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yanese busted with 10KG cocaine in Johannesburg

May 28, 2015 11:16 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

cocaine[] – South African officials discovered close to 10kg of cocaine hidden in 10 handbags in a false compartment of a Guyanese passenger’s luggage on Monday, May 25.

Customs officers stopped the Guyanese female passenger who had disembarked at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg in transit from Sao Paolo to Maputo.

The passenger was brought to the search area where her luggage was removed from the transit flight and searched.

During inspection, cocaine weighing 9.985kg and valued at R2,872,684 was found concealed in her luggage.

Officials said during the 2014/2015 financial year there were eight incidents at OR Tambo International Airport where the modus operandi was using handbags to conceal narcotics.

The weight of the seizures varied, with the lowest being 2.895kg and the highest being 16.82kg. The passenger was handed over to the South African police for further investigation. [Extracted from]

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pointblank is still not happy since the PNC was installed into power. All of them still pissed off for something. Suddenly, they don't want to hug a Blackman and demonstrate unity.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Pointblank is still not happy since the PNC was installed into power. All of them still pissed off for something. Suddenly, they don't want to hug a Blackman and demonstrate unity.

You vex the the BLACK people in SA catch the shipment.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Notice how the PPP now has to use Sao Paulo airport. CGJ is now out of bound for the PPP drug mules.

Utter nonsense from you her Mr. T.


Guyanese all over the world are criminals and it has nothing to do with the PPP.


Look in Washington DC, a Guyanese man burn down a mansion and stole US$40,000.


Well he will hang.  Blasted greedy bandit.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am talking about drug mules, not Guyanese burning down houses. You are not related to a jack ass by any chance are you?

Yes there are many PPP criminals, BUT all criminal are not PPP supporters.


Do you understand the mathematics?




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