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Detailed investigations to be done on major projects - President - before decision is taken on way forward

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, June 23, 2015, Source


The new Administration will have to carry out thorough investigations into several major projects, which were undertaken by the previous administration, before a decision is made about their continuation, according to President David Granger.


Some of these projects, the President identified during a recent interview include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydropower and the Fibre Optic Cable projects.  


Concerning the Amaila Falls hydro, President Granger said while in the opposition he was not privy to some of the information about the project.


“We have never been given a project document by the previous government; it was never brought before the National Assembly so we could not consider the entire project, power generation, power distribution we were only exposed to some aspects.”


President Granger explained that some of the information, which was shared with the then opposition, includes some aspects, which were discussed with the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and the raising of the debt ceiling.


Reiterating that his knowledge of the project was very fragmentary, the President said currently there is no definitive position on the way forward for this project.


“…It seems unlikely now that we will proceed with the project as was described, we are still interested in hydro electrical power generation, but whether it will remain at that site will be another matter.”


He explained that Guyana has about 100 other sites from which hydro electricity could be generated, but in going forward, it must be determined which is the best site for such a project.


 “Whether that site that was selected is the best site, it may not be, but we want to get information before we make a final determination.”


Meanwhile, as it relates to the Fibre Optic Cable project, the Head of State said it is desirable to have some form of E-Governance, but whether or not that project is the solution, that too is yet to be determined.


The expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport runway will receive the support of the Administration while consideration may be given to the other aspects of the project the President said.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Reiterating that his knowledge of the project was very fragmentary, the President said currently there is no definitive position on the way forward for this project.


“… It seems unlikely now that we will proceed with the project as was described, we are still interested in hydro electrical power generation, but whether it will remain at that site will be another matter.”

Detailed investigations to be done on major projects - President - before decision is taken on way forward, Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, June 23, 2015, Source

With the announcement a few days ago by the foreign representative that the smelting plant, etc., will be built in the US_of_A and not in Guyana as were the views for ages, hydroelectric power development will be seriously curtailed in the country.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Reiterating that his knowledge of the project was very fragmentary, the President said currently there is no definitive position on the way forward for this project.


“… It seems unlikely now that we will proceed with the project as was described, we are still interested in hydro electrical power generation, but whether it will remain at that site will be another matter.”

Detailed investigations to be done on major projects - President - before decision is taken on way forward, Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, June 23, 2015, Source

With the announcement a few days ago by the foreign representative that the smelting plant, etc., will be built in the US_of_A and not in Guyana as were the views for ages, hydroelectric power development will be seriously curtailed in the country.

Idiot!! What "smelting plant" are you babbling stupidly about?


First Bauxite's proposed operations in Louisiana have NOTHING to do with smelting ore



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