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Me brudda Dave you doing great justice fuh democracy in Guyana. Some people on de other hand does support stupidness. USA muss know where dem stand. Me implore Guyanese Americans to drop a line and report bad People living in de USA who not respect democracy. Give dem links to dem statements and suh Tell dem US govament Officials dem name and address suh when sanctions hit dem going to halla too.
Count de blasted vote and who win win ! 

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Oh boy!  I'm now watching ALittle late show with a Lilly Singh, quite pretty. Born in Scarborough, parents from India.

I saw some of her shows. She did came up  a long way to this day. Also, quite a talented person. 

Rass, during our days in Guyana, there were local bands. Now these players are becoming international stars. But like any job, 'customers' always demands so much of our time. 


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