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Dem boys seh…Ganda Gopaul seh that a President must grab


When bull start fuh slow down in de rice field de farmer does prod he by giving he a jook. Dem boys been giving Uncle Donald some jook so that he can open he eye and watch wha going on around he but all de man doing is rolling over and grunting.
De man sleeping all de time even when he eye open. Dem boys see nuff things going on and at first dem whisper, then dem shout, and recently de start fuh jook he. But nutten ain’t happening. One man claim how Uncle Donald get accustom to de jooking that he does only giggle.
Now dem boys decide fuh target Uncle Donald Bees—he brain, he belly and he b—ls because dem got to tickle and that might help.  He brains inside and he belly deh in and out. De other Bee? Dem boys want to know if he really got any because some of de things that pass by want to prove otherwise.
Imagine he got a Minister who mek a big claim that every President got a right to fortify heself because no President must move from President to rags. This Minister Ganda Gopaul actually telling de whole world that a President must thief all he could so that he can’t get poor when he come out of office. Bharrat Jagdeo ain’t only fortify heself; he fortify he generation and even dem to come. He mek sure that even if he live ten lifetimes he can never be poor.
And Uncle Donald sit down and all this happening. He got to be sleeping suh dem boys gun tickle he brains, he belly and he b—ls because he got to do something. All this thiefing and he ain’t seh nutten and he still expect dem boys fuh sit back and tek life easy.
Talk half and tickle Uncle Donald

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