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Dem politicians really stupid

Oct 02, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...cians-really-stupid/

When people seh politicians stupid dem ain’t joking. Dem have a few bright ones but most of dem stupid. How else people can explain a politician telling people that he gun fix de Skeldon sugar factory wid he bare hands when all dem mechanic know that you must have tools?

How a politician gun tell people that mek sure everybody get a house and right in front de people face he tekking de land and giving it to he friends? De same politician tell de nation that he running a democracy and de next thing you know de Americans tek way he Ministers visa.

Dem boys seh that dem know bout leaders who know dem limitations suh dem does surround demself wid bright people. Burnham use to do that. He know that dem had lawyers more bright that him suh he hire dem. He government has Sonny Ramphal, Mohamed Shahabuddeen, Fred Wills and Keith Massiah.

Desmond Hoyte know bout people who really understand foreign policy suh he had Rashleigh Jackson as he Foreign Affairs Minister. Jagdeo had Rohee fuh years. Is only when de Americans tek way he visa that Jagdeo move him to Home Affairs. But even in that position he couldn’t tell a criminal from a honest man.

When Jagdeo realise that things was getting out of hand he call de Queen of England, to ask she how she does mek out. De Queen tell him that she does mek sure that wise people hold government office.

Jagdeo ask she how she can tell if somebody wise and de Queen tell him that he must ask dem a question and from de answer he can know if dem wise. She call she Prime Minister, Theresa May, and ask her this question.

You mother and father got a child. Is not you brother or you sister. Is who?” Right away Theresa May answer, “Is me.” De Queen tun to Jagdeo and nod she head.

That is when Jagdeo come home and call Luncheon. “You mother and father got a child. Is not you brother or you sister. Is who?” Luncheon blink. He ask fuh couple minutes and he run and Call Soulja Bai. He ask de question and Soulja Bai answer, “Is me.”

Luncheon run back to Jagdeo and tell him that de answer is Soulja Bai. Jagdeo shake he head and seh. “Luncheon. You is a fool. De answer is Theresa May.”

Talk half and don’t ask who stupid.

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