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Baseman posted:

We don't know fuh sure, we hear suh, he hiding!  Maybe he deh Rupununi!

i hope he does for a little while

i am concerned about agent-provocateurs working on behalf of bad people associated with the PPP doing bad stuff that would clinch a win for their party in the upcoming elections

the brazen victimizations of Freddie-Kissoon and Crum-Ewing come to mind

known false flag provocations that made PNC very careful in controlling public demonstrations caution me further

not to say that crazy people in the PNC don't do crazy things

and i don't believe that PPP people in the main are more evil than PNC people

but MONEY and vested interests gave us drug trafficking and death squads . . . and what we have in play now is MONEY on steroids!

for those who would find what i write tendentious in focusing on PPP, i say to you . . . cui bono?

chill out Charandaas . . . i hate what you did but i want you to staan safe

ronan posted:

i hope he does for a little while

i am concerned about agent-provocateurs working on behalf of bad people associated with the PPP doing bad stuff that would clinch a win for their party in the upcoming elections

the brazen victimizations of Freddie-Kissoon and Crum-Ewing come to mind

known false flag provocations that made PNC very careful in controlling public demonstrations caution me further

not to say that crazy people in the PNC don't do crazy things

and i don't believe that PPP people in the main are more evil than PNC people

but MONEY and vested interests gave us drug trafficking and death squads . . . and what we have in play now is MONEY on steroids!

for those who would find what i write tendentious in focusing on PPP, i say to you . . . cui bono?

chill out Charandaas . . . i hate what you did but i want you to staan safe

You expect us to believe that you concerned about Charrandas? Yuh rass got ulterior motives, you come hey fuh find out wheh de man deh fuh send out your hitmen. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

i hope he does for a little while

i am concerned about agent-provocateurs working on behalf of bad people associated with the PPP doing bad stuff that would clinch a win for their party in the upcoming elections

the brazen victimizations of Freddie-Kissoon and Crum-Ewing come to mind

known false flag provocations that made PNC very careful in controlling public demonstrations caution me further

not to say that crazy people in the PNC don't do crazy things

and i don't believe that PPP people in the main are more evil than PNC people

but MONEY and vested interests gave us drug trafficking and death squads . . . and what we have in play now is MONEY on steroids!

for those who would find what i write tendentious in focusing on PPP, i say to you . . . cui bono?

chill out Charandaas . . . i hate what you did but i want you to staan safe

You expect us to believe that you concerned about Charrandas? Yuh rass got ulterior motives, you come hey fuh find out wheh de man deh fuh send out your hitmen. 

thanks for your 'contribution'

stay away from the thread . . . please

ronan posted:

You expect us to believe that you concerned about Charrandas? Yuh rass got ulterior motives, you come hey fuh find out wheh de man deh fuh send out your hitmen. 

thanks for your 'contribution'

stay away from the thread . . . please

Imagine that, a known collieman hater come here with crocodile tears for Charandaas. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

You expect us to believe that you concerned about Charrandas? Yuh rass got ulterior motives, you come hey fuh find out wheh de man deh fuh send out your hitmen. 

thanks for your 'contribution'

stay away from the thread . . . please

Imagine that, a known collieman hater come here with crocodile tears for Charandaas.

who's shedding "crocodile tears" for Charandaas?

my concern is for GUYANA, its people and peace

read before you post illiterate sh!t you prancing fool

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

You expect us to believe that you concerned about Charrandas? Yuh rass got ulterior motives, you come hey fuh find out wheh de man deh fuh send out your hitmen. 

thanks for your 'contribution'

stay away from the thread . . . please

Imagine that, a known collieman hater come here with crocodile tears for Charandaas. 

PLease show one post to prove your allegation / statement.

Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
ronan posted:

. . . anybody know?

Heard he flew out of Ogle.

For security reasons, I am not allowed to say anything about his whereabouts. 

Imagine the state of Guyana under the CRIMINAL PNC!!!!

That is why the PPP has to immediately make the safety and security of Guyanese a TOP priority. Sadly Brother Gaj passed away but I am sure that there is another Tiger nearby.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
ronan posted:

. . . anybody know?

Heard he flew out of Ogle.

For security reasons, I am not allowed to say anything about his whereabouts. 

Don't lie, the man frighten yall even more than the PNC seeing as how you folks kick him out of the party immediately. I doubt that AFC insiders know where he is, as yall say he was judas for refusing to be a yes man any longer. 

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah is an AFC spy. Charandass is too smart for Mitwah who is related to Roomjattan. AFC skinned their legs to PNC and expelled the Patriot Charandass.

So what next? Your vulgar Santa?

No shyte? The pieces of the puzzles are now adding up. Mits disappear for a month under the guise of "banning" and all of a sudden the GOG falls, then the man immediately appear. Bravo mits, you da man. 

Mitwah posted:

Here is Charandas: 

Charrandas's take here is correct. The Speaker is the authority in the Assembly. Even the Speaker learned from that incident as on Friday, he again asked Edjhill to lower his voice. The difference on Friday was that he followed it up with a suggestion. He offered that if that Edjhill's natural tone, he can have the volume on lowered. Barton was very fair and balance on Friday.

Last edited by Former Member

War is strategy. Those who wanted the NC motion to fail wanted Cgarandas to present himself as a sitting duck. The dude was smart to know that you strike when hot and complaining about the budget was not going to provide the optimum result. That 'yes' utterance caused Lawrence to reach for her glass of water. She almost choked.

alena06 posted:

Charandass - the man with balls who did it HIS WAY.  Volda might still be searching at the airport for the man!!  PNC get white mouth now. Let’s bring it on -90 days to finish the job.🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū

PPP will clean house and send the PNC into opposition for another 30 years. All this third party nonsense doesn’t  make sense since 90 days in not enough time to mobilize a party including the required financing to challenge the Giant PPP. I am confident while Jagdeo is still part of the PPP machinery. Jagdeo has the entire AFC PNC limping after he bussed their balls.

PPP is like a bulldozer with momentum, AFC Massy Ferguson 35 is no match for the PPP. The PNC is damaged goods. Add Useless Moses and Ramjattan and we get the big picture. 

This talk of third parties at this stage is premature and a pipe dream. There is not enough time for such a party to pose a challenge to the PPP.

AFC PNC and any third party cork duck. D2 and the rest are fill of horseshit with their talk of a third party challenge. We can revisit his BS assumption again in 2024.

He was beating his chest and boasting that the PPP could not topple the PNC. He was in for a rude awakening and hid until 2:00 am when the entire GNI PPP crew went to bed. He is in for another bruised ego in 2019. In fact, he stated that he preferred those PNC clowns and Granger over the PPP. Jagdeo bussed his balls too.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

thanks for your 'contribution'

stay away from the thread . . . please

Imagine that, a known collieman hater come here with crocodile tears for Charandaas.

who's shedding "crocodile tears" for Charandaas?

my concern is for GUYANA, its people and peace

read before you post illiterate sh!t you prancing fool

If you were that concerned for Guyana, you'd not be supporting Volda's racist comments!

Alyuh think coolies must take your shyte.  Alyuh seh we bring phantoms, now we bring stealth.

Baseman posted:

If you were that concerned for Guyana, you'd not be supporting Volda's racist comments!

simply a childish lie

you have run away yelping like a mangy dog every time challenged to present facts to support this low effort at manufacturing a preferred alternate reality

cynical Goebbelsian propaganda with intent to imprint on the collective consciousness by sheer volume repetition . . . neo-PPP style

you people have not really strayed far from your 20th Century Stalinist roots

yesss, i have exposed you and the howling pack of unreconstructed anti-Black racists on this site as a band of sour-smelling, mediocre old and middle-aged men slouching towards eternity trailing a bunch of nothing lives poorly lived

kinda obvious that the effects of blazing sunlight on your diseased ass still smarts, no?

must be really frustrating that i don't play your race game . . . giving y'all nothing real to tilt at

so all you have left is fake stuff with shakeabatty as an ego reflator


Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
ronan posted:

. . . anybody know?

Heard he flew out of Ogle.

For security reasons, I am not allowed to say anything about his whereabouts. 

Yall AFC people can like lakka rass. The man himself says he refuse security from Ramjattan, but never the less you came here to pretend your party had something to do with his security

The No-confidence voteâ€Ķ I rejected Ramjattan’s offer of police protection – Charandass Persaud

Charrandass Persaud trusted no one in the immediate aftermath of his bold vote in favour of the no-confidence motion on Friday.
Kaieteur News has been speaking to Persaud since his decision, requesting that he properly explain to Guyanese his decision that essentially cut short the life of the Coalition Government of A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC).
Persaud said he refused offers made by Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan, to ensure his safety.

AFC Exec Member Charrandass Persaud

Persaud described Ramjattan’s claim that he provided security for him to get out of Parliament as ‘a sick praise-hustling lie’.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Here is Charandas: 

Charrandas's take here is correct. The Speaker is the authority in the Assembly. Even the Speaker learned from that incident as on Friday, he again asked Edjhill to lower his voice. The difference on Friday was that he followed it up with a suggestion. He offered that if that Edjhill's natural tone, he can have the volume on lowered. Barton was very fair and balance on Friday.

I agree with Charandas. If he thought the speaker was correct, why did he (the speaker) not object Vulgah's constant barraging of Charandas when he said yes? Why did the speaker not call for order when the PNC ruckus began? Why did the speaker not chide the negroes for physically and verbally assaulting Charandas?


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