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Originally Posted by Kari:

I got beaten to posting this wonderful news - too busy at work.


I'm supporting Rouk for this important elected position and will help financially. His campaign will need some financing, so I'll be calling on some friends to chip in.


Your support will always be remembered bro. I'm sure Samaroo doesn't have a short memory.


You guys in the area should close ranks and support Samaroo.  Also stop bashing Baldeo.  It is very unfortunate that  Baldeo did not have the financial connections or unity networks that many of these Jewish, Hispanic and Italian politicians have in New York.  Us Indians love to crab dog bash and eat each other.  So take an example from the jew and the Italian and see that there is strenght in unity.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Farouk Samaroo has put the time and effort in ....We should support him if he is running. He will go far in politics. Vishnu, Hack and others should join and support him now.


Thank you for those kind words.

Will talk to Kari and a few Others and we will commit and

put resources where our support is.

Originally Posted by Wally:

You guys in the area should close ranks and support Samaroo.  Also stop bashing Baldeo.  It is very unfortunate that  Baldeo did not have the financial connections or unity networks that many of these Jewish, Hispanic and Italian politicians have in New York.  Us Indians love to crab dog bash and eat each other.  So take an example from the jew and the Italian and see that there is strenght in unity.

Wally......Please show us where anyone bashed Baldeo on this thread.

Originally Posted by creative:

farouk you can really blow whistle and SUCK cane at the same time.Hope you know you are putting your foot in your throat here on this thread/topic.I do not see any change in you ,i would be willing to support you ,but you have to get out of this Kinder garden class mentality.CUT THIS *#@& OUT.


Albert Baldeo/creative,


Please show enough class to exit the stage gracefully. Good luck in your future endeavours.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am so glad I am not in that District.

 I DO NOT SUPPORT anyone because they are GUYANESE, INDIAN, Family, Friends or because some socalled Leader say to do so. I SUPPORT the BEST CANDIDATE.

Support the only Guyanese in the race bro. Its the community's only seat on the Party ExCo?


Or are you going to wait for Jagan to reappear and run personally?


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Wally:

You guys in the area should close ranks and support Samaroo.  Also stop bashing Baldeo.  It is very unfortunate that  Baldeo did not have the financial connections or unity networks that many of these Jewish, Hispanic and Italian politicians have in New York.  Us Indians love to crab dog bash and eat each other.  So take an example from the jew and the Italian and see that there is strenght in unity.

Wally......Please show us where anyone bashed Baldeo on this thread.

Jalil I am talking in general.  We should not take pleasure in seeing the ruin of our own. 

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Wally:

You guys in the area should close ranks and support Samaroo.  Also stop bashing Baldeo.  It is very unfortunate that  Baldeo did not have the financial connections or unity networks that many of these Jewish, Hispanic and Italian politicians have in New York.  Us Indians love to crab dog bash and eat each other.  So take an example from the jew and the Italian and see that there is strenght in unity.

Wally......Please show us where anyone bashed Baldeo on this thread.

Jalil I am talking in general.  We should not take pleasure in seeing the ruin of our own. 

Well said Gilly.


The title of the thread states that Albert Baldeo was stripped of the district Leadership. That's just stating a fact. Shaitaan (sic) in reverence for a Guyanese-American public figure did not state Baldeo's legal problem as the reason nor did he even state what those legal problems were. So I don't see where anyone is bashing Baldeo. In fact Shaitaan's reaction to a post with digital expletive by Creative was about a graceful exit.


Where is there a bashing as some claim here?


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