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Tight security at Parliament for Friday’s no-confidence debate; AFC hears of rumoured PPP “diabolical plots”


AFC Leader, Raphael Trotman.

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan has reportedly assured his Alliance For Change ( AFC) political party of water-tight security on Friday when the no-confidence vote is expected to be debated.

“We have been assured that the security forces are fully mobilised and prepared to ensure that there is no breach of the peace,” the AFC said in a statement.

The AFC’s statement came a few hours after Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Chief Whip, Gail Texeira released a letter she wrote Police Commissioner, Leslie James urging him to avoid “mayhem and violence” on Friday.

Saying that it is as concerned as the PPP about “peace and order”, the AFC said it has also heard of “rumours of diabolical plots by the PPP, and of moves to disrupt the House when the vote on the Motion fails.”

The AFC said it has warned its parliamentarians to be vigilant even before and during the debate.

That party says it has asked “our supporters to be on the look out for agent provocateurs who we understand will try to infiltrate their numbers and cause confusion.”

Suggesting that the government, with its 33 seats, would defeat the Bharrat Jagdeo-sponsored motion, the AFC urged the PPP to accept the outcome. “For our democracy to prevail we must respect each other’s views and we beseech the PPP to accept the vote,” the AFC said.

“The AFC urges the PPP leaders to respect the views of all Guyana and to call on their supporters to respect the views of the majority when the motion is voted down as we are certain it will be,” the AFC added.

According to the AFC, the PPP engaged in a distatesteful act of tabling the motion at a time when President David Granger announced that he was seeking medical attention and needed the nation’s support. “The PPP has to understand that thousands see this as a cowardly attack on the President and are rightly outraged,” the party added.

Noting that the 2019 National Budget was passed without any dissent from the PPP, the AFC labelled the motion “at best superfluous, and vexatious and at worse, a cowardly manoeuvre against the President, and should be withdrawn.”

Earlier Wednesday, the PPP called on the Police Commissioner to be wary of plans to block its parliamentarians from entering Parliament Building on Friday to debate the motion, or leave after the vote. The PPP also said the plan appeared to include attacks on ordinary Guyanese in the precincts of Parliament.

The PPP did not name any political Party.

The Guyana government has not reacted to the PPP’s now publicised contents of the letter to the top cop.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What’s this plot, to have a debate and NC vote?  Why are they so concerned, didn’t they say it was futile as they have the votes to “easily” defeat the bill.   Then just do it, it’s plain and simple.  Everything is happening in the open.  

I tell you this, coalition not sitting comfortable.  They smell a rat 🐀, and it’s not Bhar-, it’s from within!

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo is giving them heartburn. The PNC allegedly made death threats to the two MP’s on their side, one is a female. Let’s see if they are brave enough to vote in favour or they might just comply. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo is giving them heartburn. The PNC allegedly made death threats to the two MP’s on their side, one is a female. Let’s see if they are brave enough to vote in favour or they might just comply. 

Oh rass bai you know all dis for sure eh. Dumb skunk.

Baseman posted:

What’s this plot, to have a debate and NC vote?  Why are they so concerned, didn’t they say it was futile as they have the votes to “easily” defeat the bill.   Then just do it, it’s plain and simple.  Everything is happening in the open.  

I tell you this, coalition not sitting comfortable.  They smell a rat 🐀, and it’s not Bhar-, it’s from within!


That's right; if APNU+AFC have self-confidence they should not raise hysteria. Just vote 33 against the PPP's 32.

Gilbakka posted:

Shaky AFC begging PPP to drop the no-confidence motion.

I was at a wake listening to some old time political stories about how Moses is a coward.   He once picked a fight with one of my family members who dealt him some serious blows in a hand to hand combat.  They are predicting him to talk nuff then run and hide.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

Shaky AFC begging PPP to drop the no-confidence motion.

AFC is not confident. They too have a defect rat in their pack. Will their rat ignore the alleged death threat ?

PPP needs to push ahead with the motion regardless of the outcome. Be prepared for riots in GT if the Government is brought down.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Shaky AFC begging PPP to drop the no-confidence motion.

AFC is not confident. They too have a defect rat in their pack. Will their rat ignore the alleged death threat ?

That MP who will vote for the no-confidence motion is not a rat but a patriot. Be careful.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Shaky AFC begging PPP to drop the no-confidence motion.

AFC is not confident. They too have a defect rat in their pack. Will their rat ignore the alleged death threat ?

That MP who will vote for the no-confidence motion is not a rat but a patriot. Be careful.

Thanks for the correction. I was just responding in the same context that the it was addressed as by a poster. I stand corrected and hope that the AFC MP sitting on the fence abstains from voting and the PPP wins the motion. 

We cannot underestimate the alleged death threats made towards them.  The potential for violence in GT is troubling. Hope cooler heads prevail.

Last edited by Former Member

Ha Ha. Moses had to swallow his pride. 

BJ keeping them on their toes. Good for democracy. Moses conveniently forgot to mention that his party once supported a no confidence motion which eventually led to early elections.

Last edited by Former Member

He said that elections will come 2020, and that there’s no need for there to be a general election three years after the coalition took office.

This SOB said that: "The last time a no-confidence motion was slated to be carried by parliament in late 2014". He was a part of the scheme and now he's crying wolf. It was ok for them to do it then when they were in opposition. It is not ok now to do it when they are the governing body. What a real power hungry prick.

VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo is giving them heartburn. The PNC allegedly made death threats to the two MP’s on their side, one is a female. Let’s see if they are brave enough to vote in favour or they might just comply. 

So report this to the courts and to the media if you so feel that its the truth.

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

If the PPP loses they will scream that its because the PNC threatened 2 people.

Why only 2 people? Isnt this coincidental as this is what the PPP needs for the NC to get through?  

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

If the PPP loses they will scream that its because the PNC threatened 2 people.

Why only 2 people? Isnt this coincidental as this is what the PPP needs for the NC to get through?  

Why is “your” side bringing out mass protestors?  Clearly it’s aimed at intimidating the parliamentarians.  They can hear the debate much better from their living rooms on TV!

This is neo-Burnhamism!

Last edited by Former Member
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

Yes knucklehead,

I think it was your buddy Skeleton-Brain....

You gat anything meaningful to say? Or you just want to discredit the messenger?

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

If the PPP loses they will scream that its because the PNC threatened 2 people.

Why only 2 people? Isnt this coincidental as this is what the PPP needs for the NC to get through?  

Why is “your” side bringing out mass protestors?  Clearly it’s aimed at intimidating the parliamentarians.  They can hear the debate much better from their living rooms on TV!

This is neo-Burnhamism!

Yo banna,

Your PPP had 23 years to bury Burnhamism....why did the PPP not do so? 

The answer: They used Burnhamism to benefit and enrich themselves...

Why cry now???

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

If the PPP loses they will scream that its because the PNC threatened 2 people.

Why only 2 people? Isnt this coincidental as this is what the PPP needs for the NC to get through?  

Why is “your” side bringing out mass protestors?  Clearly it’s aimed at intimidating the parliamentarians.  They can hear the debate much better from their living rooms on TV!

This is neo-Burnhamism!

Yo banna,

Your PPP had 23 years to bury Burnhamism....why did the PPP not do so? 

The answer: They used Burnhamism to benefit and enrich themselves...

Why cry now???

How you know them enriched themselves. 

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

If the PPP loses they will scream that its because the PNC threatened 2 people.

Why only 2 people? Isnt this coincidental as this is what the PPP needs for the NC to get through?  

Why is “your” side bringing out mass protestors?  Clearly it’s aimed at intimidating the parliamentarians.  They can hear the debate much better from their living rooms on TV!

This is neo-Burnhamism!

Yo banna,

Your PPP had 23 years to bury Burnhamism....why did the PPP not do so? 

The answer: They used Burnhamism to benefit and enrich themselves...

Why cry now???

How you know them enriched themselves. 

Pradoville 1 and 2

VishMahabir posted:

Tight security at Parliament for Friday’s no-confidence debate; AFC hears of rumoured PPP “diabolical plots”


AFC Leader, Raphael Trotman.

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan has reportedly assured his Alliance For Change ( AFC) political party of water-tight security on Friday when the no-confidence vote is expected to be debated.

“We have been assured that the security forces are fully mobilised and prepared to ensure that there is no breach of the peace,” the AFC said in a statement.

The AFC’s statement came a few hours after Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Chief Whip, Gail Texeira released a letter she wrote Police Commissioner, Leslie James urging him to avoid “mayhem and violence” on Friday.

Saying that it is as concerned as the PPP about “peace and order”, the AFC said it has also heard of “rumours of diabolical plots by the PPP, and of moves to disrupt the House when the vote on the Motion fails.”

The AFC said it has warned its parliamentarians to be vigilant even before and during the debate.

That party says it has asked “our supporters to be on the look out for agent provocateurs who we understand will try to infiltrate their numbers and cause confusion.”

Suggesting that the government, with its 33 seats, would defeat the Bharrat Jagdeo-sponsored motion, the AFC urged the PPP to accept the outcome. “For our democracy to prevail we must respect each other’s views and we beseech the PPP to accept the vote,” the AFC said.

“The AFC urges the PPP leaders to respect the views of all Guyana and to call on their supporters to respect the views of the majority when the motion is voted down as we are certain it will be,” the AFC added.

According to the AFC, the PPP engaged in a distatesteful act of tabling the motion at a time when President David Granger announced that he was seeking medical attention and needed the nation’s support. “The PPP has to understand that thousands see this as a cowardly attack on the President and are rightly outraged,” the party added.

Noting that the 2019 National Budget was passed without any dissent from the PPP, the AFC labelled the motion “at best superfluous, and vexatious and at worse, a cowardly manoeuvre against the President, and should be withdrawn.”

Earlier Wednesday, the PPP called on the Police Commissioner to be wary of plans to block its parliamentarians from entering Parliament Building on Friday to debate the motion, or leave after the vote. The PPP also said the plan appeared to include attacks on ordinary Guyanese in the precincts of Parliament.

The PPP did not name any political Party.

The Guyana government has not reacted to the PPP’s now publicised contents of the letter to the top cop.

This is all political theatre, each side speaking to its base for their own reasons. Politics in Guyana is A Win-lose situation.

what is ominous is bringing supporters on to the streets.   Clearly an attempt to intimidate any MP in the coalition who might be tempted to vote for the motion.

VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

Yes knucklehead,

I think it was your buddy Skeleton-Brain....

You gat anything meaningful to say? Or you just want to discredit the messenger?

Whose messenger are you, since you just confessed to being the messenger? 

VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

Yes knucklehead,

I think it was your buddy Skeleton-Brain....

You gat anything meaningful to say? Or you just want to discredit the messenger?

You should not be addressing your ****** as Skeleton-Brain. Have some respect for the one who is responsible for your life.

VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

Yes knucklehead,

I think it was your buddy Skeleton-Brain....

You gat anything meaningful to say? Or you just want to discredit the messenger?

Knucklehead? Strong words from someone who can't tell his ass from his elbow, who hasn't a clue about anything he writes and just reads articles and regurgitates.

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

Yes knucklehead,

I think it was your buddy Skeleton-Brain....

You gat anything meaningful to say? Or you just want to discredit the messenger?

You should not be addressing your ****** as Skeleton-Brain. Have some respect for the one who is responsible for your life.

Didn't know this was your prodigal son/daughter Skelly. Sorry....

GTAngler posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am thinking...just a thought...the PPP, in the spirit of the Christmas season, should withdraw the motion of NO Confidence....

it might look worse if they 

Did someone say this chap was a mole not so long ago?

Yes knucklehead,

I think it was your buddy Skeleton-Brain....

You gat anything meaningful to say? Or you just want to discredit the messenger?

You should not be addressing your ****** as Skeleton-Brain. Have some respect for the one who is responsible for your life.

Didn't know this was your prodigal son/daughter Skelly. Sorry....

Just had to let him know...cane kuttah son.


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