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Dem boys seh…Sam Blinds colleagues didn’t thief from all over


De British High Commissioner meet wid de local media de other day fuh talk how he country can fund de new Demerara Harbor Bridge.
Dem boys seh that even before de British think about putting in money dem boys want Brassington and Jagdeo draw up de contract.
De contract got to be similar to de Berbice Bridge contract. We don’t know how to draft such a contract and dem boys doubt whether de British can draft it.  Only Jagdeo and Brassington know how much everybody can get but dem boys know how much dem want.
Such a contract allow people to put li’l bit money to own half de bridge. Dem boys want put two per cent and own de whole bridge.
Dem boys seh that de British must see something wha dem boys ain’t see.
Dem can’t see dem people tying bundle wid Guyanese politician. Something deh beneath. Guyana got to look out just like how Sam Blinds got to look out fuh he colleagues.
That is de same Sam who seh he was deeply hurt by de words from Li’l Joe mouth. Li’l Joe seh that dem was accepting low salaries because dem was thiefing money all over de place.
Sam seh that dem wasn’t thiefing money all over de place. Dem boys seh that dem was only thiefin from dem office. If Sam use to thief, and dem boys don’t want to believe that, he use to thief from he own office. Dem Ministers never thief from all over. Li’l Joe mek a mistake when he seh all over.
But Sam got to understand that he got to explain how he many, many colleague Ministers get so wealthy; how some of dem can own so much properties in and out of Guyana. He should try explaining dem wealth, including that of de leader of de Rat pack. He all time boss.
If he can’t, he playing dumb and stupid because he blind already, dem boys willing to take him and show him wheh every piece of wealth each one of dem have can be found.
Dem boys ain’t gun show dem property wha dem great grandmother lef like wha Irfaat seh how he great-great-grandfather lef things for him. De only thing he great grandfather had was two cow and two duck and a kitchen garden.
Irfaat now got more property than he can count.
Talk half and feel sorry fuh Sam who couldn’t see that he colleagues been thiefing.



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