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Did AFC support hefty increase in ministers salaries?

Tourism Minister, Cathy Hughes taking the Oath of Office before President David Granger. Tourism Minister, Cathy Hughes taking the Oath of Office before President David Granger.

A senior functionary of the Alliance For Change (AFC) on Thursday declined to say whether her party supported the decision to increase ministers’ salaries, even as she sought to justify it as a means of discouraging corruption.
Asked if the AFC had offered Cabinet support for the increases, Tourism Minister, Catherine Hughes told reporters “the business of Cabinet is confidential and, therefore, I would not want to disclose…It’s a difficult decision, it’s a very difficult decision and I would not want to comment specifically on that.”

The AFC is the smaller partner in government alongside the larger A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
She said the 50 percent hike in ministerial salaries four months after the new government took office was one of the measures to ensure ethical practices by elected officials.
“This was a way of ensuring that ministers are not involved in all kinds of other businesses through the back-door, supplying products to government agencies, got their friends and family getting pluses and special concessions that are monetary that back up their salaries,” she said.
Hughes said it made better sense to pay the ministers well rather than open up to corrupt deals and violate the ministerial code of conduct. The Tourism Minister said she was optimistic that other government employees would benefit from a further increase in salaries in the 2016 National Budget. “I am very hopeful that the Minister of Finance, by the next budget, will be able to give more to more of the public servants and the different groups of people in Guyana that deserve a better life,” she said.
Hughes deflected a question about rationalizing criticisms as the then opposition about hefty salaries that had been earned by then presidential advisors, Gail Teixeira and Odinga Lumumba. She stressed that the ministerial salary hike was part of government’s anti-corruption drive. “We are putting things in place to curb rampant corruption and we are putting things in place to ensure that individuals that are in positions of power don’t use their positions of influence to gain financially and monetarily,” she said.
The Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) has already expressed concern about the fact that Cabinet increased its salaries while being just four months on the job while long-serving teachers have been awarded a measly five percent hike in the 2015 national budget.

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AFC skunks are in hiding. They were the ones talking about a cadillac lifestyle in on a Donkey cart economy.


Guess what, they are living a Cadillac Lifestyle on a Jackass Cart Economy.


What a bunch of conmen !


The AFC has realized that they are the victims of one of the biggest political tricks in Guyanese history.  Granger got the indian vote to put him where he is and now he has turned his back on them.  And now Nagamootoo is pulling ahead of the rest of the pack on the money line.  They are stunned!!

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

The AFC has realized that they are the victims of one of the biggest political tricks in Guyanese history.  Granger got the indian vote to put him where he is and now he has turned his back on them.  And now Nagamootoo is pulling ahead of the rest of the pack on the money line.  They are stunned!!

This increase has to be sanctioned by the AFC, it stunned the entire country,

seems like what Granger is telling the Entire Country is to go f off. Indirectly that might be exactly what he is doing. Scumbags!!


Quote ".....Nagamotoo and Ramjattan talked so much about Jagdeo pension and the ppp fat cats.....they are now fatter cats..20 million not to mention all the allowances. Just a few months after the elections and they have 50% increase...I have been working as a teacher for over 20 years and our increase is a meager 5% per year...I am jus fedup n see no hope for the future..their excuse that better salaries MPs will not want to bet Mr. Harmon?


And dem boys gat big sport this weekend in Canada.  A lot of the PNC old boys who got scholarships to study abroad under the Burnham regime are now professionals and many are retired with a few dollars in their pocket.  They have been waiting a long time to pay back their party.  I hope Mr. Gilbakka gets invited to the soiree because he deserves a piece of the pie.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by asj:

Did AFC support hefty increase in ministers salaries?

Tourism Minister, Cathy Hughes taking the Oath of Office before President David Granger. even as she sought to justify it as a means of discouraging corruption.

This is nonsense. Is there a suggestion that civil servants don't also need better pay to discourage them from being corrupt.


After all it is THEY who end up with no cash, after they pay their rent and pay for food.


This is just a rush by PNC folks who want to grab as much as they can, as they are ageing.  This is a rush by AFC folks who want to grab as much as they can, knowing that another stint in gov't is not assured.


Call it what it is. APNU/AFC will pay for this.  Imagine as the economy is slowing, and the gov't claims that it cannot engage in certain expenditures as a result, 50% pay hike.


If the PPP had brains they would REFUSE this pay hike!  Not merely condemn it.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Granger got the indian vote to put him where he is and now he has turned his back on them. 

The PPP won 49% of the votes, the Indian vote most likely now not more than 40%, and you still chat this nonsense.


95% of the Indian vote went to the PPP, so no APNU/AFC did NOT turn its back on them.

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote ".....Nagamotoo and Ramjattan talked so much about Jagdeo pension and the ppp fat cats.....they are now fatter cats..20 million not to mention all the allowances. Just a few months after the elections and they have 50% increase...I have been working as a teacher for over 20 years and our increase is a meager 5% per year...I am jus fedup n see no hope for the future..their excuse that better salaries MPs will not want to bet Mr. Harmon?

The logic about corruption is slow flawed.  So when teachers refuse to do their work, in order to force the kids to go to their PRIVATE classes, isn't that a form of corruption.


Well poor pay for teachers FORCES many to engage in this, and a mere 5% increase ensures that this will continue.  Those too ethically to engage in this will flock to Barbados, where they can earn many times MORE!

Asked if the AFC had offered Cabinet support for the increases, Tourism Minister, Catherine Hughes told reporters “the business of Cabinet is confidential and, therefore, I would not want to disclose…It’s a difficult decision, it’s a very difficult decision and I would not want to comment specifically on that.”


The AFC is the smaller partner in government alongside the larger A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).


Did AFC support hefty increase in ministers salaries?,Thursday, 08 October 2015 17:33,Written by 

Perhaps meaning ... "Gulp, gulp, gulp, we are exceedingly happy with the decision and looking forward soon for additional increases".


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