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Despite distractions, Opposition

remains focus on 2014 National


March 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


- Greenidge threatens “nasty or bloody war”


Despite the presentation of the National Budget by the Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh just about two weeks away, several distractions appear to have shifted focus from this major aspect of government’s responsibility. However, the main Parliamentary opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is warning that it remains steadfast in its intentions to either chop or lightly trim the estimates where necessary to ensure that it supports the interest of the citizens while confirming to the laws of the Constitution.


Carl Greenidge, APNU’s Shadow Minister of Finance

Carl Greenidge, APNU’s Shadow Minister of Finance


This declaration was made yesterday by APNU’s Shadow Minister of Finance, Mr. Carl Greenidge. Greenidge told this publication while there have been absolutely no talks on the budget between APNU and the government leading up to the imminent presentation, the 2014 budget will most certainly be plagued by a lot of difficulty. “We have had no dialogue with the government on the budget and we maintain that we will not have any meetings because they will be a waste of time as certain promises were not fulfilled and to date they still remain unfulfilled. We have seen in the 2012 and 2013 budgets where cuts were made and certain decisions made by the Parliament were not adhered to. And the Finance Minister will have to answer for them. However, I wish to reiterate that we cannot allow a budget which does not support the development of our people, to be approved. It will not happen under our watch.” The Member of Parliament added, “We have a government that is accustomed to conforming to their own lax way of doing things and we are here to protect the people. Our people must be protected and they must have plans that will serve as a platform for their economic growth. I will not apologize for our actions when it is being done with the sole intention to ensure that the national budget is one that represents progress.” The Former Minister of Finance stressed, “The Opposition will be looking for a number of things. We will be meticulous in the scrutinizing of the budget and its format and its level of consistency with the laws of the Constitution. One would expect to see that the Parliament takes action where necessary. We will see cuts because I am sure that some parts will be unconstitutional.” “The budget is also intended to support policies that promote efficiency and we will be looking for what provisions will be made for the Public Procurement Commission and the Public Service Commission among other agencies.” “If not, then it may very well be a nasty or bloody war when it is presented to the Parliament. This situation could have been prevented, if only the interest of the people were seen as paramount.”

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quote "Greenidge threatens “nasty or bloody war”


Now we will see who is better suited to govern the APNU, I have been looking at the ongoing for the past couple of weeks and it is now manifested that Granger seems to be a weak person that cannot deal with the Corrupt PPP/C


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