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@Totaram posted:

I am from the country area but went to high school in G'town.  I like G'town but don't know the city well.

I was born and lived in Georgetown most of my life but for my first real job with Transport & Harbours I had to move to Adventure, Essequibo. I loved the countryside more than Georgetown but missed the conveniences of Georgetown!

@lil boy posted:

This morning Mr. Granger and thousands of other Guyanese get to spend that $25,000 gift. Its not much but it is something. Thanks to a caring government.  

Yeh! E byin voates fuh ah pawtee e an Joe dun kill wid de murdur uv dem 3 bais! Yu peepul seem tuh fuhgit! Ah ent fuhgittin nuttin az lang az ah keep tinking bowt dem! Dat pore bai tryin fuh protekt wid e finguz! E wuz jest ah chile, fuh Gawd sakes, yu mudderfkers! An on tap uh duh dey chap e spine bin aff! Waik yuh fkin konshens up! No fkin palitiks az usuhul! Ar cum kill me too, so eye kan teech yuh we nevur die an teech yuh a gud lesun yu gun nevur fuhgit! Ah gun dryv yuh maddur dan me, Joe-de-po an Battie Dave!

Last edited by Former Member

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