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Despite naysayersPresident Ramotar vows to continue developmental projectsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Adele Rampersaud   
Monday, 05 March 2012 22:28

Source - Guyana Chronicle

President Donald Ramotar

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has reiterated his deep commitment to continue pursuing developmental projects that will take Guyana forward.

The Head of State gave the undertaking in his address to a large crowd at the Babu John Crematorium Site, Corentyne, Berbice, on Sunday, at the commemoration of the 15th death anniversary of President Cheddi Jagan.

Despite the opposition media derailing the government’s efforts to develop Guyana and the quality of life of its people, the projects that are being pursued will continue until they are brought into realisation, President Ramotar assured.

He recalled the severe criticisms and misinformation that were peddled regarding the ‘One Laptop Per Family’ (OLPF) project at its commencement and pointed out that it is to ensure that Guyanese have access to the most important tool in today’s world and are not left behind.

In addition, it will enable Guyana to produce the most developed workers, not only in the Caribbean but also around the world, President Ramotar said.

He also spoke of the competency of the Haier Company that was awarded the contract to procure 10,000 laptops and said was on the cutting edge of technology, since 1996, during a visit to China, by himself, President of Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), Mr. Komal Chand and the late President Cheddi Jagan.

Haier’s decision to establish operations here and assemble computers for  markets in the Caribbean and North America was lauded by the Guyanese leader.


He chided those he deemed as detractors who are seeking to stymie progress in Guyana and oppose every developmental project on which the government embarks.
“Let me give them the message from the site where we cremated Cheddi Jagan: That will never happen,” President Ramotar declared.

He cited the Amaila Falls project that comes under disparagement by  detractors and noted that it has significant benefits for Guyana.

The Guyanese Leader referred to the cost of fuel on the international market and said the government’s move to subsidise electricity, in the form of trillions of dollars is for its people to have access to the important commodity and he highlighted the need for hydropower.

He said the money that is being used to buy fuel to generate electricity will be channelled towards developmental projects.

President Ramotar said it is his belief that the detractors are either shortsighted or cannot see Guyana emerging, once more, as the leading country in the delivery of social and other services.

With regard to the Marriot Hotel, he maintained that it has significant benefits for the nation.

The President insisted: “Since Guyana is on the path of becoming one of the major oil producing countries in the world, we will need facilities so that people can be here to conduct business in Guyana.”

He said the people of Guyana will be the beneficiaries of the projects that are being pursued and he mentioned the success of those in energy, set up by former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

Alluding to the Timehri Airport expansion, he said, Guyana cannot speak of a booming tourism sector when only aircraft of a certain size can land here and he emphasised the necessity of expanding the terminal.


He reminded Berbicians of the attitude of naysayers with regard to the construction of the Berbice River Bridge, acknowledging its benefits today.

“We must see these people for what they are but we must not allow them to stall progress in our country,” President Ramotar told the crowd, reporting that the proceeds from the vibrant economy are being used to develop the education, health and other sectors.

“We are very proud, at this time, to have universal secondary education in Guyana,” he said, noting that, in the health sector, heart surgeries, that were impossible in the past, can be conducted here now.

About the special hospital, President Ramotar assured that his government will pursue the construction.

Speaking about the state of the economy, he said it has been doing well in every respect and he credited that to the prudent management of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration.

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The Guyanese Leader referred to the cost of fuel on the international market and said the government’s move to subsidise electricity, in the form of trillions of dollars is for its people to have access to the important commodity and he highlighted the need for hydropower.

Originally Posted by cain:

Did he mention anything about the 90million dollars stolen from the Police fund?


Now that the police have accounted for every penny, you can use the KN and AFC article as toilet paper and rub it gently on your face. Shame on you, KN and the AFC for spreading lies.


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