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Dharmic Sabha promoting Hinduism in context of freedom & democracy.
Monday, 09 January 2012 01:01

President Ramotar at 38th anniversary celebration
THE Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha yesterday celebrated 38 years of existence, with a special satsangh at the Shree Krishna Mandir, Campbellville, Georgetown.

President Donald Ramotar addressing devotees at the satsangh in commemoration of the 38th anniversary of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha at the Shree Krishna Mandir, Campbellville.

President Donald Ramotar, who attended the ceremony, recalled the state of affairs in Guyana in 1974, the year in which the Sabha was founded, and said that it was a period when not only Hinduism was at stake, but people’s freedom and democracy as a whole.

He noted that the Dharmic Sabha has been fortunate to be founded by Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, who is not only a prominent religious leader and a scholar in Hinduism, but who has also been a national leader, a political maestro and a close confidante of the late President Cheddi Jagan.

β€œThis organisation is a defender and a promoter of Hinduism…Pandit Reepu had the vision that led this organisation to realise that for Hinduism to survive, freedom and democracy had to survive as well,” the President said.

He recognized, too, that the Sabha and its members have, over the years, made significant contributions, without which social, economic and political development would not have been possible.
He also urged the Sabha to continue the good work that they have been doing, which has had positive impacts on society.

The birth of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha occurred at a time that required vision, focus and dynamic leadership. It stands today as the most important Hindu organisation in Guyana, not excluding its international relationship.

The Sabha continues to conduct activities to create greater awareness in Guyana, particularly within the Hindu community, providing training in singing, dancing and other such activities.
It will be establishing a home for abused children in Berbice. (GINA)

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