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Dem boys seh…Some people going to jail fuh de New Year

January 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Happy New Year to everybody, except all those who mek de masses, include dem boys, get vex wid dem thiefing and other corrupt action.
Dem boys always remember that great man, Mahatma Gandhi, seh that “Corruption is a disease, it eats away at the foundation of people’s faith in Government; it undermines de stability of nations.”
Dem got people who get jail fuh wholesale corruption. Days before Christmas de 16th most richest man in de world get pardon and walk out of jail. He and de Rat is de same age. Putin mek he spend 10 years in that jail.
He did exactly what de Rat and Bobby do to Guyana. “Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky accumulated wealth through the development of Siberian oil fields as the head of Yukos, one of the largest Russian companies to emerge from the privatization of state assets during the 1990s.” Boris Yeltsin was de President.
Putin come in, arrest he jail he fuh ten years.
In Guyana de Rat, Brazzy and Bobby and dem others, do de same thing. Dem get rich off state assets. Khodorkovsky became the 16th richest man on earth. But dem boys want tell de nation that Guyana got 16 richest people in de Caribbean. De richest of dem all name begin wid Bee—Bobby. De other Bees fall under he, and dem have Shaati, Rob de Earth and Irfaat.
Privatisation deals see Khodorkovsky tek over de oil industry in Russia. In Guyana privatization deal give Bobby de whole New GPC plus allow him de hog of de drugs to de Ministry of Health and to de hospital. Privatisation deals give he de Sanata complex plus a whole lot of concessions including tax breaks fuh donkey years to come.
That is only two big deal. De had nuff underhand deal, like renting warehouse.
Dem boys hope that Donald do wha Putin do. If can’t jail dem fuh ten years, jail dem fuh 20. Mandela serve 27, came out and forgive all he jailers.
Dem boys want tell Donald don’t go down that road, that he shouldn’t tek a page out of Mandela book. He should tek a sentence because de things on a page gun definitely be too much fuh he, just like how leadership too much fuh Granger.
All he life he tek order-yes sir, no sir. Now he in a position to give order he still tekking order-this time from Donald. Dem boys nah seh suh, is he party gyal who seh suh. Dem seh that dem fed up watching how he throw back wid he shirt tuck tight in he pants and enjoying de kickback.
Prak does get kick too but he does get kick in he face and all over he body.
De Rat never get kick in Guyana. He was too big but he nah big in Uncle Sam. After he left office, he get de climate change people fuh give he a diplomatic passport because he want to continue to travel like a big boy.
When he gush to Uncle Sam dem treat him like a lil boy and he get vex. He get de Foreign Affairs people in Guyana fuh write de US and ask fuh immunity. Uncle Sam tell he that de only immunity you gun get is Unity foreshore, Maraca.
Uncle Sam seh that is not he alone gun get things in de New Year. De stumpy crook, Shiite, gun get a pair of three-colour kickers. Brazzy, de fat crook gun get something fuh clear he throat to speak de truth and sound better.
Bobby gun follow in Mandela footstep, not as president, but in jail fuh 27 years.
Boyah don’t know that all de land he need that extra six by four feet.
Rob de Earth got to get piece of de earth fuh match de size of de airwaves that he get. And all dem thiefing contractahs, line dem up and wid weight pun dem stomach, push dem overboard one by one.
And dem boys gun tell how some people get dem big stomach. Brazzy and Bharrat go in Bakewell. Bharrat often don’t have to pay fuh anything suh he pick up three pine tart and put dem in he pocket. He do de thing suh fast that nobody didn’t see but he had to tell Brazzy.
This is a man who like eat suh he tell de Bakewell manager that he know magic. De man seh, “Show me.” Brazzy seh, “Give me a pine tart.”
He eat one; no magic. “Give men another one.” He eat that and still no magic. Bakewell get vex. “Wheh de magic?” “Give me another pine tart.” Brazzy eat that too.
When Bakewell ask wheh de magic Brazzy tell he to look in Bharrat pocket. That is wha shock Nazir.
Talk half and keep out of jail.

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The problem with Ramotar is that he is all belly, but no stomach. Even his own son thieving under his nose, but daddy too impotent to do anything about it. Maybe daddy should ask for a DNA test? Ramotar is a puppet on a long string. He is not his own man. A toothless tiger with no balls. Since he take office he cannot name a single project that would deliver him a positive legacy. Nor has he done anything to stem the corruption under his watch. At this rate he'll go down as the most useless president of the country.


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