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Demonstration outside the Chronicle

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Friday, 06 July 2012 20:36

Source - Guyana Chronicle

POLITICAL activist Mark Benschop, Kaieteur News Columnist Freddie Kissoon, union leader Lincoln Lewis and Alliance For Change Executive Member Gerhard Ramsaroop were among a ‘handful’ of persons (the usual suspects!) who staged a demonstration exercise in front the Guyana Chronicle complex in Bel Air, Georgetown yesterday, shouting snide remarks aimed especially at the newspapers’ Editor-in-Chief Mark Ramotar and Heads of several other government led agencies, including the state-owned National Communications Network (NCN) and the Government Information & News Agency (GINA).

‘USUAL SUSPECT’: Freddie Kissoon demonstrating outside Chronicle complex yesterday.

The placard-bearing demonstrators chanted that ‘Chronicle is racist’ and called for a boycott of the newspaper, among other things.  Written on some of the placards were the words:  ‘Political propaganda for power and control’ and ‘Is Chronicle Office of the President mouth piece?’

It is understood that the demonstration activity was sparked by a hard-hitting Editorial published in this newspaper on Tuesday July 3rd, 2012  under the caption, ‘Opposition rampages to sow disunity in the country’.

Lincoln Lewis bears placard.


The Editorial started off  by saying: “When the opposition goes on a rampage during its intermittent forays to make the country ungovernable, innocent people get hurt – badly. People who sacrificed much and worked hard all their lives to build and sustain businesses lose everything in minutes.”

The Editorial sought to put in context the seriousness of what the racial  strife sown by politicians over the years to divide Guyanese of Indian and African ancestry, has done to destroy this country with its myriad debilitating effects on the psyche of the citizens as well as the Guyanese economy.

It was also an effort to forestall a repetition of what happened in the past and what is happening now.

‘FUN IN THE SUN?’ – Mark Benschop, Gerhard Ramsaroop and another demonstrator seem to be enjoying their exercise in the hot ‘mid-day’ sun yesterday.

The conclusion of the Editorial in question stated:
“That the government’s developmental and people-empowerment initiatives have been  re-generating confidence in the administration, to the extent where communities in the opposition enclaves are reaching out with trust and hope to the
administration for improved living conditions and enhanced lifestyles, is inimical to their self-interested  and self-centred agendas for self-aggrandizement and self-empowerment, and they are attempting to destabilize this budding unity in the Guyanese nation, and the people’s trust in the administration by whatever way possible, even to blaming the government for things which they (the opposition) are culpable

Mark Ramotar yesterday reiterated Chronicle’s quest to strive towards national unity and assure readers that their suggestions and proposals in that direction are welcomed and would find accommodation within our pages.

Yes, too much is at stake, and care needs to be taken by the people in the country that the opposition forces do not succeed in their evil intentions by sowing seeds of strife in the land once more, because it is the Guyanese people whom they are hurting.”

It should be noted, and appreciated,  that the Chronicle newspaper cannot please all of  its readership all of the time and unfortunately, the Editorial about which the demonstrators protested, even though well-intentioned and factually correct,  was a regrettable slippage that does not represent set policy.

The Guyana Chronicle wishes to reiterate its quest to strive towards national unity and, in keeping with that goal, wishes to apologise to those who, wrongly, think  that the publication intended otherwise.

We still would like to assure readers that their suggestions and proposals in that direction are welcomed and  would find accommodation within our pages.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

One part of the July 3 editorial reads:

“Black youths are socialised by opposition leaders to think that Indians robbed them to get rich, so they automatically feel that they have to wrest by force, even murder, anything Indians have. Hatred of Indians is ingrained into their psyche. Many Indian persons, who grew up in the arms of black people in rural communities have today become fearful anytime a black youth gets too close to them.

So the PNC did not only make Indians their victims, but they also made their own supporters their victims, because the most innocent, clean-living black youths are just as suspect as the perpetrators as a result of the difficulty to tell the difference between a criminal and a decent person.”


So the PNC did not only make Indians their victims, but they also made their own supporters their victims, because the most innocent, clean-living black youths are just as suspect as the perpetrators as a result of the difficulty to tell the difference between a criminal and a decent person.”

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana Chronicle: . . . The Editorial about which the demonstrators protested, even though well-intentioned and factually correct,  was a regrettable slippage that does not represent set policy

Mark Ramotar and the other cowards at the Chronicle trying to run away (albeit illogically) from their gasoline-soaked editorial.


PPP looking desperately for somebody to strike a match . . .


so many volunteers on GNI

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The article by the Chroncle, mouth piece of the PPP/C, is inflamatory and could incite racism.

I am glad that this was published. Next time some one pretends as if there is not wide spread rfacism against blacks being propagated by the Indian elite who engage in this type of conversation when they think we arent around this will be a reminder.


As an AfroGuyanese woman said in another thread that despite all the problems that Antigua might have "its OK to be black here".  This in comparison with Guyana.


This is an arrogant Indian elite caught with their pants down.  Not some isolated incident as they will wish to pretend.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The article by the Chroncle, mouth piece of the PPP/C, is inflamatory and could incite racism.

I am glad that this was published. Next time some one pretends as if there is not wide spread rfacism against blacks being propagated by the Indian elite who engage in this type of conversation when they think we arent around this will be a reminder.


As an AfroGuyanese woman said in another thread that despite all the problems that Antigua might have "its OK to be black here".  This in comparison with Guyana.


This is an arrogant Indian elite caught with their pants down.  Not some isolated incident as they will wish to pretend.

Put a sock in it.  You found fodder for your anti-indo racism vs the Indian being fodder for your brothers.  Go sit and hibernate with Redux.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Put a sock in it.  You found fodder for your anti-indo racism vs the Indian being fodder for your brothers.  Go sit and hibernate with Redux.

You calling my name in vain, eh?


Mek yuhself useful . . . migrate over to the 'other' thread and talk to all of us about the Demerara Harbour Bridge.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Put a sock in it.  You found fodder for your anti-indo racism vs the Indian being fodder for your brothers.  Go sit and hibernate with Redux.

You calling my name in vain, eh?


Mek yuhself useful . . . migrate over to the 'other' thread and talk to all of us about the Demerara Harbour Bridge.

That was my point.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Put a sock in it.  You found fodder for your anti-indo racism vs the Indian being fodder for your brothers.  Go sit and hibernate with Redux.

You calling my name in vain, eh?


Mek yuhself useful . . . migrate over to the 'other' thread and talk to all of us about the Demerara Harbour Bridge.

That was my point.

your attempt at being witty [(gently) not your strong suit] . . . FAIL!


Tell us all about the Demerara Harbour Bridge


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