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Breaking News: GECOM Chairperson instructs that house-to-house registration be stopped on 31st August 2019



Ray posted:

some ayuh should apologize to the lady...especially that punthole Nehru

Dude....suppose they stop without fully counting Guava bush and Port Morant? We do not know their schedule. The reason for H2H was to create a complete list. You have to finish the counting . She was hired for her logistical skills and if and only if she knows the count is going to be finished by that date should she make that ruling. If not she should deploy more assets and get the job done. I doubt you can reach all Amerindians in those Isolated mountains if you are starting fresh. This was supposed to be an on going job that GECOM is tasked to do. 

Stormborn posted:
Ray posted:

some ayuh should apologize to the lady...especially that punthole Nehru

Dude....suppose they stop without fully counting Guava bush and Port Morant? We do not know their schedule. The reason for H2H was to create a complete list. You have to finish the counting . She was hired for her logistical skills and if and only if she knows the count is going to be finished by that date should she make that ruling. If not she should deploy more assets and get the job done. I doubt you can reach all Amerindians in those Isolated mountains if you are starting fresh. This was supposed to be an on going job that GECOM is tasked to do. 

Shuman got them on his list!!

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Ray posted:

some ayuh should apologize to the lady...especially that punthole Nehru

Dude....suppose they stop without fully counting Guava bush and Port Morant? We do not know their schedule. The reason for H2H was to create a complete list. You have to finish the counting . She was hired for her logistical skills and if and only if she knows the count is going to be finished by that date should she make that ruling. If not she should deploy more assets and get the job done. I doubt you can reach all Amerindians in those Isolated mountains if you are starting fresh. This was supposed to be an on going job that GECOM is tasked to do. 

Shuman got them on his list!!

As much as he may have it is through the objection period to have them counted. Note; the PNC pocket judge protected the people on the lists with her ruling but offered no advice as to people meeting the condition of the constitution having an equally necessary right to be on the list. GECOM can just say...we are to tired to get those buck people and it would be legal and binding!

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Ray posted:

some ayuh should apologize to the lady...especially that punthole Nehru

Dude....suppose they stop without fully counting Guava bush and Port Morant? We do not know their schedule. The reason for H2H was to create a complete list. You have to finish the counting . She was hired for her logistical skills and if and only if she knows the count is going to be finished by that date should she make that ruling. If not she should deploy more assets and get the job done. I doubt you can reach all Amerindians in those Isolated mountains if you are starting fresh. This was supposed to be an on going job that GECOM is tasked to do. 

Shuman got them on his list!!

As much as he may have it is through the objection period to have them counted. Note; the PNC pocket judge protected the people on the lists with her ruling but offered no advice as to people meeting the condition of the constitution having an equally necessary right to be on the list. GECOM can just say...we are to tired to get those buck people and it would be legal and binding!

I would think twice about screwing around with β€œbuck” man.  They are the only people who had the balls to conduct an armed uprising against the PNC!

If Shuman gains traction, he will not be a push over!

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Ray posted:

some ayuh should apologize to the lady...especially that punthole Nehru

Dude....suppose they stop without fully counting Guava bush and Port Morant? We do not know their schedule. The reason for H2H was to create a complete list. You have to finish the counting . She was hired for her logistical skills and if and only if she knows the count is going to be finished by that date should she make that ruling. If not she should deploy more assets and get the job done. I doubt you can reach all Amerindians in those Isolated mountains if you are starting fresh. This was supposed to be an on going job that GECOM is tasked to do. 

Shuman got them on his list!!

As much as he may have it is through the objection period to have them counted. Note; the PNC pocket judge protected the people on the lists with her ruling but offered no advice as to people meeting the condition of the constitution having an equally necessary right to be on the list. GECOM can just say...we are to tired to get those buck people and it would be legal and binding!

I would think twice about screwing around with β€œbuck” man.  They are the only people who had the balls to conduct an armed uprising against the PNC!

If Shuman gains traction, he will not be a push over!

If all goes well he will get 2 to 3 seats and that is enough to control both sides. I hope he is a better man than Granger and will actually not put up with crap. Hope he stops every bill that is a leech option for some minister. If he gets that many seats, by the way, the PPP wins. 


If stopping the H2H on Saturday would result in only a partial H2H exercise, they should stop NOW and use the four days and accompanying funds to begin the claims and objections exercise. As much as the PNC is famous for wasting time and money, it makes no sense continuing Patterson’s half brained and illegal directive.


Unfortunately it was that breath of fresh air that Guyanese were looking for when they unadvisedly helped the PNC get into office that resulted in them only getting the blast from the sewer instead.

But it is good that Guyana’s original people will have an opportunity to have pure representation in the country’s decision making. Hopefully that party functions better as a neutralizer than the AFC did.

ksazma posted:

Unfortunately it was that breath of fresh air that Guyanese were looking for when they unadvisedly helped the PNC get into office that resulted in them only getting the blast from the sewer instead.

But it is good that Guyana’s original people will have an opportunity to have pure representation in the country’s decision making. Hopefully that party functions better as a neutralizer than the AFC did.

We are about to see a change in the political landscape in Guyana if the two third parties get enough seats to change the balance of power in Parliament.  PPP might need one of them to form a coalition but at the moment it doesn’t look like that will happen.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

Unfortunately it was that breath of fresh air that Guyanese were looking for when they unadvisedly helped the PNC get into office that resulted in them only getting the blast from the sewer instead.

But it is good that Guyana’s original people will have an opportunity to have pure representation in the country’s decision making. Hopefully that party functions better as a neutralizer than the AFC did.

We are about to see a change in the political landscape in Guyana if the two third parties get enough seats to change the balance of power in Parliament.

PPP might need one of them to form a coalition but at the moment it doesn’t look like that will happen.

The coming elections is a battle between the APNU/AFC and PPP/C , the fittest shall be the winner, the other two parties led by Shuman and Ramkarran will be in for a shock, wishing them well in their pursuits.

Last edited by Django


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) notes the belated decision of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to discontinue house-to-house registration on August 31, 2019.
House-to-house registration, as conceived by GECOM to create a new National Register of Registrants, by removing names of eligible voters, has been deemed unconstitutional by the High Court.
The ruling of the Chief Justice, Roxanne George-Wiltshire, on August 14, 2019 said:
β€œ(Paragraph 141) A reading of all the relevant provisions leads to the inevitable and ineluctable conclusion that GECOM does not have the discretion without more to remove the name of a person from the list of registrants or electors because such a person who was previously registered has not re-registered during a house to house registration exercise.”
β€œ(Paragraph 161) GECOM would have no legal authority to remove or de-register such persons who are otherwise qualified unless such registration can be cancelled...these persons may have to return to their districts to vote, but their names cannot ipso facto be removed from the register of registrants, which removal would then disqualify them from and deprive them of their right to vote. To do so would be unconstitutional and therefore illegal.”
For weeks now, the Party’s General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo, has said that house-to-house registration, in addition to being a waste of taxpayers’ resources, was intended to delay the holding of General and Regional Elections, which should have been held since March 21, 2019.
Further, the Party is of the view that the decision made by GECOM today, is the only logical decision that could have been made.
Additionally, the PPP notes several misleading positions that were communicated to the Guyanese people via a press statement issued by GECOM – positions that seem intent on confusing the Guyanese electorate.
First, the headline of the press statement – β€˜Data garnered from House-to-House Registration will be merged with existing National Register of Registrants Database’ – leaves more unanswered questions. What data exactly is being merged with the National Register of
Registrants? Is it the entire 270,000-plus persons that GECOM claimed to have registered, including persons who were re-registered? If it is only the new registrants, why embark on this process, which will take several months to be completed, when it could easily be done in a Claims and Objections period.
Secondly, the GECOM press statement said: β€œBased on the ruling of the Chief Justice on 14th August 2019 that House to House Registration is not unlawful and is constitutional, the data garnered from that registration exercise must be merged with the existing National Register of Registrants Database.” This is an attempt to distort the ruling of the High Court. Nowhere in the ruling of the Chief Justice did she direct any such merger of data garnered from the house-to-house registration with the National Register of Registrants.
Thirdly, the GECOM press statement said: β€œIn this regard the Commission will move to an extensive Claim and Objections Exercise before extracting the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).” The author of the GECOM press statement seems clearly confused on the process that must be followed to arrive at an Official List of Electors – saying that there will be Claims and Objections Exercise before a Preliminary List of Electors is produced. In accordance with practice and law, Claims and Objections must be preceded by the publication of a Preliminary List of Electors.
We reiterate the position of the PPP, which is that the planned merger of data from the house-to- house registration will not improve the quality or β€˜credibility’ of the database – rather it will further contaminate the National Register of Registrants and cause further delays in the holding of Elections.
That said, the Party urges GECOM to move decisively by immediately launching a Claims and Objections exercise, which will allow those who are not on the National Register of Registrants and are eligible to be properly registered.
People’s Progressive Party
August 27, 2019


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Dave posted:


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) notes the belated decision of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to discontinue house-to-house registration on August 31, 2019.
House-to-house registration, as conceived by GECOM to create a new National Register of Registrants, by removing names of eligible voters, has been deemed unconstitutional by the High Court.
The ruling of the Chief Justice, Roxanne George-Wiltshire, on August 14, 2019 said:
β€œ(Paragraph 141) A reading of all the relevant provisions leads to the inevitable and ineluctable conclusion that GECOM does not have the discretion without more to remove the name of a person from the list of registrants or electors because such a person who was previously registered has not re-registered during a house to house registration exercise.”
β€œ(Paragraph 161) GECOM would have no legal authority to remove or de-register such persons who are otherwise qualified unless such registration can be cancelled...these persons may have to return to their districts to vote, but their names cannot ipso facto be removed from the register of registrants, which removal would then disqualify them from and deprive them of their right to vote. To do so would be unconstitutional and therefore illegal.”
For weeks now, the Party’s General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo, has said that house-to-house registration, in addition to being a waste of taxpayers’ resources, was intended to delay the holding of General and Regional Elections, which should have been held since March 21, 2019.
Further, the Party is of the view that the decision made by GECOM today, is the only logical decision that could have been made.
Additionally, the PPP notes several misleading positions that were communicated to the Guyanese people via a press statement issued by GECOM – positions that seem intent on confusing the Guyanese electorate.
First, the headline of the press statement – β€˜Data garnered from House-to-House Registration will be merged with existing National Register of Registrants Database’ – leaves more unanswered questions. What data exactly is being merged with the National Register of
Registrants? Is it the entire 270,000-plus persons that GECOM claimed to have registered, including persons who were re-registered? If it is only the new registrants, why embark on this process, which will take several months to be completed, when it could easily be done in a Claims and Objections period.
Secondly, the GECOM press statement said: β€œBased on the ruling of the Chief Justice on 14th August 2019 that House to House Registration is not unlawful and is constitutional, the data garnered from that registration exercise must be merged with the existing National Register of Registrants Database.” This is an attempt to distort the ruling of the High Court. Nowhere in the ruling of the Chief Justice did she direct any such merger of data garnered from the house-to-house registration with the National Register of Registrants.
Thirdly, the GECOM press statement said: β€œIn this regard the Commission will move to an extensive Claim and Objections Exercise before extracting the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).” The author of the GECOM press statement seems clearly confused on the process that must be followed to arrive at an Official List of Electors – saying that there will be Claims and Objections Exercise before a Preliminary List of Electors is produced. In accordance with practice and law, Claims and Objections must be preceded by the publication of a Preliminary List of Electors.
We reiterate the position of the PPP, which is that the planned merger of data from the house-to- house registration will not improve the quality or β€˜credibility’ of the database – rather it will further contaminate the National Register of Registrants and cause further delays in the holding of Elections.
That said, the Party urges GECOM to move decisively by immediately launching a Claims and Objections exercise, which will allow those who are not on the National Register of Registrants and are eligible to be properly registered.
People’s Progressive Party
August 27, 2019

Now, when will anyone from the PNC write with such clarity and precision?


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