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Dem got some words that some people don’t like hear. Once you use dem words is like if you show a red flag to a bull. Don’t worry wid all who seh that a bull colour blind. De Investment conference going on good. Everybody smiling and clapping but dem boys seh that all good things must come to an end. De Canadian had to talk bout corruption. Dem boys seh that from de time de word come out of he mouth Donald raise he flounce skirt, de one Bharrat give he, and he start a buse. Instead of telling de people thanks fuh bringing de conference, he give dem a first class cussing. Was tit fuh tat. Dem talk bout Trafficking in Person and Donald tell de Americans that dem got de same thing. De Canadian talk bout corruption and Donald mek he know that Canada  got dem too. Dem boys seh that he shoulda shut he mouth. He go on, shaking he flounce skirt. He holler how he ain’t do nutten and de Americans drop he down de TIP ladder. Well if de thing going on and you ain’t doing nutten you got to slide. Is then de people remind Donald that dem does ketch in dem country. In fact dem even ketch and jail some of Donald people who he and de whole police force couldn’t ketch. And dem got some more fuh ketch and jail. Donald get vex and he stay away from de closing session but Ash Knee been and he seh that crime and corruption ain’t keeping away investors. Dem boys want to know since when. He was de same man who join wid Bharrat and claim how de Waterfalls paper chasing way people when it report on crime and talk bout corruption. It got to be that de corruption turn a way of life that people stop worrying about it. And besides Guyana ain’t got no plane to bring or carry people. A man want come home fuh a funeral and he nearly had to walk from de States. But then again, Guyana is a country wid nuff plans. Talk half and watch how Donald fold he flounce skirt.

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