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Husband arrested for wife’s murder; statement riddled with inconsistencies

August 26, 2015 5:43 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Leroy Smith

Deoram Sookchand. [iNews' Photo]

Deoram Sookchand. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – Deoram Sookchand, who is the husband of murdered cash crop farmer, Pamela Kendall has found his self in the hot seat as police have arrested him as a suspect in the woman’s murder.

The man, who will be brought to the Criminal Investigation Department in Georgetown later on Wednesday, August 26 for further questioning, withheld vital information from the police which included the fact that he was deported to Guyana after serving time in jail for cocaine and violent crimes.

Additionally, the police in Berbice found that the statements which the man provided are not adding up and as such they believe that something is amiss regarding the shooting death of his reputed wife.

Already, the man’s hands were dusted for gunpowder residue and those samples are with the police in Georgetown. This was done after Sookchand claimed that his wife was shot after running from the door but the post mortem revealed that she was shot at point blank range.

The 56 – year – old cash crop farmer was shot dead at her Lot 19 #45 Corentyne Berbice home after she came face to face with a gunman in her kitchen during a power outage in the area on August 20.

The husband claimed that he was in the shower at the time of the incident; however investigators revealed that the man’s statements are inconsistent. iNews also understands that a relative told police that shortly after the incident, someone called the family and said “if anything happen, y’all don’t call my name.”

Dead: Pamela Kendall

Dead: Pamela Kendall

The relative claims that the voice sounded like the dead woman’s husband. But it was also during an interview on Saturday last (August 22) with iNews that this reporter found some inconsistencies with Sookchand’s version of events of the night in question.

At one time, Sookchand said that he saw more than one perpetrator in the house and then after, he said he heard several voices which suggested that there were more persons.

He also admitted that when his wife was killed, there was a power outage and he remained in the bathroom with the water running. But Sookchand again contradicted himself when he said he saw the perpetrators jumping the back fence, making good their escape.

“Well on Thursday night around 6/6:30, we locked up and we getting ready to go inside the kitchen; this door there and me and my wife went in and I told her lock the door I am going to take a shower. Soon as she turned around to lock the door and I was in the shower this person ran in and when she turned around the guy was right there, she screamed and boom. I heard the shot; I am in the shower now, I freeze, black out, dark as pitch… you can’t see nothing. We don’t know who it is and next thing they peep in the shower… they could not see me. I was against the wall and they properly thought I run upstairs; the shower was running,” Sookchand told iNews.

He further noted, “They went upstairs; they run through the house. I don’t know if they looking for me but they did not try to steal anything; they did not tumble anything… he run down back; run out the door and they scaled and jumped the fence and run away. I came out the shower screaming looking for my wife, I see bare blood on the floor and I could not find her; this time never knowing she get up and run out and run across the street to her brother’s house and she fell down in the yard.”

While admitting that the water was running in the shower, Sookchand said he managed to hear whispers outside in his yard, suggesting that more than one person was involved.

“It is more than one that I know because I saw one but there was more because the reason why I heard the whispering so I know that there was more outside but I could not see it because I was locked up in the bathroom and it was dark you know, blackout.”

Following the murder, residents in the community staged a protest action, calling on the government to curb the crime situation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Evidence pointing to a husband killing his wife in dem house and de people protesting against the government.

How about the take-off on GNI of the Black Bush man vehicle running off the road and the government was blamed  for his death.

Some Guyanese re-acting and crooked like a snake, instead of getting the facts straight.   


This gov't. has been given a test. Let them govern for the term they've been elected for. The electorate will gauge their performance against the previous government's and vote for the one that's better.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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