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Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year, TK.

Well, forecasting do have its challenges.

However, in 2020 one could see that the PNC/AFC may "gain" over 75% of the "votes", similar to Burnham's days.

However, if circumstances are conducted like in 1992, it will be seen that the PPP/C will be the party to win the elections.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year, TK.

Well, forecasting do have its challenges.

However, in 2020 one could see that the PNC/AFC may "gain" over 75% of the "votes", similar to Burnham's days.

However, if circumstances are conducted like in 1992, it will be seen that the PPP/C will be the party to win the elections.

Well...Burnum time is very different dan now time wid Facebook, Twittah, information and such. If PPP thinks it was rigging (when they formed the govt and had immense power) that caused them to fall below 50% in 2011 and 2015, then they will not be doing the introspection necessary to make dem a superior govt after 2020...

VishMahabir posted:
TK posted:

Merry Chrismuss...what percent yuh forecasting for PPP in 2020?

Hey banna,

Your dad passed away recently? I saw this somewhere on this site and someone said it was Taron Kemraj. I am assuming its you.

If its you, my condolences to you and your family.


Thank you. Yes my father passed away last about 5 weeks ago.

TK posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year, TK.

Well, forecasting do have its challenges.

However, in 2020 one could see that the PNC/AFC may "gain" over 75% of the "votes", similar to Burnham's days.

However, if circumstances are conducted like in 1992, it will be seen that the PPP/C will be the party to win the elections.

Well...Burnum time is very different dan now time wid Facebook, Twittah, information and such. If PPP thinks it was rigging (when they formed the govt and had immense power) that caused them to fall below 50% in 2011 and 2015, then they will not be doing the introspection necessary to make dem a superior govt after 2020...

Burnham's time is firmly entrenched with Granger and his confidants who are strongly entrenched with him ... nothing different. 

The only change is from Burnham to Granger.

Demerara_Guy posted:
TK posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year, TK.

Well, forecasting do have its challenges.

However, in 2020 one could see that the PNC/AFC may "gain" over 75% of the "votes", similar to Burnham's days.

However, if circumstances are conducted like in 1992, it will be seen that the PPP/C will be the party to win the elections.

Well...Burnum time is very different dan now time wid Facebook, Twittah, information and such. If PPP thinks it was rigging (when they formed the govt and had immense power) that caused them to fall below 50% in 2011 and 2015, then they will not be doing the introspection necessary to make dem a superior govt after 2020...

Burnham's time is firmly entrenched with Granger and his confidants who are strongly entrenched with him ... nothing different. 

The only change is from Burnham to Granger. PPP was able to do very well in local govt eleckshun, no?


 Tarron, I thought that them PNC boyz would have given you some position where you could have used your skill to help them in economic matters. At least you are not a sour puss. Jerome and Gerhard awaiting for some Foreign Service job. Jero thought he had the Ambassador for Canada wrapped up if APNU/AFC won, likewise Gerhard and some others expected big position and they all got shafted and have become sour pussies, In the meanwhile they are very quiet; not criticising any of the more than 20 act of bad governance, hoping that they scored big. But that's not possible because APNU has entrenched their BB in lots of contracted job and these folks are not doing anything, but laughing all the way to the bank every month.

Last edited by randolph
TK posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
TK posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year, TK.

Well, forecasting do have its challenges.

However, in 2020 one could see that the PNC/AFC may "gain" over 75% of the "votes", similar to Burnham's days.

However, if circumstances are conducted like in 1992, it will be seen that the PPP/C will be the party to win the elections.

Well...Burnum time is very different dan now time wid Facebook, Twittah, information and such. If PPP thinks it was rigging (when they formed the govt and had immense power) that caused them to fall below 50% in 2011 and 2015, then they will not be doing the introspection necessary to make dem a superior govt after 2020...

Burnham's time is firmly entrenched with Granger and his confidants who are strongly entrenched with him ... nothing different. 

The only change is from Burnham to Granger. PPP was able to do very well in local govt eleckshun, no?

Local elections was an indication on how the results would have been had the national elections been conducted in a proper manner in 2015.

In any democratic country with free and fair elections, when the difference in votes -- first and second -- is one percent or less, there is an immediate recount with representatives of all political groups present.

It is over 18 months later and the Election Commission is yet to undertake such actions.

FM are right that local elections are not a perfect reflection of general, but it is impossible to rig an election like they did in 1985 and before. This is 2016 and soldiers can't go about voting multiple times and seizing ballot boxes. There could only be rigging on the margins by collusion between GECOM officers and the polling agents of the respective political party. And this assumes there is no other independent observer at the suspected polling station. This is why people fought for decentralized counting at polling stations prior to 1992. This happened in 1992 when Hammie's people overran the Agricola polling station. I was there as PPP polling agent. This is not sufficient to turn an election. It is logistically impossible to rig as in 1985 and previous elections. I suggest dem PPP bais and gyals have deep introspection on why they lost in 2011 and 2015. Jagdeo gives a hint at Congress that he is willing to reassess why they lost but the signals are mixed.


TK posted: are right that local elections are not a perfect reflection of general, but it is impossible to rig an election like they did in 1985 and before. This is 2016 and soldiers can't go about voting multiple times and seizing ballot boxes. There could only be rigging on the margins by collusion between GECOM officers and the polling agents of the respective political party. And this assumes there is no other independent observer at the suspected polling station. This is why people fought for decentralized counting at polling stations prior to 1992. This happened in 1992 when Hammie's people overran the Agricola polling station. I was there as PPP polling agent. This is not sufficient to turn an election. It is logistically impossible to rig as in 1985 and previous elections. I suggest dem PPP bais and gyals have deep introspection on why they lost in 2011 and 2015. Jagdeo gives a hint at Congress that he is willing to reassess why they lost but the signals are mixed.

TK ...

1. It was well publicized that independent observers were at selected but not at all locations.

2. While indeed it is logically impossible to rig the elections as in the days of PNC-Burnham/Hoyte period, the current PNC-Granger/Associates need only a small interference to tilt the elections on their side.

3. There are still lingering questions why GECOM did not immediately conduct a recount, as is the procedure in democratic countries when the difference was less than 1%.

4. Rather than dodging this election issue, GECOM continues to neglect this fundamental item from May 2015.

TK posted:

DG...the recount issue is interesting. Note, Hoyte and PNC continually made calls for recount, which they never got. However a plausible situation for 2015 would have been that a recount could have turned Region 8 for PPP. That meant PPP possibly gets one more seat but not the Presidency.

That would have been interesting.  What would that have resulted in parliament in terms of party shares?

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
TK posted:

DG...the recount issue is interesting. Note, Hoyte and PNC continually made calls for recount, which they never got. However a plausible situation for 2015 would have been that a recount could have turned Region 8 for PPP. That meant PPP possibly gets one more seat but not the Presidency.

That would have been interesting.  What would that have resulted in parliament in terms of party shares?

Looks like PPP would have had the majority 33-32.  That would have been an interesting turn of the tables.

VVP posted:
VVP posted:

That would have been interesting.  What would that have resulted in parliament in terms of party shares?

Looks like PPP would have had the majority 33-32.  That would have been an interesting turn of the tables.

This is why legitimacy issues continue to dog the current regime!  It wanted to get there by the hook or the crook and the latter it was!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
VVP posted:

That would have been interesting.  What would that have resulted in parliament in terms of party shares?

Looks like PPP would have had the majority 33-32.  That would have been an interesting turn of the tables.

This is why legitimacy issues continue to dog the current regime!  It wanted to get there by the hook or the crook and the latter it was!

If y'all had behaved y'all self the ABC countries would have pressured for a recount.  The ABC countries hold the purse string and noose for Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
VVP posted:

That would have been interesting.  What would that have resulted in parliament in terms of party shares?

Looks like PPP would have had the majority 33-32.  That would have been an interesting turn of the tables.

This is why legitimacy issues continue to dog the current regime!  It wanted to get there by the hook or the crook and the latter it was!

If y'all had behaved y'all self the ABC countries would have pressured for a recount.  The ABC countries hold the purse string and noose for Guyana.

Yes, we know, you told us next go around they will dispose of both the PPP and PNC and install some party headed by VVP!!   President VVP by way of ABC!  Sounds like a nice rap!

TK posted:

DG...the recount issue is interesting. Note, Hoyte and PNC continually made calls for recount, which they never got. However a plausible situation for 2015 would have been that a recount could have turned Region 8 for PPP. That meant PPP possibly gets one more seat but not the Presidency.

TK ...

An immediate recount would provide a majority of elected representatives plus the presidency for the PPP/C.

Demerara_Guy posted:
TK posted:

DG...the recount issue is interesting. Note, Hoyte and PNC continually made calls for recount, which they never got. However a plausible situation for 2015 would have been that a recount could have turned Region 8 for PPP. That meant PPP possibly gets one more seat but not the Presidency.

TK ...

An immediate recount would provide a majority of elected representatives plus the presidency for the PPP/C.

I doubt it.

ba$eman posted:

Yes, we know, you told us next go around they will dispose of both the PPP and PNC and install some party headed by VVP!!   President VVP by way of ABC!  Sounds like a nice rap!

Not going to be President VVP bai.  Family before country for me.  My family stands to lose too much financially if I get into Guyanese politics in 2020.  I am not looking to live off the Guyanese people like Jagdeo and the rest of the cabal.  Matter of fact this leech mentality of Guyanese politicians is the first thing that has to change.

The person I would support for President of Guyana has to be independently wealthy.  Basically already made it in life.  If not, he/she has to be Gandhi like and I don't see that happening.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
TK posted:


Yes my father passed away last about 5 weeks ago.

My condolences to you and relatives on the passing of your father TK. May his soul rest in peace. Losing loved ones is very difficult. I lost my two parents in law in October also. May their souls rest in peace too.

Two of my siblings and I went to the cemetery yesterday. It's the first Christmas without him. It's just around the corner at Maple Grove on Lefferts Blvd.

TK posted:
ksazma posted:
TK posted:


Yes my father passed away last about 5 weeks ago.

My condolences to you and relatives on the passing of your father TK. May his soul rest in peace. Losing loved ones is very difficult. I lost my two parents in law in October also. May their souls rest in peace too.

Two of my siblings and I went to the cemetery yesterday. It's the first Christmas without him. It's just around the corner at Maple Grove on Lefferts Blvd.

I wouldn't necessarily know where that is dude, I live in Pembroke Pines, Florida. But I do understand your sentiments as I believe that losing anyone can take a long time to come to terms with. Our immediate comfort comes in knowing that we do whatever we could when we had a chance to do so. It doesn't make losing them any easier but it could have been worse has we taken them for granted when they were here although there is always some degree of taking others for granted in each of us. Wishing you and your siblings the strength as you go ahead without him.

TK posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
TK posted:

DG...the recount issue is interesting. Note, Hoyte and PNC continually made calls for recount, which they never got. However a plausible situation for 2015 would have been that a recount could have turned Region 8 for PPP. That meant PPP possibly gets one more seat but not the Presidency.

TK ...

An immediate recount would provide a majority of elected representatives plus the presidency for the PPP/C.

I doubt it.

Doubt =vs= Reality ???


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