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Bolivia’s Morales says he’ll seek 4th term, spurs protests.


December 1,2017

LA PAZ,  (Reuters) – Bolivian President Evo Morales said yesterday that opposition from the United States convinced him to run for a fourth term in 2019, spurring a second day of protests after the constitutional court eliminated term limits.

Morales’ government earlier brushed off criticism from Washington, which said it was “deeply concerned” over Tuesday’s court decision. Morales himself then took it a step further, saying the U.S. reaction actually convinced him to run.

“I was not so determined; now I am determined,” he said at a public event in the central Bolivian region of Cochabamba. “I will be a candidate, sisters and brothers, in 2019.”

The court ruling is final and cannot be appealed.

Groups opposed to the ruling protested in several cities again on Thursday, as opponents clashed with police outside an elections office in the city of Santa Cruz.

“Bolivia has a constitution and we should respect it,” said Olga Flores, who identified as a human rights activist and was among several hundred protesters braving the rain in La Paz. Others chanted “Bolivia said no!”

Morales, a former coca farmer in power since 2006, had previously accepted the results of a referendum in 2016, when 51 percent of voters rejected his proposal to end term limits. He later reversed course, saying that while he was willing to leave office, his supporters were pushing for him to stay.

The U.S. State Department disputed that position.

“Twice in the last decade, the Bolivian people have expressed their opposition to the concept of indefinite reelection for elected officials,” the department’s statement said. It referred to a vote in favor of the current constitution in 2009 and the 2016 referendum.

Morales’ administration dismissed the criticism. “It looks like they are trying to tell us who our candidates should be,” the minister of the presidency, Rene Martinez, said.

He said right-wing political forces in Bolivia had joined with the United States and the Organization of American States to stop Morales from running again.

Historically unstable Bolivia has enjoyed relative calm and prosperity under Morales, the country’s first indigenous president. Approval ratings for Morales, a fierce critic of capitalism and ally of embattled Venezuelan socialist leader Nicolas Maduro, hover at around 50 percent.

In September, Morales’ Movement to Socialism party asked the courts to rescind legal limits barring elected authorities from seeking reelection indefinitely.

Morales says his first election took place under Bolivia’s previous constitution and therefore did not count under the now-defunct two-term rule.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

QUOTE: "Historically unstable Bolivia has enjoyed relative calm and prosperity under Morales, the country's first indigenous president."

Since 1967 when Che Guevara was killed in Bolivia, I have been following events in that country. Compared to other political leaders today, Morales is more popular than them. Still, I think he should make way for others and leave the presidency gracefully when his current term ends. Ultimately, Bolivians themselves must decide through free and fair elections. Prior to Morales, the US had supported and propped up many right-wing dictators in Bolivia for decades. Then, the US was not bothered about term limits in Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.



Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "Historically unstable Bolivia has enjoyed relative calm and prosperity under Morales, the country's first indigenous president."

Since 1967 when Che Guevara was killed in Bolivia, I have been following events in that country. Compared to other political leaders today, Morales is more popular than them. Still, I think he should make way for others and leave the presidency gracefully when his current term ends. Ultimately, Bolivians themselves must decide through free and fair elections. Prior to Morales, the US had supported and propped up many right-wing dictators in Bolivia for decades. Then, the US was not bothered about term limits in Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.



Gill,agreed he should,let Democracy prevail.

The 2016 referendum,51 percent voters rejected Evo Morales proposal to end term limits.Then the Constitutional courts eliminate term limits,the ruling is final and can't be appealed.

Where are the rights of the people ? is that Democracy ?

Similar occurrence happened in Guyana,except there were no referendum.

Last edited by Django

Django, about your concern for democracy. I recently read Hillary Clinton's book WHAT HAPPENED and now I am reading another book on US politics which I will review in Social. In both books I discovered a new term --- voter suppression. That undemocratic thing happened on a big scale in the 2016 US election. Millions of Blacks, Latinos and other minorities were deliberately disenfranchised. Google 'voter suppression in the US'. American foreign policy is hypocritical on democracy in other countries where they have economic interests. Bolivia under Morales had nationalized US companies to keep the wealth among its people.

Gilbakka posted:

Django, about your concern for democracy. I recently read Hillary Clinton's book WHAT HAPPENED and now I am reading another book on US politics which I will review in Social. In both books I discovered a new term --- voter suppression. That undemocratic thing happened on a big scale in the 2016 US election. Millions of Blacks, Latinos and other minorities were deliberately disenfranchised. Google 'voter suppression in the US'. American foreign policy is hypocritical on democracy in other countries where they have economic interests. Bolivia under Morales had nationalized US companies to keep the wealth among its people.

That was caused by the Russian Fake Ads on the internet.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "Historically unstable Bolivia has enjoyed relative calm and prosperity under Morales, the country's first indigenous president."

Since 1967 when Che Guevara was killed in Bolivia, I have been following events in that country. Compared to other political leaders today, Morales is more popular than them. Still, I think he should make way for others and leave the presidency gracefully when his current term ends. Ultimately, Bolivians themselves must decide through free and fair elections. Prior to Morales, the US had supported and propped up many right-wing dictators in Bolivia for decades. Then, the US was not bothered about term limits in Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.



Gill,agreed he should,let Democracy prevail.

The 2016 referendum,51 percent voters rejected Evo Morales proposal to end term limits.Then the Constitutional courts eliminate term limits,the ruling is final and can't be appealed.

Where are the rights of the people ? is that Democracy ?

Similar occurrence happened in Guyana,except there were no referendum.

I think that the people will have the final say when the election is held. They can vote him out!

Gilbakka posted:

Django, about your concern for democracy. I recently read Hillary Clinton's book WHAT HAPPENED and now I am reading another book on US politics which I will review in Social. In both books I discovered a new term --- voter suppression. That undemocratic thing happened on a big scale in the 2016 US election. Millions of Blacks, Latinos and other minorities were deliberately disenfranchised. Google 'voter suppression in the US'. American foreign policy is hypocritical on democracy in other countries where they have economic interests. Bolivia under Morales had nationalized US companies to keep the wealth among its people.

The US democracy may not be pure,bear in mind our leaders are held accountable,getting caught by gaining office by fraud is illegal and you are penalized.

America is still a great country,the people enjoy their freedoms,lived good lives,can be what they want,i can go on and on,can that be said of the Socialist third world Countries? where each leader wants to hold to power by illegal means.

By the way Morales was an ally to Venezuela,where leaders hanging on to power by illegal means.

Zed posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "Historically unstable Bolivia has enjoyed relative calm and prosperity under Morales, the country's first indigenous president."

Since 1967 when Che Guevara was killed in Bolivia, I have been following events in that country. Compared to other political leaders today, Morales is more popular than them. Still, I think he should make way for others and leave the presidency gracefully when his current term ends. Ultimately, Bolivians themselves must decide through free and fair elections. Prior to Morales, the US had supported and propped up many right-wing dictators in Bolivia for decades. Then, the US was not bothered about term limits in Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.



Gill,agreed he should,let Democracy prevail.

The 2016 referendum,51 percent voters rejected Evo Morales proposal to end term limits.Then the Constitutional courts eliminate term limits,the ruling is final and can't be appealed.

Where are the rights of the people ? is that Democracy ?

Similar occurrence happened in Guyana,except there were no referendum.

I think that the people will have the final say when the election is held. They can vote him out!

He may rigged the Election to hold to power,we will find out.


Socialists like Burnham, Hoyte and now Grainjaw have Dictatorship as part of their DNA.

Take Note of the Green and Yellow:




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Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Socialists like Burnham, Hoyte and now Grainjaw have Dictatorship as part of their DNA.

Take Note of the Green and Yellow:



Hahaha. Thanks for your profound comment Yuji. I noticed  PPP RED too. Why yuh left out de red?

Gilbakka posted:

I recently read Hillary Clinton's book WHAT HAPPENED and now I am reading another book on US politics which I will review in Social. In both books I discovered a new term --- voter suppression. That undemocratic thing happened on a big scale in the 2016 US election. Millions of Blacks, Latinos and other minorities were deliberately disenfranchised. Google 'voter suppression in the US'. American foreign policy is hypocritical on democracy in other countries where they have economic interests. Bolivia under Morales had nationalized US companies to keep the wealth among its people.

Voter suppression has been a 20 years Republican campaign called gerrymandering. Republicans in many parts of America re-districted areas to allow for more Republican representatives in national, state and local governments. Nowadays, Right Wing commentators brag about how many offices around the country are won by Republicans but they crookedly don't say that it is because of the crooked Gerrymandering of many districts. An example is that you can have one Democratic representative in Congress representing about 1 million people while you can have 10 Republican representatives representing a similar million people. And they have been redrawing those lines whenever the conditions change. Republicans are very crooked people. Much more crooked than Democrats.



Quote from Morales,after the referendum results.

“We’re anti-neoliberal, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, we’ve been formed that way. This struggle will continue whether the yes or the no wins. It will never be abandoned.”


Dictator in the making,power is hard to let go.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Socialists like Burnham, Hoyte and now Grainjaw have Dictatorship as part of their DNA.

Take Note of the Green and Yellow:



Hahaha. Thanks for your profound comment Yuji. I noticed  PPP RED too. Why yuh left out de red?

Because the PPP red never rigged or had a dictator govern. The PNC created three black dictators and riggers.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:


Quote from Morales,after the referendum results.

“We’re anti-neoliberal, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, we’ve been formed that way. This struggle will continue whether the yes or the no wins. It will never be abandoned.”


Dictator in the making,power is hard to let go.

No. Socialists have never abandoned the class struggle and will not  do so as long as there are rich classes oppressing the poor classes. Morales represents Bolivia's poor indigenous folks and the working-farming class. The collapse of the Stalinist Soviet Union and its satellite Eastern European states did not mean the end of class struggle. What Morales is saying is that whether he wins or loses the struggle goes on with himself a part of it. I can understand that as Uncle Sam grandpickney you won't place Morales' words in its dialectical context. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:


Quote from Morales,after the referendum results.

“We’re anti-neoliberal, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, we’ve been formed that way. This struggle will continue whether the yes or the no wins. It will never be abandoned.”


Dictator in the making,power is hard to let go.

No. Socialists have never abandoned the class struggle and will not  do so as long as there are rich classes oppressing the poor classes. Morales represents Bolivia's poor indigenous folks and the working-farming class. The collapse of the Stalinist Soviet Union and its satellite Eastern European states did not mean the end of class struggle. What Morales is saying is that whether he wins or loses the struggle goes on with himself a part of it. I can understand that as Uncle Sam grandpickney you won't place Morales' words in its dialectical context. further his cause to represent the poor classes,he is subverting Democracy to hold on to power,so his agenda will be fulfilled,what happen to the voices of the 51 percent,Morales is becoming a dictator.

Bhai,when i hear the words Socialist in third world Countries representing the poor classes and against Capitalism,do they really help them to get out of poverty,i think not,give them a few morsels and control their minds.

I can state i was in the belly of poverty,from a tender age i was saying to my self,i will get out of this someday.Among some of my friends there were heated discussion of Socialism and Capitalism.They argued which is better,will condemn the "Bourgeois".I was never influenced with their Socialist rhetoric.I choose my path and found Capitalism is the best to get out of poverty,I was also assisted by "Bourgeois".Most  who were condemning the Bourgeois, today are enjoying the fruits of Capitalism.

Ironic ain't it.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


Dictator in the making, power is hard to let go.

Bada Bhai, I see the same message from Granger's chuckle the other day.

Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

Django posted:
I choose my path and found Capitalism is the best to get out of poverty,I was also assisted by "Bourgeois".Most  who were condemning the Bourgeois, today are enjoying the fruits of Capitalism.

Ironic ain't it.

Hey you Mr Bourgeois, yuh friends wasn't genuine socialists like comrade Gilly.

Yuh willn't like socialism if yuh thinking bout yuh own self-interest and not that of poor people.

Gilly is proud to have stayed with the working class in words and deeds. For me, always HONOR BEFORE MONEY. 

Yuh wants me to support corporate profiteers? THAT willn't happen. 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


Dictator in the making, power is hard to let go.

Bada Bhai, I see the same message from Granger's chuckle the other day.

Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

Me don't think that Granger will be alive for two full terms. That said, me thinks that Granger may be seeking to make the PNC machine not do what Hoyte was forced to do in 1992.

KN is to the Coalition what FoxNews is to Trump and other right wing Republicans. 

Django posted:
Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

Nothing wrong if Granger wants two terms. All presidents wish for two terms. If Granger gets his second term thru free and fair elections, all power to him. If he rigs, frig him.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
I choose my path and found Capitalism is the best to get out of poverty,I was also assisted by "Bourgeois".Most  who were condemning the Bourgeois, today are enjoying the fruits of Capitalism.

Ironic ain't it.

Hey you Mr Bourgeois, yuh friends wasn't genuine socialists like comrade Gilly.

Yuh willn't like socialism if yuh thinking bout yuh own self-interest and not that of poor people.

Gilly is proud to have stayed with the working class in words and deeds. For me, always HONOR BEFORE MONEY. 

Yuh wants me to support corporate profiteers? THAT willn't happen. 


In ole USA,the Bourgeois,helping lots of poor folks.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "Historically unstable Bolivia has enjoyed relative calm and prosperity under Morales, the country's first indigenous president."

Since 1967 when Che Guevara was killed in Bolivia, I have been following events in that country. Compared to other political leaders today, Morales is more popular than them. Still, I think he should make way for others and leave the presidency gracefully when his current term ends. Ultimately, Bolivians themselves must decide through free and fair elections. Prior to Morales, the US had supported and propped up many right-wing dictators in Bolivia for decades. Then, the US was not bothered about term limits in Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.



Gill,agreed he should,let Democracy prevail.

The 2016 referendum,51 percent voters rejected Evo Morales proposal to end term limits.Then the Constitutional courts eliminate term limits,the ruling is final and can't be appealed.

Where are the rights of the people ? is that Democracy ?

Similar occurrence happened in Guyana,except there were no referendum.

Django bai, this soon Saturday morning I see this. I am wondering if you took the boo-boos out of your eyes yet. You are willing to pounce without hesitation on other countries' dictators. You should be asking the same questions about your beloved PNC and Guyana. What are you afraid of????

Django posted:
In ole USA,the Bourgeois,helping lots of poor folks.


Look ya: "The official poverty rate is 13.5 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 estimates. That year, an estimated 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure. According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 14.3 percent." SOURCE
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

Nothing wrong if Granger wants two terms. All presidents wish for two terms. If Granger gets his second term thru free and fair elections, all power to him. If he rigs, frig him.

I doubt there will be rigging,

i am working on some data,tallying the amount of voters using the 2012 census,will post later,the elections will be a close call,the incumbent will win.

Django posted:


Bhai,when i hear the words Socialist in third world Countries representing the poor classes and against Capitalism,do they really help them to get out of poverty,i think not,.....

This is very true. The poor class is trampled on all over the world. Religious and Political leaders used the poor to forward their own goals of enriching themselves. While this is more prevalent in third world countries, it is also the case of first class countries like the US. Take for instance this tax bill that is currently being voted on. The most significant aspect of it is the reduction of the Corporate tax rate from 35% to 20 or 22%. It is claimed that the lower tax rate will allow companies to hire more employees. This does not make sense as corporate taxes are paid on income after current year expenses. Having more expenses including payroll expenses which is always a current year expense will on its own result in lower taxes. The most common expense that has a deferred position is depreciation. This means that companies may use capital (cash) to acquire real and personal property but cannot expense all of it in the current year. That is why Section 179D was created which allows corporations to deduct more than a normal year's worth of depreciation. Dropping the corporation tax rate to 20 or 22% has basically no effect on hiring. What it does do is increase the equity of these corporations. While one may argue that regular Americans will benefit from those increased earnings through dividends, the reality is that many of the largest corporations have been buying back the stocks in those corporations thereby removing them from regular Americans. This may explain the huge stock market activity over the past year. Think of this for a moment. There is a ton of capital floating around that was generated through 401k contributions. Yet most of that is dumped in mutual stocks where all of us who have those contributions have no idea where our money really is. In the old days, there were two types of shareholders. The Preferred and the Common. the preferred got to vote and the common got to know how the preferred voted. Now we have the mutual who doesn't get to vote nor to know to know how and who voted. So you can see that the scam continues even in the great USA although US political leaders are much better than those in third world countries.

Remember Trump and Congressional Republicans promising that you can file your taxes on a postcard? How many people really fall for that? Are those the same people who thinks that Roy Moore did not abuse those teenagers?


Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

Nothing wrong if Granger wants two terms. All presidents wish for two terms. If Granger gets his second term thru free and fair elections, all power to him. If he rigs, frig him.

I doubt there will be rigging,

i am working on some data,tallying the amount of voters using the 2012 census,will post later,the elections will be a close call,the incumbent will win.

You know to tally data?  Don't give me dat rass.  No wonder you conclude there will be no rigging.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
In ole USA,the Bourgeois,helping lots of poor folks.


Look ya: "The official poverty rate is 13.5 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 estimates. That year, an estimated 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure. According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 14.3 percent." SOURCE


that's wan lil ripple,don't forget they are being assisted by Federal and State Government,along with Charitable org.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


Dictator in the making, power is hard to let go.

Bada Bhai, I see the same message from Granger's chuckle the other day.

Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

What economic plan?  Sitting on your hands and waiting for oil money isn't an economic plan.  Dat is a lazy man plan.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Nothing wrong if Granger wants two terms. All presidents wish for two terms. If Granger gets his second term thru free and fair elections, all power to him. If he rigs, frig him.

I doubt there will be rigging,

i am working on some data,tallying the amount of voters using the 2012 census,will post later,the elections will be a close call,the incumbent will win.

Dem 2012 data is useless. My buddy Carib said that PPP supporters have been leaving Guyana in droves. The incumbent will not only win. They will win with a landslide. 

Even so. The PNC will rig the elections. Not because they will need to. But because rigging is the only way they know how to. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

Nothing wrong if Granger wants two terms. All presidents wish for two terms. If Granger gets his second term thru free and fair elections, all power to him. If he rigs, frig him.

I doubt there will be rigging,

i am working on some data,tallying the amount of voters using the 2012 census,will post later,the elections will be a close call,the incumbent will win.

You know to tally data?  Don't give me dat rass.  No wonder you conclude there will be no rigging. think i am stuppidy and only QC grads got brains.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Look ya: "The official poverty rate is 13.5 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 estimates. That year, an estimated 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure. According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 14.3 percent." SOURCE


that's wan lil ripple,don't forget they are being assisted by Federal and State Government,along with Charitable org.

The core objective of this new tax bill is to cause those federal and state help to disappear. Maybe the Republicans are hoping that poor people will get fed-up and leave America. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


Dictator in the making, power is hard to let go.

Bada Bhai, I see the same message from Granger's chuckle the other day.

Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

What economic plan?  Sitting on your hands and waiting for oil money isn't an economic plan.  Dat is a lazy man plan.

 Suh gyal, you join Carib in calling blackman lazy? Isn't this stereotyping?

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
I choose my path and found Capitalism is the best to get out of poverty,I was also assisted by "Bourgeois".Most  who were condemning the Bourgeois, today are enjoying the fruits of Capitalism.

Ironic ain't it.

Hey you Mr Bourgeois, yuh friends wasn't genuine socialists like comrade Gilly.

Yuh willn't like socialism if yuh thinking bout yuh own self-interest and not that of poor people.

Gilly is proud to have stayed with the working class in words and deeds. For me, always HONOR BEFORE MONEY. 

Yuh wants me to support corporate profiteers? THAT willn't happen. 

Capitalism propels economic growth.  Socialism willn't propel such growth as some people like to sit down and collect.  Even Guyana turning into a welfare state depending on Exxon to bankroll the fat cats.  Dem willn't work anymore once Exxon is there to bail them out.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


Dictator in the making, power is hard to let go.

Bada Bhai, I see the same message from Granger's chuckle the other day.

Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

What economic plan?  Sitting on your hands and waiting for oil money isn't an economic plan.  Dat is a lazy man plan.

Bibi on a roll dis marning.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


Dictator in the making, power is hard to let go.

Bada Bhai, I see the same message from Granger's chuckle the other day.

Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

What economic plan?  Sitting on your hands and waiting for oil money isn't an economic plan.  Dat is a lazy man plan.

Well they trodding along,the blind don't see,it's not like the past gov't year go..year come they shouting Amelia...Amelia..

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
I choose my path and found Capitalism is the best to get out of poverty,I was also assisted by "Bourgeois".Most  who were condemning the Bourgeois, today are enjoying the fruits of Capitalism.

Ironic ain't it.

Hey you Mr Bourgeois, yuh friends wasn't genuine socialists like comrade Gilly.

Yuh willn't like socialism if yuh thinking bout yuh own self-interest and not that of poor people.

Gilly is proud to have stayed with the working class in words and deeds. For me, always HONOR BEFORE MONEY. 

Yuh wants me to support corporate profiteers? THAT willn't happen. 

Capitalism propels economic growth.  Socialism willn't propel such growth as some people like to sit down and collect.  Even Guyana turning into a welfare state depending on Exxon to bankroll the fat cats.  Dem willn't work anymore once Exxon is there to bail them out.

Arright. I willn't argue wid yuh.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
I choose my path and found Capitalism is the best to get out of poverty,I was also assisted by "Bourgeois".Most  who were condemning the Bourgeois, today are enjoying the fruits of Capitalism.

Ironic ain't it.

Hey you Mr Bourgeois, yuh friends wasn't genuine socialists like comrade Gilly.

Yuh willn't like socialism if yuh thinking bout yuh own self-interest and not that of poor people.

Gilly is proud to have stayed with the working class in words and deeds. For me, always HONOR BEFORE MONEY. 

Yuh wants me to support corporate profiteers? THAT willn't happen. 

But we need Capitalists like Yugi, Seignet, Bibi, Dave.... to help industrialize Guyana? 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Me thinks Granger wants to run two terms.Today,Trotty said in an KN article their economic plan is 10 yrs.

Nothing wrong if Granger wants two terms. All presidents wish for two terms. If Granger gets his second term thru free and fair elections, all power to him. If he rigs, frig him.

I doubt there will be rigging,

i am working on some data,tallying the amount of voters using the 2012 census,will post later,the elections will be a close call,the incumbent will win.

You know to tally data?  Don't give me dat rass.  No wonder you conclude there will be no rigging. think i am stuppidy and only QC grads got brains.

Nah, me nah trust dem QC people.  Two of dem already turn the country upside down with poor governance and dictatorship.  You need a nice East Coast Bai with middle class education to build the country back again.

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
I choose my path and found Capitalism is the best to get out of poverty,I was also assisted by "Bourgeois".Most  who were condemning the Bourgeois, today are enjoying the fruits of Capitalism.

Ironic ain't it.

Hey you Mr Bourgeois, yuh friends wasn't genuine socialists like comrade Gilly.

Yuh willn't like socialism if yuh thinking bout yuh own self-interest and not that of poor people.

Gilly is proud to have stayed with the working class in words and deeds. For me, always HONOR BEFORE MONEY. 

Yuh wants me to support corporate profiteers? THAT willn't happen. 

But we need Capitalists like Yugi, Seignet, Bibi, Dave.... to help industrialize Guyana? 

Why you want only coolies to be Guyana's capitalists? This is not going to sit well with some folks on GNI. Where is the Caribman?

Django posted:

Well they trodding along,the blind don't see,it's not like the past gov't year go..year come they shouting Amelia...Amelia..

The previous government had many initiatives which were blocked by the majority opposition during 2011 and 2015. Not because they were not good initiatives but because the majority opposition chose to punish Guyanese to advance their own ambitions of governing. Nowadays, there is no talks of doing anything. The government is waiting for the oil money to start flowing.


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