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Former Member

As soon as Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, who was in good health, became ill after eating a meal at his compound in Ramallah in October of 2004, there were suspicions that he had been poisoned.

Responsibility for Arafat’s death was immediately and with justification attributed to Israel, which assassinated numerous Palestinian leaders, including Arafat’s closest collaborator, Abu Jihad.

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon publicly admitted to having tried unsuccessfully to kill Arafat. The PA leader’s assassination became official Israeli state policy.

In September 2003, Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert publicly declared that the Israeli government intended to assassinate the Palestinian president, claiming the cabinet’s decision to get rid of Arafat was “a decision to remove Arafat as an obstacle to peace.”

His death removed that obstacle and cleared the way for the installation of a more pliant leadership under Arafat's successor Mahmoud Abbas.

From virtually the beginning of the Second Intifada in September 2000, Arafat had been kept a virtual prisoner in his bombed-out offices in Ramallah, unable to exert more than minimal control over Palestinian life. The Bush administration backed Israel to the hilt, vetoing a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s decision to get rid of Arafat.

Israel never repudiated the decision. Just weeks before Arafat’s final illness, Sharon reiterated the threat to kill him.

After years of denials from Israeli spokespersons, Israeli President Shimon Peres has admitted the truth. In an interview given to the New York Times some months ago, which was published only last week, Peres said Arafat should not have been assassinated and asserted that he had opposed the policy of murdering him. Peres stated he had “protected Arafat from several plots against his life.”

Responsibility for Arafat’s assassination, however, does not end with Washington and Tel Aviv. The manner of his death points to the complicity of elements within the Palestinian leadership, since someone within Arafat’s entourage in Ramallah must have administered the poison.

It has taken nine years to identify the cause of death only because the new Palestinian leadership under Abbas did everything it could to block the truth from coming out.

Nine years after Yasser Arafat died in a French military hospital on November 11, 2004, a Swiss team of toxicologists has found traces of the radioactive isotope polonium-210 in his exhumed remains, as well as in his shroud and the soil of his shrine.

A Russian team also found traces of polonium in the body of the leader of Fatah and elected president of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Swiss scientists said there was an 83 percent probability that the late Palestinian leader was poisoned.

[Source: WSWS]



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Originally Posted by baseman:

Terrorists will always kill each other.  Didn't one of those Wahab Syrian terrorists groups behead one of their own by mistake recently?

Very enlightening intellectual contribution.....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Terrorists will always kill each other.  Didn't one of those Wahab Syrian terrorists groups behead one of their own by mistake recently?

Very enlightening intellectual contribution.....

Oye Kari-mullah, I see you lying low since Obama lies and Obamacare fiasco came to light.  I guess the product of many Kari-mullahs.


BTW, how come yuh bais cutting off the heads of their own these days.  Like all gone fuh channa in mullahistan!


President Obama has done what others have failed - enacted legislation to provide universal health care in America. He did it to also tackle the spiraling costs of medical care delivery and to provide preventative care in the pursuit of that.


To get such monumental legislation passed the law went through some compromises. The two glaring attacks on the President are that (i) some insurance policies were forced to be cancelled as they did not meet minimum standards; and (ii) the enrollment process to get a larger pool of actuarially sustainable consumers of health care insurance bombed.


On both of these the President took some blame. He's the big Kahuna and did not handle the web site roll-out to enroll consumers well. He also voiced a truism about insurance policies before the law's enactment in 2010 - that you can keep your insurance policy if you like it. Of course the intent is that if such policies meant no payment for pre-existing conditions, and all the other shitty aspects of the system before Obama pushed for the Act, you will find it better off to go to the Exchanges.


Instead of making this law work and shape it to work better, the political opposition does what it does best - can't have a Black man succeed. And thus we have idiotic statements like "Obama lies and Obamacare fiasco" from someone who simply regurgitates and echoes others who look for the President to fail, without knowing why. But, then again it's BaseBoard we're talking about.

Originally Posted by Kari:

President Obama has done what others have failed - enacted legislation to provide universal health care in America. He did it to also tackle the spiraling costs of medical care delivery and to provide preventative care in the pursuit of that.


To get such monumental legislation passed the law went through some compromises. The two glaring attacks on the President are that (i) some insurance policies were forced to be cancelled as they did not meet minimum standards; and (ii) the enrollment process to get a larger pool of actuarially sustainable consumers of health care insurance bombed.


On both of these the President took some blame. He's the big Kahuna and did not handle the web site roll-out to enroll consumers well. He also voiced a truism about insurance policies before the law's enactment in 2010 - that you can keep your insurance policy if you like it. Of course the intent is that if such policies meant no payment for pre-existing conditions, and all the other shitty aspects of the system before Obama pushed for the Act, you will find it better off to go to the Exchanges.


Instead of making this law work and shape it to work better, the political opposition does what it does best - can't have a Black man succeed. And thus we have idiotic statements like "Obama lies and Obamacare fiasco" from someone who simply regurgitates and echoes others who look for the President to fail, without knowing why. But, then again it's BaseBoard we're talking about.

Oyye Kari-mullah, yuh big pfatt mouth huttin" yet.  Go suck a clam, it's more fun and less painful.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

Oye BaseBoard......don't tax the little grey matter you have for a response.

You never tax me, you don't have the depth to do it, you just bore me with your mouth diarrhea spewing swill.


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