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Former Member


Part 2…


Scott Fitzgerald once said: “There are no second acts in American lives”. Fitzgerald felt that people who’ve done things “their way” for a very long time…just wouldn’t change. Even if they want to show the world they’re different…their real selves will come “out” – sooner or later.  So we come to a letter from two recent converts to the PNC camp – ex-AFCites Khemraj and Ramsaroop.

The two twerps swear there’s a PNC Part I and a PNC Part II. Yes, really. Even though they know these sequels are always variants of the same theme!!!  If you’ve seen one “Nightmare on Elm Street”, you’ve seen them all – Freddy’s gonna get you in the end. There are no second acts. But not the PNC, according to the new PNC sycophants.

And what precisely demarcates PNC Part I from Part II? Well, the death of Burnham and the rise of Desmond Hoyte. The fact that Hoyte was the handmaiden of Burnham, from the very beginning – cuts no ice. The poor slob was just following orders!! But before we get to the record of Hoyte – who’s being beatified – we hope the dyspeptic duo cleared their confirmation that Burnham was a demon. No redeeming feature and all that. We wonder what their blue-eyed boy Granger will say about that!! I mean, you can’t just go around bashing your leader’s leader, can you?

So let’s look at PNC Part II. We heard about the heart-rending kindness of Hoyte because his Government bought flowers from flower-boy Ramsaroop. But hey!!! Former President Jagdeo rebuilt all those roads in Buxton, which even the PNC hadn’t fixed in their 28 years. Doesn’t Jagdeo get cut some slack? Not by these two slackers! Then, of course, Hoyte lifted the ban on Dhall which is more effective than any possible apology!!!

But let’s examine the new leaf that Hoyte turned over, a bit closer. Remember his claims that the 1997 elections were rigged and the violent street protests that were unleashed by the PNC? Arson and shutdown of whole sections of Georgetown! Wasn’t Burnham, was it? Then after he bullied the PPP, chopped their term by two years and then segued into  “Slow-fyaah-mo-fyaah???” Now let’s think carefully. Wasn’t Burnham, was it?

You never know. Maybe like Elvis, he’s alive and rose from Seven Ponds to create mayhem around Georgetown and the East Coast after 1997!


…on drugs financing

The head of GECOM, we’re told, is a very serious fella. Don’t mess around. Remember his no-nonsense ripostes when the last elections count dragged on a tad? Took no nonsense from APNU which marched up and down in front of his House. Wasn’t intimidated even though he had to abandon his sipping of that special bottle of Dom Romane Conti 1997.

But we do think he was a bit too direct when he called recently for a cap on campaign financing. Instead of talking about the usual – level playing field and all that – he cut to the chase and said he feared drug lords would take over the country, since they’d be able to buy out some politicians.

Now we don’t think he was talking about the PPP/C. With all those accusations of graft with assorted contractors that the Muckraker alleges every day of the week (and Sundays), they don’t need funding, do they? Then, it couldn’t be the PNC. They just sold some sod over at Sophia, which should take care of business.

That leaves that AFC. With New York gone, one is reminded of their cocaine-in-pepper-sauce funder. We do think the GECOM head has a valid fear!!!


…on race

Seems David Granger told a New York gathering of East Indian-West Indian-Guyanese American-New Yorkers that Guyana is now a “post-racial” society. Henry Jeffrey disputes this. And we thought David Hinds was the “race man”!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by JB:

If Mr Dev is writing these things why he not using his real name?

Because not many people take a racist jackass seriously.

But Mr KishanB take his percieve word as serious gospel? 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The man is just brilliant.

Why is he ashamed to use his real name?

Mr Mitwah I want the answer to that one to. Mr Billy is not saying. Mr KishanB could help to.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

What I find very funny is that TK always quoted Dev and spoke of Dev being one of his heroes. Dave took out a cow brand and branded TK.


Ouch, that can be painful to TK.

It look like Mr TK have his own mine. He do what he feel is right. Me mamoo and pappy read all he writing. 


QUOTE: "So we come to a letter from two recent converts to the PNC camp – ex-AFCites Khemraj and Ramsaroop."


The writer [Dev?] has it wrong.

As of this morning I was able to confirm that Gerhard Ramsaroop is still an executive member of the AFC.

The beauty of being an AFC member is that one is allowed complete freedom of expression without fear of being called a traitor.

Gerhard is not the first AFC official to speak his mind openly. Remember, that guy Yusuf Haniff in Berbice also did so for a long while.


Holdy Moly Macaroni. Mr TK lash out at Dev on FB:


Tilak's new observer is Ravi Dev. LOL! BTW regurgitating dead philosophers don't imply one can think. Stealing the idea of ethnic security dilemma without citing its origins don't mean one can think. LOL!

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The man is just brilliant.

Why is he ashamed to use his real name?

That tone doan strike me as Ravi Dev.

Well you really do not know Ravi, he has a very violent side.  RSS.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

What I find very funny is that TK always quoted Dev and spoke of Dev being one of his heroes. Dave took out a cow brand and branded TK.


Ouch, that can be painful to TK.

A flea will jump on any dog for political survival.  AFC could not give TK a back bench so they now running to PNC for the back seat.


Bwoy they will be in for a real surprise when Congress Place bite them.


Jaili, notice the biasness of Storm.  He did not see any of the post from TK = JB = Kapidula = Redux.


He only saw jalil and KB.


This is just a stark reminder of what will happen to Guyana if the PNC returns to power.


East Indians will be marginalised and will have much reason to suffer as these blind bats like Storm use their bullyism to run rough shod over the nation.








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