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Ayuh try deh wid ayuh jamboree of nothingness.

Unemployment is lowest in 50 years, blue collar unemployment lowest in 30 years, blue collar wages rising fastest in 25 years.

And by the time this trial is over, Dow would be 30,000.  And Corporate Capital spending not yet kicked in.  And Federal Infrastructure not yet kicked in.

Economic expansion predicted to continue for another 8-10 years, unimpeded.

Get this in ayuh Communistic frazzled skulls.  Trump ain’t going anywhere, god willing.

 May Jesus’s, Krishna’s and Allah’s blessings continue to rain down of Fruher Trump!



Bai no other organization do more for the besieged Palestinians than Hamas. But you wouldn’t say that Hamas is not bad would you? The economic situation in America barely has anything to do with Trump’s influence. If his influence on business was so great, he wouldn’t have filed bankruptcy four times. But that is a different issue. The one currently being dealt with is his crookedness in the office of the presidency. No one can honestly deny Trump’s crookedness just like no one can honestly deny the PNC wickedness.

Zed posted:

It seems to me that the republicans want to coverup something and ensure that it is not a fair trial. Why the fear of calling witnesses? If they believe that Trump did nothing wrong, then they should not be allowing  other witnesses to testify.

Sorry for the typo.  I meant that they should be allowing other witnesses.


Bai Sean, I did not hear the Republicans offer any rebuttal that The Stable Genius Idiot is innocent. They claimed that Dems did not call Bolton and the rest. What they did not say was that the Idiot Genius ordered the subpoenaed witnesses not to participate and refused any request for documents. Schiff plastered the same in their faces. I cannot believe a bunch of rich white men would tell so many barefaced lies and can still walk out calling themselves human beings. I watched most of it until 11:30 PM last night. I guess they will sell their mothers, sisters, and wives for a dollar each or parcel them for a quick sale as they do in the market when it's closing time.


Sean is jumping the gun again. You can't make a judgement and the trial has just begun. This is just to have a say or to talk trash on GNI. I will wait for the day of deliberation. In Guyana, the same trash-talking you called debate put the PPP at the mercy of the PNC. Yall see red and the PPP win. Yall see a big crowd and the PPP win. Yall hear Volda speak and yall get a shiver. This is what I call a foc-kery soon morning. 


The Managers representing the House ARE the BEST thing since slice bread. Their presentation of the FACTS were easy to follow and very convincing. You have to be born brain dead not to know that Trump is a Criminal, that he risked the security of the US to benefit his political and Financial gains!! Trump has turn America into a SHIT HOLE!!!


Looks like Dem lefties showed up prattling what the fake news media has been peddling.

Day 1. The President power team of lawyers won. Democrats had to fold their tent and go home. 

Republicans have given them 24 hours to present their very weak case. They boasted that they had overwhelming evidence Yet they showed up at the senate like a bunch of weak links with bowl in hand. Prattling the same nonsense again and again. 

The President’s team of lawyers put them in their place by reminding them that they are no longer in charge of the trial and that the senate will decide on the “evidence” presented.

Democrats are more hapless than the PNC !  

Shifty Schiff literally was crying as as he failed to present his hoax as evidence in the senate. This hoax will be wrapped  up and thrown out of the senate as quickly as possible. 

This will send a strong message to any future bunch of hoaxters and fakesters that they just can’t make up a story in the basement of the House of Representatives and then start an illegal investigation without the House not even voting or approving any such investigation. They had the balls to intimidate witnesses and threatening them into making false stories and Hallucinating by calling a bunch of mainly foreign born people or called witnesses all of whom said that they had no direct evidence but were only expressing an opinion or what they thought what they heard. This is utter BS ! 

These shameless democrats then showed up at the Senate with “overwhelming evidence”  and the tried to bully and intimidate the senate into allowing them to extend the investigation when the old bag Nancy sat on the “evidence” for over 30 days ! 

President Trump’s team of top notch lawyers rightly blasted them for conducting a secret and illegal investigation and then trying to extend the investigation in the senate after they conducted a sloppy and illegal investigation. The lawyers reminded them any judge would have thrown the books at them if they showed up in a court of law and on the day of trial trying to pull off such an illegal and outrageous act by trying to add more evidence after the had their day for discovery and presentation of evidence. 

Most who don’t know how the court system works prattle what the fake news media is peddling but the fact remains that the sloppy democrats failed to remember that this “evidence” does not and will not pass the required standard for impeachment in any court of law and was just an attempt illegally remove a democratically elected president from office just because their candidate lost !

Thank god that the US founding fathers saw this happening and had checks and balances in place to deal with these Democrat clowns.

Day 2 today and they will have their chance to present their “evidence”’ as the Republicans gave both sides equal time.

The funniest part of all of this was in the very end when crooked Schiff tried to have the Supreme Court Judge make all final decisions when in fact the constitution only allows for the senators to make that decision ! These democrats are living in a bubble and Republicans and the President’s team of lawyers will burst their bubble tomorrow and in the days to come.

For those who prattle nonsense, pease take some time to watch the full proceedings instead of praying fake news. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Looks like Dem lefties showed up prattling what the fake news media has been peddling.

Day 1. The President power team of lawyers won. Democrats had to fold their tent and go home. 

Republicans have given them 24 hours to present their very weak case. They boasted that they had overwhelming evidence Yet they showed up at the senate like a bunch of weak links with bowl in hand. Prattling the same nonsense again and again. 

The President’s team of lawyers put them in their place by reminding them that they are no longer in charge of the trial and that the senate will decide on the “evidence” presented.

Democrats are more hapless than the PNC !  

Shifty Schiff literally was crying as as he failed to present his hoax as evidence in the senate. This hoax will be wrapped  up and thrown out of the senate as quickly as possible. 

This will send a strong message to any future bunch of hoaxters and fakesters that they just can’t make up a story in the basement of the House of Representatives and then start an illegal investigation without the House not even voting or approving any such investigation. They had the balls to intimidate witnesses and threatening them into making false stories and Hallucinating by calling a bunch of mainly foreign born people or called witnesses all of whom said that they had no direct evidence but were only expressing an opinion or what they thought what they heard. This is utter BS ! 

These shameless democrats then showed up at the Senate with “overwhelming evidence”  and the tried to bully and intimidate the senate into allowing them to extend the investigation when the old bag Nancy sat on the “evidence” for over 30 days ! 

President Trump’s team of top notch lawyers rightly blasted them for conducting a secret and illegal investigation and then trying to extend the investigation in the senate after they conducted a sloppy and illegal investigation. The lawyers reminded them any judge would have thrown the books at them if they showed up in a court of law and on the day of trial trying to pull off such an illegal and outrageous act by trying to add more evidence after the had their day for discovery and presentation of evidence. 

Most who don’t know how the court system works prattle what the fake news media is peddling but the fact remains that the sloppy democrats failed to remember that this “evidence” does not and will not pass the required standard for impeachment in any court of law and was just an attempt illegally remove a democratically elected president from office just because their candidate lost !

Thank god that the US founding fathers saw this happening and had checks and balances in place to deal with these Democrat clowns.

Day 2 today and they will have their chance to present their “evidence”’ as the Republicans gave both sides equal time.

The funniest part of all of this was in the very end when crooked Schiff tried to have the Supreme Court Judge make all final decisions when in fact the constitution only allows for the senators to make that decision ! These democrats are living in a bubble and Republicans and the President’s team of lawyers will burst their bubble tomorrow and in the days to come.

For those who prattle nonsense, pease take some time to watch the full proceedings instead of praying fake news. 

You must be watching FU'KX news.

Sean posted:

Looks like Dem lefties showed up prattling what the fake news media has been peddling.

Day 1. The President power team of lawyers won. Democrats had to fold their tent and go home. 

Republicans have given them 24 hours to present their very weak case. They boasted that they had overwhelming evidence Yet they showed up at the senate like a bunch of weak links with bowl in hand. Prattling the same nonsense again and again. 

The President’s team of lawyers put them in their place by reminding them that they are no longer in charge of the trial and that the senate will decide on the “evidence” presented.

Democrats are more hapless than the PNC !  

Shifty Schiff literally was crying as as he failed to present his hoax as evidence in the senate. This hoax will be wrapped  up and thrown out of the senate as quickly as possible. 

This will send a strong message to any future bunch of hoaxters and fakesters that they just can’t make up a story in the basement of the House of Representatives and then start an illegal investigation without the House not even voting or approving any such investigation. They had the balls to intimidate witnesses and threatening them into making false stories and Hallucinating by calling a bunch of mainly foreign born people or called witnesses all of whom said that they had no direct evidence but were only expressing an opinion or what they thought what they heard. This is utter BS ! 

These shameless democrats then showed up at the Senate with “overwhelming evidence”  and the tried to bully and intimidate the senate into allowing them to extend the investigation when the old bag Nancy sat on the “evidence” for over 30 days ! 

President Trump’s team of top notch lawyers rightly blasted them for conducting a secret and illegal investigation and then trying to extend the investigation in the senate after they conducted a sloppy and illegal investigation. The lawyers reminded them any judge would have thrown the books at them if they showed up in a court of law and on the day of trial trying to pull off such an illegal and outrageous act by trying to add more evidence after the had their day for discovery and presentation of evidence. 

Most who don’t know how the court system works prattle what the fake news media is peddling but the fact remains that the sloppy democrats failed to remember that this “evidence” does not and will not pass the required standard for impeachment in any court of law and was just an attempt illegally remove a democratically elected president from office just because their candidate lost !

Thank god that the US founding fathers saw this happening and had checks and balances in place to deal with these Democrat clowns.

Day 2 today and they will have their chance to present their “evidence”’ as the Republicans gave both sides equal time.

The funniest part of all of this was in the very end when crooked Schiff tried to have the Supreme Court Judge make all final decisions when in fact the constitution only allows for the senators to make that decision ! These democrats are living in a bubble and Republicans and the President’s team of lawyers will burst their bubble tomorrow and in the days to come.

For those who prattle nonsense, pease take some time to watch the full proceedings instead of praying fake news. 

Them Americans are not saying anything about the impeachment, you deh somewhere behind God,s back in Canada prattling about the pervert. Are you running on all cylinders? Let's stick to Guyana Politics.


John Roberts scolds legal teams after tense exchange: 'Those addressing the Senate should remember where they are'

Washington (CNN)Chief Justice John Roberts, who is presiding over the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, scolded both the Democratic House managers and the President's defense team early Wednesday morning after a contentious exchange on the Senate floor.

The extraordinary moment capped an acrimonious opening to Trump's impeachment trial, and placed Roberts, who otherwise largely handled procedural tasks on day 1, in the position of reminding advocates for both sides to maintain decorum during a highly partisan affair.
"I think it is appropriate for me to admonish both the House managers and the President's counsel in equal terms to remember that they are addressing the world's greatest deliberative body," Roberts said. "One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and using language that is not conducive to civil discourse."
Roberts had just listened to the impeachment managers and Trump's legal team rip into each other after House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler made the case for issuing a subpoena for former national security adviser John Bolton's testimony.
During that argument, Nadler accused Republican senators of "voting for a coverup" by killing amendments for documents and testimony of additional witnesses.
"So far, I'm sad to say, I see a lot of senators voting for a coverup. Voting to deny witnesses and obviously a treacherous vote," Nadler said. "A vote against an honest consideration of the evidence against the President. A vote against an honest trial. A vote against the United States."
That led to White House counsel Pat Cipollone firing back during his own remarks: "The only one who should be embarrassed, Mr. Nadler, is you. For the way you addressed this body. This is the United States Senate. You're not in charge here."
Roberts said that kind of exchange was not appropriate and, providing a historical example, reminded the legal teams they they need to be on their best behavior.
"In the 1905 Swayne trial, a senator objected when one of the managers used the word 'pettifogging' and the presiding officer said the word ought not to have been used," Roberts said. "I don't think we need to aspire to that high of a standard, but I do think those addressing the Senate should remember where they are."
Throughout Tuesday's trial, Senate Republicans defeated a series of amendments from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to subpoena the Trump administration for Ukraine documents as well as testimony from key administration officials. The Senate ultimately killed those amendments and approved rules for the trial on a party-line vote without addressing whether the chamber should subpoena documents or witnesses.
In his role as chief justice, Roberts presides over the trial -- his constitutional duty -- in a role that is highly public but unlikely to see him cast any votes. He has recited procedural rules, kept the clock and read aloud vote tallies.
Heading into the Senate trial, Roberts likely anticipated all manner of possible disruption, by senators, the House managers and perhaps even Trump, with whom he has tangled in the past.
The chief justice has long been known for his extensive preparation and an ability to foresee what's ahead that some colleagues have likened to three-dimensional chess.
CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correct Judge Charles Swayne's name.
Sean posted:

Democrats cork duck.

Democrats showed up at the senate with "overwhelming evidence" and still cannot present a case.

Senators should throw out this hoax at the earliest.

You do realize Honourable Sean that yesterday's session was exclusively for procedural matters.

Presentation of the case starts today - January 22, 2020.

Last edited by Former Member

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