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October 1,2016  Source

Dear Editor,

After fifteen months in office, Guyanese in the diaspora who helped the APNU+AFC be elected to office are today frustrated and disappointed by the manner in which they are being treated by the Government of Guyana. Many believe that they are treated as outcasts, while others have stated that they are being viewed as foreigners by the government. They have stated that the promises made to the diaspora by Mr Granger and other leaders of the government are not being fulfilled. Several members of the PNCR groups in Brooklyn have noted that prior to the last general elections, Mr Granger came to New York on several occasions and was the host of many fund-raising events for the elections. He also visited the Indo-Guyanese community in Richmond Hill, Queens, New York, where he was enthusiastically greeted by hundreds of devoted supporters of the coalition party and where hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised to fight the election.

However, since the coalition has been elected to office, members of the diaspora are of the belief that the President and his team are ungrateful. They claimed that the President visited New York on several occasions but at no time did he ever attempt to meet with members in the diaspora. On a few occasions, the President met with a group of a dozen or so elitist Guyanese who did not mobilize any support for the government before or after the elections. He has not met with the grassroots Guyanese in the area. They noted that this has been President Granger’s second visit to the United Nations, and unlike the other heads of state from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia who took time out from their busy schedule to meet and address their nationals at town hall meetings, Mr Granger met briefly with a handful of elitist Guyanese before hopping on a plane back to Guyana.

Not only has the government mistreated the masses in the diaspora, it has not established a Diaspora Department, or a Commission, or appointed a Member of Parliament from the diaspora, or provided the jobs or consultancy positions he had promised during the elections. In fact, there is absolutely no proper communication between the grassroots members of the diaspora and the government.

His neglect of the members of the diaspora resulted in a meeting of a number of concerned Guyanese in Queens, New York on Saturday September 24, 2016, to formulate a resolution with several demands to be sent to the President no later than October 10, 2015. The meeting was well attended. Among the attendees were prominent attorneys at law, Colin Moore and Derrick Arjune; businesswoman Guiliana Jacobs; former Chairman of the AFC defunct Queens organization, Charles Sugrim; Vice Chair, Leyland Roopnarine and Secretary, Sase Singh; Pastor Jean Banmattie; several former members of the YSM including Eustace Hall and Michael Aarons; and members of the North American Region and PNCR groups in Brooklyn.

Yours faithfully
Asquith Rose

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

They get used and abused and kick to the curb. Ask my good friend in Canada, Mr, Gilbakka. 

Again, your mind is as buggered as your body. No one used and abused Gilbakka. FYI, Gilbakka never attended any APNU+AFC event and sought favors. Stop stalking me.

Relax bhai. You take this too serious. When I read many of these posts I break into a big grin. It's all for comedy consumption. There is nothing here I take seriously. If you guys meet one another, you will smile, shake hands and laugh at some of the nonsense you entertain.


What fools, that banna Granger got a country to run.  The diaspora have only their homes to run.

Those afro elitist he met are die-hard PNCites from the Burnham era who stole or sucked most of the wealth of the nation and live high!  They financed the campaign and were instrumental in installing the kabal.  Granger owes non of the commoners anything as they will vote PNC anyway!

All the Indians who ran behind the PNC, well alyuh try deh!!

ba$eman posted:

What fools, that banna Granger got a country to run.  The diaspora have only their homes to run.

Those afro elitist he met are die-hard PNCites from the Burnham era who stole or sucked most of the wealth of the nation and live high!  They financed the campaign and were instrumental in installing the kabal.  Granger owes non of the commoners anything as they will vote PNC anyway!

All the Indians who ran behind the PNC, well alyuh try deh!!

They will eventually have to eat black coals for dinner.

They deserved what the PNC is giving them, more coals to come.



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Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:

What fools, that banna Granger got a country to run.  The diaspora have only their homes to run.

Those afro elitist he met are die-hard PNCites from the Burnham era who stole or sucked most of the wealth of the nation and live high!  They financed the campaign and were instrumental in installing the kabal.  Granger owes non of the commoners anything as they will vote PNC anyway!

All the Indians who ran behind the PNC, well alyuh try deh!!

They will eventually have to eat black coals for dinner.

They deserved what the PNC is giving them, more coals to come.


Yugi,do a research of all the Indo-Guyanese who were and are with PNC,they are all up there,no coals for dinner,you got it wrong.

kp posted:

Tonight in Toronto , supporters of the coalition will be having a dinner and dance ,ticket $100.00 each, lots of tickets still available. Many supporters from the past will not be attending ....

I don't blame them. The coalition awarded its ministers and all parliamentarians big salary increases effective only six weeks after the elections? Gilbakka was strongly against that. How come they now want coalition supporters to pay $100 per dinner ticket? What's the purpose of that fund-raising? The PPP did a wise thing and got its MPs to deposit their salary increases into a party fund. Couldn't APNU and the AFC do the same thing instead of fattening their personal bank accounts? 


My mother used to say when you ears hard, you gone feel. APNU/AFC tested the water with 100% salary increase, after the backlash, they secretly give themselves 50% pay raise and gazette it. The PPP left them with plenty money. Now they raping the consolidated funds. They spend billions on Jubilee, release criminals, and everything was Afrocentric. Money done and Granger is betting his life on oil to stimulate the economy. That's why we called them and their follower's neemakarams. They spend big, eat and shit in the same place.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

My mother used to say when you ears hard, you gone feel. APNU/AFC tested the water with 100% salary increase, after the backlash, they secretly give themselves 50% pay raise and gazette it. The PPP left them with plenty money. Now they raping the consolidated funds. They spend billions on Jubilee, release criminals, and everything was Afrocentric. Money done and Granger is betting his life on oil to stimulate the economy. That's why we called them and their follower's neemakarams. They spend big, eat and shit in the same place.

These AFC/PNC Monsters are indeed destroying Guyana. Excellent analysis.

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

Tonight in Toronto , supporters of the coalition will be having a dinner and dance ,ticket $100.00 each, lots of tickets still available. Many supporters from the past will not be attending ....

I don't blame them. The coalition awarded its ministers and all parliamentarians big salary increases effective only six weeks after the elections? Gilbakka was strongly against that. How come they now want coalition supporters to pay $100 per dinner ticket? What's the purpose of that fund-raising? The PPP did a wise thing and got its MPs to deposit their salary increases into a party fund. Couldn't APNU and the AFC do the same thing instead of fattening their personal bank accounts? 

Come on Gil,

Do you expect the AFC/PNC crooks to do any better ? They are what they are, a bunch of crooks and liars.

Cobra posted:

A lot of coalition supporters are now shying away from the corruption and embarrassment they caused on themselves. Some ah them ah get vex when you shove it in them face. 

Pity that PPP supporters like you lack the same level of integrity when the PPP who you blinded supported descended into becoming a criminal enterprise when Jagdeo took over.


I can Clearly remember that the AFC/PNC were pinning suicides on the PPP. It is time that we hold them accountable. 

There was even a member who is now hiding in shame who boasted that he was part of a charitable organization who were assisting youths in Guyana and was cussing down the PPP.

Granger gave them one kick and sent them into hiding.

These are the rascals who are now responsible for the mess which these AFC/PNC Crooks/Clowns imposed on Guyanese today. 

They should be ashamed of themselves and be publicly flogged like they do in Saudi Arabia.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I can Clearly remember that the AFC/PNC were pinning suicides on the PPP. It is time that we hold them accountable. 

There was even a member who is now hiding in shame who boasted that he was part of a charitable organization who were assisting youths in Guyana and was cussing down the PPP.

Granger gave them one kick and sent them into hiding.

These are the rascals who are now responsible for the mess the these AFC/PNC Crooks/Clowns imposed on Guyanese today. 

They should be ashamed of themselves and be publicly flogged like they do in Saudi Arabia.

Oh yes, wan chap was talking how much he doing and trying to solicit donation . At the time I said the Banna was a FRAUD and people should be careful.

Drugb posted:

The only reason the "diaspora" aka AFC/PNC overseas soupies, vex is because Granger et al didn't line their pockets as they expected. 

That's correct. Granger lined the pockets of his own kind. The EX Military boys are smiling from ear to ear.

Even the dead dictator Burnham's  son-in-law is chasing in big time.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The only reason the "diaspora" aka AFC/PNC overseas soupies, vex is because Granger et al didn't line their pockets as they expected. 

Given that Jagdeo lined your pockets no wonder you grovel, drool, and open your mouth wide every time he passes.

And why you so upset at everyone, Burnham, Jagan, Jagdeo and now Granger?

yuji22 posted:

I can Clearly remember that the AFC/PNC were pinning suicides on the PPP. It is time that we hold them accountable. 


These are the rascals who are now responsible for the mess which these AFC/PNC Crooks/Clowns imposed on Guyanese today. 

They should be ashamed of themselves and be publicly flogged like they do in Saudi Arabia.

Hold it, your excellency. This is an about turn from the statesman-like statement you made recently. Let me remind you: not 100, not 200, but thousands of coalition supporters are currently disaffected and disappointed. Will public flogging take them closer to the PPP and make them vote PPP in 2020? If you think so, examine your kidneys because it looks like you're reasoning with that organ. Considering that the PPP Indo support base cannot give 51 percent election victory, you PPPites have to use your brain and encourage the maximum number of disaffected coalition supporters to get on board your side. Cussing us down, belittling us and reviling us is counter-productive. The ball is in your court. And whenever you're ready, Gilbakka is available for your public flogging in Nathan Phillips Square. Me nah frighten licks but me go hate yuh rass foreva.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The only reason the "diaspora" aka AFC/PNC overseas soupies, vex is because Granger et al didn't line their pockets as they expected. 

Given that Jagdeo lined your pockets no wonder you grovel, drool, and open your mouth wide every time he passes.

And why you so upset at everyone, Burnham, Jagan, Jagdeo and now Granger?

This shows that I am not a party stooge as you are, and don't assess presidents based on their ethnicity.   How come you forgot Ramotar, or do you admit that he wasn't really the president? We all know that Jagdeo was the president between 2011-15 and beat up Ramotar for allowing "blackman to win". 

Yes this same clown who now screams that he is a blackman.  I wonder how come he didn't say this last year while campaigning in PPP bottom houses screaming "blackman gun kill collie if dem nah vote fuh PPP".

Given the fact that Guyana remains the laughing stock of the Caribbean and Guyanese flee to islands riddled with hurricanes, volcanoes and earth quakes I can only wonder why you would be impress with any of those clowns.

Gilbakka posted:


 Considering that the PPP Indo support base cannot give 51 percent election victory,

I will never forget last year when cobra was screaming about "PNC woman with supercyat".

These guys are sadomasochists who enjoy terrifying themselves about the prospect of a thorough trashing from a big black Amazonian PNC female with a supercyat.

Poor Cobra had fantasies of a 250lb PNC female pissing on him and then setting him and fire.  This while he wailed and squealed like a little bytch.

The Indo KKK do not want the PPP to win, as they enjoy working themselves into a frenzy about "blackman gun kill ahbe".

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Poor Asquith Rose and the other AFC cronies.  Their coup to topple the PPP backfired nicely in their faces.   Oh what a tangled web they wove ........!

Say what? Haven't you heard, PPP lost?

I wonder if the PPP freaks will scream that "Jagdeo say he a blackman" just as they demonized Nagamootoo for saying he isn't Indian.

No way, as they are too scared that Jagdeo will put his black (Hammie Green) thugs on them.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:


 Considering that the PPP Indo support base cannot give 51 percent election victory,

I will never forget last year when cobra was screaming about "PNC woman with supercyat".

These guys are sadomasochists who enjoy terrifying themselves about the prospect of a thorough trashing from a big black Amazonian PNC female with a supercyat.

Poor Cobra had fantasies of a 250lb PNC female pissing on him and then setting him and fire.  This while he wailed and squealed like a little bytch.

The Indo KKK do not want the PPP to win, as they enjoy working themselves into a frenzy about "blackman gun kill ahbe".

Do you have any love for your country?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The only reason the "diaspora" aka AFC/PNC overseas soupies, vex is because Granger et al didn't line their pockets as they expected. 

Given that Jagdeo lined your pockets no wonder you grovel, drool, and open your mouth wide every time he passes.

I am not invested in Guyana in any shape or form, nor have I received any benefits, via bribery, contract etc from the PPP or any administration. You on the other hand have been shunned even as you expect the soup to drip your way. Now you grudgingly give soft criticism of the crooks in office. 

Nehru posted:
yuji22 posted:

I can Clearly remember that the AFC/PNC were pinning suicides on the PPP. It is time that we hold them accountable. 

There was even a member who is now hiding in shame who boasted that he was part of a charitable organization who were assisting youths in Guyana and was cussing down the PPP.

Granger gave them one kick and sent them into hiding.

These are the rascals who are now responsible for the mess the these AFC/PNC Crooks/Clowns imposed on Guyanese today. 

They should be ashamed of themselves and be publicly flogged like they do in Saudi Arabia.

Oh yes, wan chap was talking how much he doing and trying to solicit donation . At the time I said the Banna was a FRAUD and people should be careful.

Our Bibi outed the man and he went into hiding.


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