem eye. But things ain’t got to be so bad. Soulja Bai seh that if dem walk to Lot 12 and knock on de door and announce that dem come fuh turn demself in, and seh that dem admitting to committing crimes against humanity, dem gun only got to spend 20 years. But if de state got to try dem, de sentence gun be 120 years.

If Jagdeo go he don’t have to seh nutten. De jail door gun open automatically. In deh he gun get a chance to mek plenty children to mek up fuh wha he didn’t do as a man outside.

But dem got others who forget that life got a expiration date. Is just that people don’t see de stamp. Tek de salary scale that Jagdeo offer some people. A man write in a letter to de press that nobody in Guyana is worth $6 million a month or anywhere close—not in GPL, not at GuySuCo, not in Oh Pee, and certainly not in parliament.

De man ask how anybody can collect $6 million when people ain’t reading meter. Then he had a big question. He ask if dem ain’t got shame to collect millions in a losing outfit.

“How does a leader observe the plight of his people and fix his pension at levels that are not only offensive, but should be an offence?”

Well that is de man Jagdeo and that is why people want to see he tail in pickle. De Waterfalls man got he busy so much that he does go to bed wid Glenn Lall pun he mind. He go to parliament and talk bout Glenn Lall.

Talk half and  remember to give Jagdeo a sympathetic pat pun he head—with a sledge hammer.

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