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Delhi Gang Rape: Youngest Attacker 'Ripped out Victim's Intestines with Bare Hands'

By HANNAH OSBORNE: Subscribe to Hannah's 

January 3, 2013 1:13 PM GMT

The youngest of the attackers was the most violent of all.
The youngest of the attackers was the most violent of all.

A juvenile who is one of six suspects accused of gang raping and murdering a 23-year-old medical student in Delhi was the most violent of all the attackers, police say.

A police spokesman said that the juvenile sexually abused his victim twice and ripped out her intestines with his bare hands.

Because of his age, he is the only one of the six who cannot be sentenced to death if found guilty. He will be tried in a juvenile court.

Five adults have been charged with rape and murder and police say they plan to push for the death penalty.

However, the maximum sentence the juvenile can receive under existing law is three years.

According to the Hindustan Times, the charges against the juvenile show he also suggested throwing her from the moving bus naked.

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A police officer told the newspaper: "Of all the persons in the bus, two had engaged in the most barbarism - Ram Singh, the main accused in the case, and the juvenile.

Threat to every woman

"Both of them had subjected her to sexual abuse twice. Singh was the first to rape her, followed by the juvenile and then Akshay. Later when she lost consciousness, Singh and the juvenile raped her a second time."

The attack took place on 16 December and the victim died from her injuries on 29 December.

Police are awaiting tests that will prove the juvenile is too young to be tried in an adult court. At present the only evidence proving he is 17 is his school leaving certificate.

The victim's father has said that despite his age, he should be given the death penalty if found guilty.

He told the Economic Times that it was the youngest member of the gang that persuaded his daughter to board the bus. "The juvenile should be punished first. He was the one who lured my daughter into the bus and tortured her most mercilessly. He should be hanged like the other five accused.

"Imagine his brutality when he is 17. What a demon he would become once he is older. The government should reduce the juvenile age to 12 or 15 years. All the six accused should never be allowed to step out of the jail. They must be hanged. They are a threat to every woman on the street."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They should all be hanged...all. On the other hand, India need to examine it's relationship within the population.  A 17 yr old who was thrown to fend from himself at a very early age is as matured as many older folk in the West.  I'm sure they saw her as some pretty upper class girl with little feeling or remorse.

Originally Posted by baseman:

They should all be hanged...all. On the other hand, India need to examine it's relationship within the population.  A 17 yr old who was thrown to fend from himself at a very early age is as matured as many older folk in the West.  I'm sure they saw her as some pretty upper class girl with little feeling or remorse.

Hanging these people won't make much of a difference. The entire society has to be involved and there is little hope of that since there is deep resistance to change there given its persisting odium of castism. That give us the disturbing reality of lack of toilets for one half of its population and the odium of the dowry system resulting in the killing of female fetus etc.  India is a society of contrasts.


India has a deep legacy of profound philosophic thought and shallow cultural practices involving great cruelty as normal. This reaction in the street may mean a break in the cultural intransigence but I doubt it.  The entire Bollywood for example act as if India is a pastoral paradise of song and dance and rarely doe it ever address its nastiness of the persistence of caste structure, culture of debt slavery and brutality to women and children. Bollywood can make a difference but we only see "white" actors and actresses there and not the other half of India that is of a darker hue but just as beautiful and with stories to tell.


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