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Despite sugar industry surpassing target, workers left empty pocketed

The Skeldon Sugar Factory

The Skeldon Sugar Factory

For the first time in over 25 years, sugar workers are being denied their hard-earned annual wage increases and will consequently be having a bleak Christmas.

And with just 10 days left before 2015 comes to an end, the industrious sugar workers will also be heading into the New Year with literally empty pockets.

Commenting on the situation, former President Bharrat Jagdeo, in an invited comment on Sunday, expressed complete remorse over the way in which one of the country’s most significant labour forces is being treated.

“We were told that they did a wonderful job, at working hard and surpassing targets, and so one. [We] would have had expected that they would have been rewarded for this but the Government rewarded themselves and the Ministers and did not find any resources to give the sugar workers even a bonus, much less a salary increase,” Jagdeo related.

The former Head of State pointed out also that the sugar workers, who worked diligently all year long, were also denied their Annual Production Incentive because of the “unconscionable act” by the new Administration to increase the tonnes one would need to meet to qualify for a single day’s work.

“It must be really bleak and sad in the household as we approach Christmas day because they will have nothing to look forward to,” Jagdeo stated.

In an invited comment to the Government Information Agency recently, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said that the nation is behind the sugar industry, adding that the Administration is determined to save it. “Over the last few years, the national treasury has funded the sugar industry perhaps with over $50 billion. This year was over $12 billion, and next year they will also have a bail out from the national purse,” he stated.

The Prime Minister further remarked that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is indebted some $82 billion, therefore it has to be more viable over the medium- and long-term, otherwise it will become a millstone around the neck of the sugar industry.

However, to date, while the Government has praised the sugar industry for its success in 2015, the sugar workers are yet to be rewarded or given what they are entitled to.

Over the past few weeks, the sugar workers were told that because of the financial position GuySuCo is in, they will not be paid their annual bonus which usually amounts to five per cent of their wages and they will have to wait until March next year to collect their Annual Production Incentive (API) for 2015.

Guyana Times understands that this will be the first year in decades that the workers would not be paid their annual wage increase despite the total annual production of 230,000 tonnes being surpassed.

To add to the sugar workers’ pain, the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration recently announced that all public servants earning less than $500,000 per month will be given a Christmas bonus of $50,000 this month.

Reports are that the processing of this bonus has already begun and public servants are beginning to receive their extra bonuses, adding to the five per cent retroactive to January that they were already given and the five per cent salary increase that was announced in the 2015 Budget.

Meanwhile, sugar workers were left with nothing in their pockets despite pleas from their Union – the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) – for them to be included in the lot to receive the $50,000 since all sugar workers are considered to be workers of the Administration.

It must be reminded that during the campaign trail leading up to the 2015 General and Regional Elections, during which the APNU/AFC was voted into office, the coalition had gone into communities where sugar workers predominantly lived and make tall promises of a better life for sugar workers.

In spite of all the difficulties and hardships the workers face, they were once again slapped in the face when Prime Minister Nagamootoo sought to empty-handedly commend sugar workers for their diligent work in helping to realise this year’s production target.

Only recently, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo called out Government in the National Assembly on their actions. He noted that the sugar workers, whom Guyana were told did so wonderfully by working hard and surpassing the target, were merely congratulated by Member of Parliament Raphael Trotman and offered nothing as a reward.

“What did they get Mr Speaker? The people who are providing sugar for this country, who are providing revenue for the State, who are providing income and foreign currency, what do they get for surpassing the target? Thank you from the National Assembly! Thank you from the Honourable Member Mr Trotman (but) zero increases for the year,” Jagdeo stated.

The former President pointed out that this has never happened in the 20 plus years the People’s Progressive Party/Civic was in power.

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Commenting on the situation, former President Bharrat Jagdeo, in an invited comment on Sunday, expressed complete remorse over the way in which one of the country’s most significant labour forces is being treated.


“Over the last few years, the national treasury has funded the sugar industry perhaps with over $50 billion. This year was over $12 billion, and next year they will also have a bail out from the national purse,” he stated.

The Prime Minister further remarked that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is indebted some $82 billion, therefore it has to be more viable over the medium- and long-term, otherwise it will become a millstone around the neck of the sugar industry.


If the sugar workers had get the bonus and not the public service, we would have seen Georgetown in protest today. Let's face the facts, Indians pay the taxes and black people live of their sweat. Guyana should be divided into two state ( Indian / Black) and we know who will survive. The criminal Granger, is releasing criminal who are blacks to rob Indian. For decades Linden is getting FREE electricity.. and so is Sophia and Buxton... cause they are stealing electricity and GPL worker cannot disconnect their power. Guyana economy cannot survive without Sugar and Rice .. so Indians know what to do. 


ian posted:

If the sugar workers had get the bonus and not the public service, we would have seen Georgetown in protest today. Let's face the facts, Indians pay the taxes and black people live of their sweat. Guyana should be divided into two state ( Indian / Black) and we know who will survive. The criminal Granger, is releasing criminal who are blacks to rob Indian. For decades Linden is getting FREE electricity.. and so is Sophia and Buxton... cause they are stealing electricity and GPL worker cannot disconnect their power. Guyana economy cannot survive without Sugar and Rice .. so Indians know what to do. 


“Over the last few years, the national treasury has funded the sugar industry perhaps with over $50 billion. This year was over $12 billion, and next year they will also have a bail out from the national purse,” he stated.

The Prime Minister further remarked that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is indebted some $82 billion, therefore it has to be more viable over the medium- and long-term, otherwise it will become a millstone around the neck of the sugar industry.


Indian taxpayers money pumping in back to the Sugar Industry,perfect model for a corporation to run,typical third world mentality.


Jagdeo white elephant is bankrupt and he has saddled the unborn future generation with "a millstone around their necks" . These sugar workers voted for the PPP. Jagdeo should take of his own money and give these supports something for Xmas  as he stated: “It must be really bleak and sad in the household as we approach Christmas day because they will have nothing to look forward to,”

asj posted:

Commenting on the situation, former President Bharrat Jagdeo, in an invited comment on Sunday, expressed complete remorse over the way in which one of the country’s most significant labour forces is being treated.

I guess that is why he ran up an 80 billion debt on their backs!

ian posted:

If the sugar workers had get the bonus and not the public service, we would have seen Georgetown in protest today. Let's face the facts, Indians pay the taxes and black people live of their sweat. Guyana should be divided into two state ( Indian / Black) and we know who will survive. The criminal Granger, is releasing criminal who are blacks to rob Indian. For decades Linden is getting FREE electricity.. and so is Sophia and Buxton... cause they are stealing electricity and GPL worker cannot disconnect their power. Guyana economy cannot survive without Sugar and Rice .. so Indians know what to do. 


Sugar has been subsidized for the past ten years to the tune of some 6 billion annually. Any private industry would have down sized and let go of a workforce. As a government entity, the industry stayed at the same size for no other reason except as an employment source.

Linden is not getting free electricity. The are getting cut rate because BOSAI is not suffering from a 100 percent markup in price. GPL has almost 50 percent line loss due to poor management so the customers suffer to cover that expense. Why bring Linden into the mix when they are not on the same grid?

The largest theft of electricity is in the business community. Dont let your racism distort the fact.

Guyana can do without any industry it has to carry on its back. Sugar as a source of income is no longer promising. Rice is also produced at higher cost and with more pesticides than elsewhere and is not a desirable commodity in many quarters. Even Europe rejected us recently.  These industries need to be rehabilitated to be viable. If not we can do without them as other Caribbean nations has sought to do by abandoning the industry.

Nehru posted:


GAWU knows it is up shit.s creek. Any shove would cripple an already hobbled enterprise. Downsizing means a loss of membership to them. We cannot carry this industry in its present form for much longer.

skeldon_man posted:

Stormy, why is the American government subsidizing the sugar beet industry? Why do the big oil companies get so huge tax breaks?

Yuh gone and hut up deh brother head now.

Mr.T posted:

Annual wage increases are not a legal requirement. The cane cutters are also earning twice as much than all other public sector workers.

T, you're right. Cane cutters EARN their wages through hard work. Most Public Sector workers earn a living through bribery and laziness occupying a space at the office. You do not value hard work. You admire laziness.

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

Annual wage increases are not a legal requirement. The cane cutters are also earning twice as much than all other public sector workers.

T, you're right. Cane cutters EARN their wages through hard work. Most Public Sector workers earn a living through bribery and laziness occupying a space at the office. You do not value hard work. You admire laziness.

He was one of those lazy ass Civil Servant.  Bribe is all over the Civil Service and I challenge anyone to dispute that!!

Mr.T posted:

Annual wage increases are not a legal requirement. The cane cutters are also earning twice as much than all other public sector workers.

Hypocrite... you comparing sugar workers to public service workers... I pity you FOOL for your short sightedness.  

asj posted:

“Over the last few years, the national treasury has funded the sugar industry perhaps with over $50 billion. This year was over $12 billion, and next year they will also have a bail out from the national purse,” he stated.

The Prime Minister further remarked that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is indebted some $82 billion, therefore it has to be more viable over the medium- and long-term, otherwise it will become a millstone around the neck of the sugar industry.

The sugar workers ought to be glad that they have work.  Without these massive bailouts Guysuco would have collapsed.

So what more do they want?  They all voted PPP, even though its the PPP which left Guysuco in this state.

skeldon_man posted:

Stormy, why is the American government subsidizing the sugar beet industry? Why do the big oil companies get so huge tax breaks?

Because rich men bribe politicians through campaign donations, and so get subsidies which they don't deserve.

ian posted:

If the sugar workers had get the bonus and not the public service, we would have seen Georgetown in protest today. Let's face the facts, Indians pay the taxes and black people live of their sweat. Guyana should be divided into two state ( Indian / Black) and we know who will survive. The criminal Granger, is releasing criminal who are blacks to rob Indian. For decades Linden is getting FREE electricity.. and so is Sophia and Buxton... cause they are stealing electricity and GPL worker cannot disconnect their power. Guyana economy cannot survive without Sugar and Rice .. so Indians know what to do. 


The Indo KKK is back on the scene with their rabid anti black racism.

Take care that blacks in Barbados, and other islands, where Indians have flocked to become maids and gardeners, don't toss them out.

They are fully aware that the majority of Guyanese Indians are racists who hate blacks, even when depending on them for sustenance.

skeldon_man posted:

Stormy, why is the American government subsidizing the sugar beet industry? Why do the big oil companies get so huge tax breaks?

  we are not America. It is an 18 trillion dollars economy. We hardly can sustain the 2 billion we have in our budget. How can we subsidize our primary industries that are failing for lack of market when we have never produced enough to take care of ourselves?

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Stormy, why is the American government subsidizing the sugar beet industry? Why do the big oil companies get so huge tax breaks?

  we are not America. It is an 18 trillion dollars economy. We hardly can sustain the 2 billion we have in our budget. How can we subsidize our primary industries that are failing for lack of market when we have never produced enough to take care of ourselves?

If we are an $8 trillion economy, how come we owe so much debt? Why is China subsidizing their industries and sell products to the world at below market value?

caribny posted:
asj posted:

“Over the last few years, the national treasury has funded the sugar industry perhaps with over $50 billion. This year was over $12 billion, and next year they will also have a bail out from the national purse,” he stated.

The Prime Minister further remarked that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is indebted some $82 billion, therefore it has to be more viable over the medium- and long-term, otherwise it will become a millstone around the neck of the sugar industry.

The sugar workers ought to be glad that they have work.  Without these massive bailouts Guysuco would have collapsed.

So what more do they want?  They all voted PPP, even though its the PPP which left Guysuco in this state.

How about giving them free electricity like they give the Lindeners? Because they voted PPP, they are not entitled to anything. You see your racism too?


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