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Demise of GuySuCo is a PPP engineered problem- Min. Ferguson

DPI, GUYANA, Thursday, December 07, 2017


“The demise of the Guyana Sugar Company (GuySuCo) is a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) engineered problem and has nothing to do with this APNU-AFC government!” exclaimed Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson during her defence of the 2018 Budget today.

Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson.

The Minister said that the previous administration failed GuySuCo miserably, and the sugar industry has under-performed and existing on life-support under their tenure.

“I admonish them to stop this Judas politics – betraying and misleading the Guyanese, on whose fault it is with GuySuCo. After giving us an ailing GuySuCo, it is shameful today that the PPP/C should show up here and lecture to us in this House and tell us, how and what must be done for GuySuCo; after having ample time to fix it and they have failed!” Minister Ferguson emphasised.

The Minister continued that billions of dollars were invested in GuySuCo, but there was no return on the investment made.  She further alluded to the 2004 budget under the previous administration, highlighting that it introduced the Skeldon modernisation project, “the then Minister of Finance said on page 23 of his speech ‘the management of GuySuCo will continue to implement the strategic plan…the plan envisages GuySuCo increasing production to around 450,000 tonnes of sugar and lower costs from the current average of US17 cents per pound to about US9 cents per pound by 2007.”

She noted that “Three years later, in the PPP/C 2007 Budget, the Minister of Finance reported that the sugar production target of 315,000 tonnes was not achieved. A Simple calculation will show that the PPP/C was a long way from reaching their 450,000 tonnes target.”

Minister Ferguson then gave the PPP/C administration an “F” grade on the state of affairs of GuySuCo. She blamed the previous administration for fabricating “glorious numbers” concerning the Skeldon Factory and what was purported produce.

“This government is supporting GuySuCo through annual bailouts,” Minister Ferguson stated, confidently adding that the government will continue to do great things for the sugar industry and its workers.

GuySuCo has been allocated some $6.3 billion to support its reduced operations in 2018, another $5B has been set aside to pay severance to almost 4,000 laid off workers, and another 10,000 workers will be employed at the three remaining estates – Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt.

Minister Ferguson said the 2018 Budget builds on the foundation that was already laid in three previous budgets and is one that is practical and presents workable strategies to transform and develop Guyana.

“It is only if your vision is clouded or you are playing partisan politics that you will not see nor understand the merits of Budget 2018,” the Minister stated.

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"GuySuCo has been allocated some $6.3 billion to support its reduced operations in 2018, another $5B has been set aside to pay severance to almost 4,000 laid off workers, and another 10,000 workers will be employed at the three remaining estates – Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt."


From the Minister comments 4,000 workers will be laid off,hopefully these workers can find alternative work or GUYSUCO should lease some lands for farming,so they can get a head start to provide for their families.

An idea comes to mind,GUYSUCO,should lease lands to the affected workers.The workers should form Cooperatives and get into Sugar Cane Farming,that will be a win-win for both.Here comes GAWU to the rescue,provide start up loans to the workers.

It's tough to loose your job.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:

This may be so, but how is the government addressing the problem? 

There is a pattern of mistreating people who are seen to be supporters of the opposition party.

Like you just wake up and crawled out from under the comforts of your rock? 

Django posted:

"GuySuCo has been allocated some $6.3 billion to support its reduced operations in 2018, another $5B has been set aside to pay severance to almost 4,000 laid off workers, and another 10,000 workers will be employed at the three remaining estates – Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt."


From the Minister comments 4,000 workers will be laid off....

Actually, the master plan calls for 6,000 layoffs, leaving GuySuCo with 10,000 to sustain the remaining estates. Before the current sacking there were 16,000 sugar workers according to GAWU.


There are several factors for the demise of Guysuco

1. The industry failed to find products that it can grow to replace or grow with sugar.

2. Global warming and it's impact on soil/weather.

3. Sugar is being slowly replaced in developed countries with artificial sweatners and other such products.

4. No parent want their child to be a canecutter.

VishMahabir posted:

This may be so, but how is the government addressing the problem? 

There is a pattern of mistreating people who are seen to be supporters of the opposition party.

You must have read what the govt has planned. Given all you heard ...govt bailing out Guysuco every year because of under performance let us hear how you would have handled this problem had you been in govt.

Last edited by cain
Prashad posted:

There are several factors for the demise of Guysuco

1. The industry failed to find products that it can grow to replace or grow with sugar.

2. Global warming and it's impact on soil/weather.

3. Sugar is being slowly replaced in developed countries with artificial sweatners and other such products.

4. No parent want their child to be a canecutter.

Many workers would finish by 10:00 AM. Some would do fishing or plant cash crops to supplement their incomes but most find themselves in the rum shops. 

It's not easy to find people for manual labour.



Fuggason is an ASS Is Fuggason and the Namakaram Crabdaag promised the people that they will FIX Guysuco, they failed, they should QUIT but I will not hold my breath> Namakaram Crabdaag and incompetent Parasites do not quit!!!!

Nehru posted:

Fuggason is an ASS Is Fuggason and the Namakaram Crabdaag promised the people that they will FIX Guysuco, they failed, they should QUIT but I will not hold my breath> Namakaram Crabdaag and incompetent Parasites do not quit!!!!

when u drunk u can post shit the ppp should have close these estates a long time maybe it could have the take the shock effect off the workers 

warrior posted:
Nehru posted:

Fuggason is an ASS Is Fuggason and the Namakaram Crabdaag promised the people that they will FIX Guysuco, they failed, they should QUIT but I will not hold my breath> Namakaram Crabdaag and incompetent Parasites do not quit!!!!

when u drunk u can post shit the ppp should have close these estates a long time maybe it could have the take the shock effect off the workers 

Would have only meant starvation. It's coming.

VishMahabir posted:

This may be so, but how is the government addressing the problem? 

There is a pattern of mistreating people who are seen to be supporters of the opposition party.

The EU market for Guyana sugar is gone.  Guysuco is so far gone that no private investor will want it, at least for purposes other than using the lands for speculative real estate.

So what should the government do, and don't say endless bailouts because no government, least of all a poor one like Guyana, can afford to endless support an ailing industry.


I worked for a brief stint (six months) at Skeldon Estate's Lab. We analyzed sugar samples content in forecasting sugar production.

At that time, Guysuco was looking into rice production and I can tell you that it was the most fertile lands available for rice production. As usual, Guysuco failed to capitalize on the potential for massive yields of rice and the project fell apart.

There is a lot of land that can be used for many agricultural purposes by private investors. There is a lot of private cane owners at Skeldon, it would be nice if they can purchase the estate or parts of it.

I remember Gil posting about closure of an estate in the 30's (if I am correct) and the people bouncing back. Workers will have to slowly find alternatives to depending on Sugar. 

This is not the end of sugar and this will not be the end of Indos. They are tough and will endure and survive. Upper Corentyne will be devastated economically for the next five years but they will bounce back. Burhnam wanted to destroy Indos and Granger executed a part from Burnham's racist playbook.

Granger is a bare faced and racist liar by stating that Sugar is too important to close down the industry.

Indos are family oriented and overseas relatives will provide financial assistance to relatives back home. They are not alone, Moses and the PNC abandoned and lied to them but their own blood will not let them rot.


Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Desperate times calls for desperate measures, look how the drug trade will prosper.

Contraband will rise again (like Bitcoin) as the economy slides into a massive recession. Prashad's dream of an Indo homeland stands a remote chance of becoming a reality.

Brace yourself for a potential uprising.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Desperate times calls for desperate measures, look how the drug trade will prosper.

Contraband will rise again (like Bitcoin) as the economy slides into a massive recession. Prashad's dream of an Indo homeland stands a remote chance of becoming a reality.

Brace yourself for a potential uprising.

An independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, Douglas who love their Guyanese East Indian heritage and Allies of the  East Indian people of Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Desperate times calls for desperate measures, look how the drug trade will prosper.

Contraband will rise again (like Bitcoin) as the economy slides into a massive recession. Prashad's dream of an Indo homeland stands a remote chance of becoming a reality.

Brace yourself for a potential uprising.

An independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, Douglas who love their Guyanese East Indian heritage and Allies of the  East Indian people of Guyana.

Looks like it might happen sooner than you think. All the PNC folks(black people) will be in GT living off of oil money.


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