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At a news conference at Office of the President yesterday afternoon, Hinds said that in light of the court action, government would “be obliged to withhold participation [from the Committee of Selection] in deference to the process.” He added that the government’s position is that until the matter in the High Court is determined, no arrangement should be proceeded with to set up the parliamentary committees.
Our position is that ‘4:4’ certainly doesn’t reflect 49:41 percent, it doesn’t reflect that situation and we are arguing that committees of ten, which have been traditionally heeded t
o, we should stay with the committees of ten,” he said.

Hinds was accompanied by Presidential Advisor on Governance Gail Teixeira and Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh and they objected to the move to convene a meeting to proceed with the setting up of the committees, saying it is in contempt of the High Court.

“We want to assure the public that we will continue to put our case, not only in terms as government but we believe that our role as custodians of the constitution and the democracy that we fought for so hard in this country and we will continue to represent and we would continue to have one or two little bit tweaks here and there but we will continue, we are not being muzzled by this dictatorship of one,” Teixeira said.

“We [the PPP/C], at the last elections, were the party with the largest block of votes. That is incontestable, no matter which way you cut it and turn it upside down… it is true that no party got an absolute majority but there is a difference between not having an absolute majority and being a party that has the largest block of votes,” she added.


Excerpts from Stabroeknews

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Proportionality in this 10th Parliament for the composition of the Parliamentary committees does not reflect the one seat majority that the combined opposition has.  It does not reflect the fact either, that there is no gridlock in the House.  Therefore, how can you enforce proportionality, which by virtue of rounding off the numbers, does not accurately reflect the actual composition of the House?  And so, in order to maintain the one seat majority, there must be one extra opposition member in the committees.  In a 9 member committee, there is no other way to do it, but by a 4:4:1 composition.

The elections results are 32 and 26 seats for the PPP and APNU respectively, while the AFC has 7, making a total of 33 seats for the combined opposition.  The argument that the PPP is using is that 32 cannot equal 26, which of course, appears to be valid.  However, when placed in the context of a 32/33 PPP/combined opposition composition of the House, that argument instantly evaporates, since how can 32 equal 33?  
And imagine, this is what the PPP wants!  They are clearly demonstrating their reluctance in accepting the will of the Guyanese people.  Oh how the tables have turned.  When it comes to the will of the people, today's PPP is behaving no differently to the PNC that it had promised to be better replacement for, not so long ago...

albert, is it any wonder so much is wrong in Guyana today?  I mean just look at the PPP mathematics, they say 26 cannot equal 32, but at the same time are demanding that 32 must equal 33. smh

Standing Order 94 states that every select committee shall be so constituted so as to ensure as far as possible, that the balance of Parties is reflected.


In the November 28 general and regional elections, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won 49.23 percent of the votes, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) - 40 percent, and Alliance for Change (AFC)-10.76 percent.

Hence the current percentage of representation for committees are ..


50% == PPP/C

40% == APNU/PNC

10% == AFC


With odd number of the representatives, the PPP/C will have one vote more that the combined total for the APNU/PNC and the AFC.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

4:4 certainly doesn’t reflect 49:41 percent

Since when does 49 = to HALF

And that is the question that albert, and his masters, are dodging.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

4:4 certainly doesn’t reflect 49:41 percent

Just as 5:4:1 (5:5) does not reflect 51:49.


However, 4:4:1, reflects 51:49.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C got the largest block of seats by a single party....32 that is...compared to 26 and 7

So what?  You are only looking at a part of the picture.  How about you take your head out of wherever it is, and look at the whole picture?  Now what does the whole picture look like?  Is it 51:49?  Yes?  No?


Parliament should await court ruling before setting up committees - Prime Minister - Gov’t to withhold input in Parliament if request not heeded


Georgetown, GINA, March 16, 2012

Source - GINA


Prime Minister and Leader of the Government side of the House, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds today sent a letter to Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman requesting him to suspend further meetings to set up committees in deference to the proceedings being played out in the High Court; failing which it will be obliged to withhold its participation in the House.


The Prime Minister made this disclosure at a press conference of which Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira were also a part at the Office of the President.  


At the March 15 sitting of the National Assembly, Government deferred its Motion on the composition of the Committee of Selection in light of the move to the High Court to address a number of matters on the application of the clauses in the constitution that were relevant to the makeup of the committees.


Government was invited to a meeting this afternoon to discuss and elect chairpersons to the various committees including the four sectoral committees; however, it does not deem this arrangement to be correct.


The Prime Minister’s letter to the Speaker stated that the Motion that was moved by the Opposition before the closing of last evening’s sitting to enable them to bring the Motions on March 21 to amend the Standing Orders with regards to the size and composition of the parliamentary management committee and the four sectoral committees, not only flies in the face of the matter before the High Court but, also Standing Order 26 (G).


Government’s position to withhold its participation in the Parliament if this request is denied, Prime Minister Hinds said is consistent with the position that led to the deferral of its Motion at the March 15 sitting.


In the letter, the Prime Minister urged the Speaker to “uphold the constitution and the law in this Tenth Parliament and prevent the House from being in contempt of the High Court.”


“Our position is that until the matter in the High Court is determined, we should not proceed with any arrangements to set up these committees,” PM Hinds said.


Standing Order 94 states that every select committee shall be so constituted so as to ensure as far as possible, that the balance of Parties is reflected.


In the November 28 general and regional elections, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won 49.23 percent of the votes, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) - 40 percent, and Alliance for Change (AFC)-10.76 percent.


“With those percentages being received by the different Parties at the last elections, that the makeup of the Committees should reflect as closely as possible, that ratio,” the Prime Minister said.   


On February 10, the two Parliamentary Opposition Parties teamed up to seize control of the Committee of Selection; voting against Government’s proposal of 10 members (5-PPP/C, 4-APNU, 1-AFC) and adopting a disproportional nine-member distribution (PPP/C-4, APNU-4, AFC-1).


“This four-four certainly does not reflect 49 and 40 percent…the committee of 10 allows for a better reflection of the votes received by the various Parties and the number of seats they have in Parliament and it is quite proper for the court to make a ruling, taking into account the relevant laws of our constitution…and we think that the Speaker and other members of the Parliament should await that ruling before proceeding further to set up those committees,” the Prime minister reiterated.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Proportionality in this 10th Parliament for the composition of the Parliamentary committees does not reflect the one seat majority that the combined opposition has. 

The operative word there is 'combined' GERHARD. The opposition did not contest the elections as combined parties. The PPP/C obtained the single largest amount of votes with the APNU coming second then the AFC. As such it is only right that the committee of selection reflects this proportionality. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Proportionality in this 10th Parliament for the composition of the Parliamentary committees does not reflect the one seat majority that the combined opposition has. 

The operative word there is 'combined' GERHARD. The opposition did not contest the elections as combined parties. The PPP/C obtained the single largest amount of votes with the APNU coming second then the AFC. As such it is only right that the committee of selection reflects this proportionality. 

Irrelevant.  Does the PPP have 50% of the House?  Yes or no?  If they don't, then how can they demand 50% of the committees?  Please explain.  Thanks.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
  Is it 51:49?  Yes?  No?

Where was this kind of thinking during the 9th parliament Gerhard?

That's why i keep saying that you guys are not about change, only self interest


The matter is currently before the court, the parliamentary committees should be deemed null and void until the outcome of the court matter.....

The P.P.P/C has a strong case....

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
  Is it 51:49?  Yes?  No?

Where was this kind of thinking during the 9th parliament Gerhard?

That's why i keep saying that you guys are not about change, only self interest

Good question, albert.  It is the same question my brother, Nigel Hughes, asked.  Where was the proportionality before now?????  The PPP behaved, most especially in the last decade, as if 52% = 100%!!!!!


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The matter is currently before the court, the parliamentary committees should be deemed null and void until the outcome of the court matter.....

The P.P.P/C has a strong case....

The matter is before the court only because the PPP is refusing to accept the will of the people!

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

hold your horses....let the law takes its course......the parliamentary committees should be deemed null and void...

Simply because you and and your masters want to take 49 and make it into 50. Good luck, ayuh gon sure need it. smh

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

4:4 certainly doesn’t reflect 49:41 percent

Since when does 49 = to HALF

And that is the question that albert, and his masters, are dodging.

They know exactly what they are doing they just playing STUPIDEEE


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Simply, the opposition have 51%. The PPP is the minority. 

They are accustomed to running things and thieving and get away with it noe there is a new Sheriff AKA the AFC they cant come to their senses and still think that they can be the bully.



The MPs under the governments of Hoyte and Burnham were majority PNC, I don't always agree with the PPP but at least the opposition governments are allowed a little bit more recognition.


 I am  no constitutional expert but personally  I cannot  see any  judge with  a  sense  equitable justice   ruling  in  favor of  the Government. Any way  you twist and  turn  it 49% cannot  overcome 51% and  commonsense should inform  that a  10 member committee ( PPP 5,  APNU 4 and AFC 1)  is  a recipe for gridlock and  failure. Politically,  the PPP would  love  to  call a  snap  election   and  blame  the  opposition for  such failure.   

We will never try to manipulate or control the work of the committees of parliament…that is not our intention…all we are saying is that we have the most seats in terms of party and that must be reflected in the committees.’ - Minister Anil Nandlall
Originally Posted by Conscience:
We will never try to manipulate or control the work of the committees of parliament…that is not our intention…all we are saying is that we have the most seats in terms of party and that must be reflected in the committees.’ - Minister Anil Nandlall

In other words, he wants less than 49% to be equal to 50%.


Sasenarine and T.K must be feeling betrayed from their political gathering.....pity on them both.....its expected the flower boy will try his best to do some damage control on their behalf


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