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STABROEK NEWS, NOV 19 --- The Executive Council of A Partnership for National Unity-APNU met in an extraordinary session this afternoon at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, a release from APNU said. The meeting was called to deal with the current constitutional crisis brought about by the Presidential Proclamation, proroguing the Parliament of Guyana. The meeting followed an invitation last evening from President Donald Ramotar for dialogue.

The APNU release said β€œThe Partners agreed on a course of action to demand the restoration of parliamentary democracy by resisting the President’s resort to dictatorship.

β€œAPNU Executive Council iterates its firm decision not to accept this denial of democracy and not to allow President Ramotar and the People’s Progressive Party to implant a β€˜one-party’ dictatorship in this country.”

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

STABROEK NEWS, NOV 19 --- The Executive Council of A Partnership for National Unity-APNU met in an extraordinary session this afternoon at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, a release from APNU said. The meeting was called to deal with the current constitutional crisis brought about by the Presidential Proclamation, proroguing the Parliament of Guyana. The meeting followed an invitation last evening from President Donald Ramotar for dialogue.

The APNU release said β€œThe Partners agreed on a course of action to demand the restoration of parliamentary democracy by resisting the President’s resort to dictatorship.

β€œAPNU Executive Council iterates its firm decision not to accept this denial of democracy and not to allow President Ramotar and the People’s Progressive Party to implant a β€˜one-party’ dictatorship in this country.”




APNU must attend to the President's request. Failing to do so will result in Elections next year and the PPP will win a majority.


The President need not request the AFC to attend.


The PPP has all to gain.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

STABROEK NEWS, NOV 19 --- The Executive Council of A Partnership for National Unity-APNU met in an extraordinary session this afternoon at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, a release from APNU said. The meeting was called to deal with the current constitutional crisis brought about by the Presidential Proclamation, proroguing the Parliament of Guyana. The meeting followed an invitation last evening from President Donald Ramotar for dialogue.

The APNU release said β€œThe Partners agreed on a course of action to demand the restoration of parliamentary democracy by resisting the President’s resort to dictatorship.

β€œAPNU Executive Council iterates its firm decision not to accept this denial of democracy and not to allow President Ramotar and the People’s Progressive Party to implant a β€˜one-party’ dictatorship in this country.”




APNU must attend to the President's request. Failing to do so will result in Elections next year and the PPP will win a majority.


The President need not request the AFC to attend.


The PPP has all to gain.

Insightful analysis Sherlock.....hehehehe


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

STABROEK NEWS, NOV 19 --- The Executive Council of A Partnership for National Unity-APNU met in an extraordinary session this afternoon at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, a release from APNU said. The meeting was called to deal with the current constitutional crisis brought about by the Presidential Proclamation, proroguing the Parliament of Guyana. The meeting followed an invitation last evening from President Donald Ramotar for dialogue.

The APNU release said β€œThe Partners agreed on a course of action to demand the restoration of parliamentary democracy by resisting the President’s resort to dictatorship.

β€œAPNU Executive Council iterates its firm decision not to accept this denial of democracy and not to allow President Ramotar and the People’s Progressive Party to implant a β€˜one-party’ dictatorship in this country.”




APNU must attend to the President's request. Failing to do so will result in Elections next year and the PPP will win a majority.


The President need not request the AFC to attend.


The PPP has all to gain.

Insightful analysis Sherlock.....hehehehe


Look who's talking.


Your World Cup Analysis and Prediction was a complete shame and disgrace.


Ha Ha !


Duck write Blind, lef out A.F. See

November 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Donald Duck send a letter to Blind Granger and that show that is a case of de blind leading de blind. Since Donald Duck prorogue de parliament he start fuh write de letter. He tek eight days fuh write four paragraph. Do de Maths. He tek two days fuh write one paragraph. He send de letter to Chat-3 fuh look fuh any mistake and fuh see if it word right. Then he send it to Kwame fuh carry to Luncheon. Dem boys see Kwame editing de letter pun he computer. Dem ask he wha he doing and he seh that Luncheon too old and that is time to prove heself to de Duck because de Devil ain’t deh no more. De letter go back to Donald Duck and he couldn’t see any mistake because he gat cat-a-rat in one eye. He sign it. De letter full of mistake. A prep school child woulda never mek dem mistake in a letter to he teacher. It go to Blind Granger who suh blind that he didn’t see that A.F. See get leff out de letter much less de mistakes.  It tek Khemraj, who dem seh that he eye nah good, see de mistake as soon as de letter land in he hand. He tun to Moses and seh β€œDem eyes pass we. Dem prorogue we from de letter and de meeting.” Wid wha reveal in de letter, dem boys want to know if de Kato school wha dem seh cost $780 million fuh build really cost $78 million, instead. But Donald Duck can’t see de difference. He gat cat-a-rat and besides, he seh that Kwame tell he that nought nah got value. De man who look like de devil did know de value of dem nought. He move Doodnauth and Bisnauth, collect all dem nought from dem project and left Guyana at nought. Talk half and hope that Berry tek out Donald Duck cat-a-rat.



The Alliance For Change continues to note the flurry of public statements attributed to President Donald Ramotar on his desire for β€œDialogue” with the opposition. Most recently in his press conference of Friday November 14, 2014 he declared β€œDialogue is the preferred way to go.” 

The AFC notes with alarm that the President now clearly believes the political rhetoric and propaganda he has spewed for most of this year and in the process has either forgotten or has lost touch with reality. The Alliance For Change will therefore refresh the President’s memory as he has clearly forgotten that the last time he extended an invitation to the parliamentary opposition to meet at a tripartite level was on February 26, 2014.


Nearly nine months have passed and in that time we Guyanese have swam in a sea of conflict and confrontation which has plagued President Ramotar’s administration, during which time his government has displayed no attempt to engage the majority parliamentary opposition in dialogue.

Public records will show that since February 2014 President Ramotar has placed emphasis on meeting key private sector organisations and stakeholder groups on a range of contentious issues ranging from passage of the anti money laundering legislation to the current constitutional crisis. At no point in time was the joint parliamentary opposition invited to participate in talks of any kind!


At the end of June 2014, the AFC in correspondence to the President laid out its 10-point list of areas of concern. This included demands for the upholding of the non-negotiable provisions of Guyana’s constitution, namely the establishment of the public procurement commission, the local government commission, and the human rights commission, the holding of local government election after an absence of more than two decades. The appointment of opposition members to state boards, the halting of illegal spending and the holding of β€œmeaningful tripartite talks” to reach consensus on a security reform strategy and job creation opportunities for unemployed youth was raised amongst other things.


On July 17, 2014 the AFC again wrote the President highlighting the Party’s deep concern over the unauthorized and unconstitutional withdrawals from the consolidated fund by the Minister of Finance. This we highlighted was in direct contravention to Article 217 of the Guyana constitution and section 16 of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act. The AFC on that occasion signaled its intention under article 106 (6) of the constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to lay a motion of No Confidence against the Ramotar government as no other option appeared in sight. This motion was eventually laid on August 10, 2014 with no engagement during the more than three-month period of parliamentary recess.

The Alliance For Change therefore remains surprised at Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon’s recent statement that the β€œPPP-C went the extra mile”. This and the President’s ramblings this last week can only be viewed with the skepticism it deserves. After all Mr. President – your actions speak louder than your words.


The Alliance For Change reminds private sector groups, stakeholders and civil society of these facts. END.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



APNU must attend to the President's request. Failing to do so will result in Elections next year and the PPP will win a majority.


The President need not request the AFC to attend.


The PPP has all to gain.

Are you dumb, or merely stupid?  APNU and the AFC supported an MONC and the result would have been elections by mid Feb.


So why does Ramotar think that either party is afraid of an election.  The only party which attempted to delay elections is the PPP and EVERY ONE knows this.


So why doesnt the PPP simply announce elections, and let the chips fall where they may. Having gone through the prorogation process it is clear that there is an impass. The People will decide who they want to reprsent them in parliament, based upon the 3 parties presenting why they deserve their vote.


Given that we do not know who will show up to vote I suggest that none of the parties make any assumptions of anything.  Many PPP supporters might stay home, being tired of them.  Many who hate the PPP might have lost hope that their vote will change anything, so might stay home.


As the incumbent the PPP has the ability to buy votes and campaign using tax payers' dollars.  On the other hand this recent high handed action by Ramotar might have angered even PPP supporters who might race to register their protest.


So we really don't know.  I suggest that those who count votes before they are cast might be quite foolish, and it doesnt matter whether they are PPP, APNU or AFC supporters.


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