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This is the fifth time a candidate has won the popular vote but lost the election.  I am a firm believer in "not because we have always done it this way, that is how it should be done'.  The reason why the electoral college was implemented by our founders was to get candidates to visit states that were not really popular.  Logical thinking supports the idea that the popular vote makes more sense. 

However, this might be a tough one to get done.

Alena06, the main reason are NY and Cal which usually give Dems a lop-sided victory in numbers.  R's don't even bother to vote.  However, to say it will remain like that should a proportional rep model adopted is not realistic.

The current system sees most of the campaigning being done in 11 states.  Had campaigning been done agressively in NY and Cal by Trump, probability is Trump would have closed the gap and likely still come out ahead.

A shift to a national PR system will basically dissolve the Republic as we know it and reconstruct the nation.  That means civil war!  It will not happen!!


A shift to a national PR system will basically dissolve the Republic as we know it and reconstruct the nation.  That means civil war!  It will not happen!!


You have to do better than say something without explaining how and why.


PR in the States (like Main and Nebraska) will approximates more closely to the national popular vote.


All those who support the abolition of the electoral college need to consider this.  The GOP want to replace it with a system with winner take all, based on congressional district. 

So for instance NY will get the electoral college using the current system, meaning that Dems will always win.  The GOP want it awarded based on the candidate who wins the most congressional seats in a state. Given the large numbers of congressional seats upstate, some with more coyotes than people, it is not necessarily assured that GOP will not win in NY.

The GOP control the House, Senate, Supreme Court, and the Presidency. While they don't have the 2/3 that I suspect will be needed, its probably not a can of worms to be opened at a time when the Democratic party is weaker than it has ever been.


That's why the deciding rust belt states Trump voters are in for a rough ride - nothing Trump said he'd do will come to pass - including rounding up illegals more than Obama is doing. He will compound the deficits with tax breaks for all including the wealthy.

Nothing but the truth,i am saying the same,my business neighbor also agrees.

Baseman holding on to a rotten limb,hopefully he can break the fall.

Last edited by Django


The American system will not change by the Feds, get that in your head you fool, votes not there. States can decide how they want to move forward. The US is a federal republic and the states run their electoral process. You don't understand the historical context, so keep babbling hot air. Give "you" a "break about founding fathers" speaks volumes for your lack of understanding. .

Actually, you are the one who does not understand and yammers like an idiot on the presumption of you superior intellect while your ignorance seeps through clearly. All contests are given legitimacy per the rules. And all rules can be upgraded for better representation of fairness.

The rule in the supreme court and the power it derives is in the wisdom of nine justices offered on an issue. It is deemed valid because we places our faith in the impartiality of these individuals. However increasingly it is deemed problematic because we know fully well their liberal or conservative bent often tip the scales to predictable outcomes.

 It can create lopsided perspective on social issues. This is increasingly seen as "unfair" and "illegitimate". We  can as an example, make it fairer by inventing  a rule that says nine judges offer up their  positions to a panel of arbitrarily selected citizens as jurors. That could be an improvement and reflective of the best of the citizens opinions about fairness. It is what we humans do, always seeking to improve on what we have when it fails.

The legitimacy of an elections is a matter of numbers that gives legitimacy to the President and his choices for the nation including the choices on the court. Its fairness must be maximized. If one vote per person matters then the best outcome is a contest where a popular plurality of votes without runoffs wins the day. 

The electoral college was not about maximizing the individual vote but was created as a mechanism to serve as social glue to hold small states and large states  together so none gets treated unfairly. In a nascent democracy that was the solution to strengthen the social cement among  states that formerly functioned as unitary states.

That is no longer necessary as all citizens see themselves as americans and  have formalized that sense of nationalism as their summoning creed and social cement. The electoral college is a vestigial remains of a dead past and as a voting system to offer legitimacy, it is out dated because it produces unfair outcomes. The best method for this new community  is the plurality of votes! That is the simple fact.


Last edited by Former Member

I wonder what the argument will be if TX  and NC (together) dwarf CA and FLs dwarf's NY, with GAs population also surging.  Note that this is a movement of US citizens, so will quickly be reflected in votes.

There is a shift in population from blue states to red states. But for NYCs dynamism NY would be a moribund state like MI.

Note that many in states like CA or NY who would otherwise vote for the GOP don't vote, so in fact the margins of victory for the Dems will likely be smaller.

As it is part of the reason why the GOP control the House was that population shifts meant that congressional seats were taken from blue states and allocated to red.  Then of course the GOP dominated house legislatures meant that the gerrymandered these new seats to even further enhance their position.

In any case the Dems don't have any ability to push through this change. Plus many of the smaller states are Dems, like MD, VT, RI.  They will join with the red states to block this, not wanting to be held hostage to CA.

The Dems need to fix their broken bus, or else the Midwest will become PERMANENT red states.   And if blacks find themselves in 2020 no worse off than they presently are then the notion will be embedded among the millennials and GenXers that voting doesn't impact their lives.

Then on top of this we might even see a long term decline in black participation.  The civil rights generation is ageing and dying off. They knew that the right to vote (whether in the Jim Crow South, or the machine controlled North) was fought with blood.

Their grand children suffered through Bush, and also through Obama. If they suffer through Trump, but end up no worse off, the next time the Dems suddenly how up the weekend before the presidential election screaming "if you don't vote the KKK will kill you" will be met with laughs.

I note also that Trump did BETTER among non white college educated than he did among those with no college education.  This suggests that as Asians and Latinos become upwardly mobile, and enter the non immigrant generations they switch to the GOP.

I haven't heard the boast that the demographic shift means that the GOP will never again win presidential elections.  The Dems need to thank Trump for this as the shellacking that they got should teach them that they have to EARN their votes. Sitting down behind lap tops and crunching numbers based on ethnic demographics, but not knowing anything of these people is a sure fire way to lose.

Trump had NO ground game, yet bust open many Democratic strongholds.


A shift to a national PR system will basically dissolve the Republic as we know it and reconstruct the nation.  That means civil war!  It will not happen!!


You have to do better than say something without explaining how and why.

 PR in the States (like Main and Nebraska) will approximates more closely to the national popular vote.

Kari, that's what I said in the piece, that is the only practical way I see a semblance of a PR model, at the state level, not a Federal mandate.  That will NOT happen.  A Fed mandate is what I refer to as a dissolution of the Republic as we know it, and civil war!

Now, the States can decide to award by Congressional district [like Maine and Nebraska].  However, in such a case, you will see investment in these areas and the votes for Trump would have likely been higher.  In the end, Trump would have [likely] won the popular vote.

Now, what if NY and Cal decide to go that way, but the Red states not!  Trump would have won by a larger margin.  This is why I say, it will not happen and the Fed cannot intervene with a mandate to the States in the electoral process!


Baseman there is no way that there will be 2/3 agreement to award votes based on congressional districts. Why should all of those empty gerrymandered GOP districts, with more cows than people determine who will rule NYC, LA and other big cities?

The GDP is generated in the big cities. NOT in the cow patches, which live off Federally supported corporate welfare.


Trump had NO ground game, yet bust open many Democratic strongholds.


You reflect exactly what went wrong with Hillary's plan, ARROGANCE.  Trump's Afro surrogates had 00's of local barber shop coffee and donut sessions in Black communities.  They were surprised as they saw nothing from Hillary in these communities and took advantage of this opening.

This is exactly why Hillary lost Sander's constituencies also.  She hoped Obama and Sanders will do her [lack of] job on the ground.  Hillary assumes Obama, Jayz/Beyonce will "fool" the Back people.  But Black people are no fools, at least 11%.  They did not fall for it.

Caribj, you are arrogant and simplistic in explaining what recently happened here in the USA.  This makes for a Harvard case study.  It will be studied for decades!


Trump did NOT have any approach for blacks, so don't scream nonsense.

Hillary was arrogant as was Trump. Now how do you get the votes of the 70% blacks who are NOT poor by describing "THE blacks" as being this impoverished and hopeless bunch.

Note that more than 70% of the black votes will come from those who aren't poor, because poor people don't vote as much as do others.

I can assure you that the blacks in Rosedale and other middle class black communities were VERY INSULTED by Trump's description of how they live!

Bush got 9% of the black vote. Trump got 8%.  All that happened was that the blacks who vote GOP because they hate gays, once again did so!  No more Obama on the ticket.


Baseman there is no way that there will be 2/3 agreement to award votes based on congressional districts. Why should all of those empty gerrymandered GOP districts, with more cows than people determine who will rule NYC, LA and other big cities?

The GDP is generated in the big cities. NOT in the cow patches, which live off Federally supported corporate welfare.

Listen banna, don't argue with me, this is not my issue, I don't see it changing.  I see a state level decision, not a Fed mandate.  But it will not change anything.  Hillary's loss was not technical in nature, but real.  Forget about the popular vote, if the system was different, the campaigning would have been also and Trump would have still won.

Fact, you had a deeply flawed candidate and that was the crux of the matter!  That's why you lost!



I know why I support the GOP, I always did, except in 2008 what I supported Obama!

I told you already, Trump cannot, and will not, hold a gun to any corporation's head to bring jobs back, that ain't happening.  However, there are a series of incentives and disincentives a Govt can dangle to make the decision where to invest easier or harder.  Trump will go down this path, but the ultimate decision will sit with Corporate decision-makers, not politicians!


The USA cannot implement incentives or penalties which serve to distort trade movements.  This based on its membership in the WTO.  If they do so then other countries will have the ability to retaliate. 

Even as we speak China is galvanizing the rest of Asia, now that the TTP is not going to be implemented. In fact the TTP was geared to ensure that the USA, and not China, was the dominant Pacific nation.

The world is moving on, and the idiots like you who voted in an isolationist nativist have missed the bus.

Except that Trump isn't an isolationist when it comes to HIS business.

Corporate decision makers will do exactly as Trump is doing, and will continue to do.  Source goods and services where they can be most effectively obtained.  If the USA isn't competitive in a particular part of the supply chain then it will not be part of it. Corporations drive their earnings based on cost controls.

The Trump supporters have outdated skills, and poor work ethic.  Based on what they have on offer they cannot compete with Asians. And as the GOP continue to sniff at teaching STEM, preferring to focus on the creation of the world in 6k years, based on Adam & Eve, and Noah's Arc, US workers will continue to remain uncompetitive.


What Trump should be focusing is identifying areas where the USA can compete and tooling the US labor force to be ready.

Germany is the SECOND largest exporter of industrial goods, and markets many into Asia.  I suggest that Trump looks at how they have done this instead of whipping up his disciples into a China hating frenzy.


I listen to Trump, he is aware of the issues in the US labor force, very aware.  He knows a magic wand will not change anything.  It will take time and focused effort and resource allocation.  It will happen!

Trump is very aware of the European model (and I don't mean of the Melania type).  BTW, Obama is also aware but he is surrounded by corrupt Elitist who prefers to play games and pander to Wall Street Elites so he cannot effect change.  Obama's failure is why we have Trump!  Hillary was wrong, Sanders stood a better chance!


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