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Jagdeo said the recent declarations by the Finance Minister, which claimed that Guyana is bankrupt, could do severe harm to the economy as it will deter investments from investing in Guyana.

β€œLet me tell you, do not underestimate what that signals, when you say something like that what it means to the rest of the world. If investors hear you are bankrupted as a country, they will start thinking well the Government will raise taxes, if the insurance companies will start pushing the premium up, the cost of loans and interest rates go up. One little statement of that nature can make a huge difference and this country is not bankrupted by any stretch of the imagination,”


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PPP hijacked Red House

August 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– staff being paid from state funds – New Govt.

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House)


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) hijacked the originally state-owned historical building previously called Red House. Disclosure of this development caused a ruckus yesterday in the National Assembly as the government’s side became incensed, while those on the opposition benches sat in total shock. PPP’s β€œdeceitful” action that sought to rob the nation of its resources was revealed when Minister of State Joseph Harmon took the floor yesterday to add his bit to the 2015 Budget debate.


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Poised to speak about the issue, Harmon introduced it as one that remains like β€œa bone stuck across my throat”. The Minister told the House that the PPP/C administration spent tens of millions of dollars over the years to renovate the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012.

 Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

During that year a company was established named β€˜Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’ and the building was leased by the PPP to that company. The lease agreement has duration of 99 years at a cost of only $1000 monthly. This will add up to $12,000 per year and $1,188,000 over the 99-year period. This will not be even a quarter of what was spent to build, renovate and maintain the building over the years. Apart from this, Harmon said that the entity’s staff remained on the job and were still being paid by the State. Harmon told the House that he had the names of those who formed the Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’s Board of Directors. His colleagues shouted β€œname them man, name them, shameful thieves.”

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Harmon said it is clear the direction of the transaction since the Board involved top executives of the PPP including Geoffrey Da Silva,  the late Janet Jagan, the then President Donald Ramotar, James Rose, Michael Khan, Hydar Ally and Ralph Ramkarran, among others.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

This information he said was not made accessible through forensic audit or a Commission of Inquiry, but a mere visit to the Deeds Registry and the Lands and Survey Commission. As Harmon continued his revelations, the once silenced PPP members did not refute his findings.

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

In fact, former Minister, Irfaan Ali essentially admitted it as he shouted, β€œtell them who did the transactions, tell them.” Ali continued, β€œthe PM (Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo) was the one who did the document.”

To this Harmon responded β€œthat doesn’t make it right.”

Moses....left the PPP in 2011

Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012. 

How could the Honorable Prime Minister

do this Transfer after 2012

when he was in the AFC????

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally, was perhaps the loudest heckler during this time shouting things like β€œthief, shame, barefaced thieves and bam bam.” On the issue of the workers at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre still being paid by the state, opposition member Clement Rohee yelled to the government, β€œKnock them off.” To this Harmon responded: β€œKnock them off?

Opposition Leader Bharrat JagdeoThat is the level of contempt for the people I am talking about. This is not all, but I will leave the rest for the state asset recovery unit to deal with…” The late Dr. Cheddi Jagan is the founder of the Red House, members of the government said yesterday that the PPP’s β€œtheft” of the site is a dishonour to the late President.


Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech


The country is not bankrupt but it faces serious challenges made more difficult by the racial chimera and the mal-investments of the PPP. The failure of Skeldon, which the AFC-APNU will have to own by December, will haunt the country for another decade until sugar production is replaced by other crops and ethanol. Sugar should be made in small quantities for home consumption and possibly some export markets. The Venezuela challenge is a serious distraction for the economic tasks ahead. The PPP also destroyed University of serious challenges. NIS has to be saved also. Tough decisions have to be made. There is also the major neglect of the drainage system for 40 years by PNC, PPP and private sector.  


Jagdeo said all the right things during his address. He came over like a seasoned statesman. whether he is lying or not, he showed interest in the whole country not only the PPP supporters. He emphasized respect for the President, the Guyanese borders, flag and anthem. He didn't come off as partisan at all. After Carl Greenidge opened the door of the pre-1992 PNC government, Jagdeo rightfully chastised him. Jagdeo displayed proper decorum even sitting during his speech when other stood up to speak although it was his turn to address the Assembly. I was impressed by his address. Looking forward to seeing the addresses of Moses and Jordan.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Jagdeo said all the right things during his address. He came over like a seasoned statesman. whether he is lying or not, he showed interest in the whole country not only the PPP supporters. He emphasized respect for the President, the Guyanese borders, flag and anthem. He didn't come off as partisan at all. After Carl Greenidge opened the door of the pre-1992 PNC government, Jagdeo rightfully chastised him. Jagdeo displayed proper decorum even sitting during his speech when other stood up to speak although it was his turn to address the Assembly. I was impressed by his address.Looking forward to seeing the addresses of Moses and Jordan. is there i watched all the debates,i plan to record

when i get some time.


click on link.


Originally Posted by ksazma:

Jagdeo said all the right things during his address. He came over like a seasoned statesman. whether he is lying or not, he showed interest in the whole country not only the PPP supporters. He emphasized respect for the President, the Guyanese borders, flag and anthem. He didn't come off as partisan at all. After Carl Greenidge opened the door of the pre-1992 PNC government, Jagdeo rightfully chastised him. Jagdeo displayed proper decorum even sitting during his speech when other stood up to speak although it was his turn to address the Assembly. I was impressed by his address. Looking forward to seeing the addresses of Moses and Jordan.

wolf in sheep clothing he is only there to protect his own skin 

Originally Posted by TK:

The country is not bankrupt but it faces serious challenges made more difficult by the racial chimera and the mal-investments of the PPP. r.  

Yes yes, we know, is PPP fault, well you go help out them PNC bannas, or is it too daunting.  Banna, which 3rd world non-oil nation is not always under constant challenges to meet their competing demands for limited resources!

Originally Posted by Jalil:

August 20, 2015 6:39 PM

Originally Posted by Jalil:
































WELL DONE Jalil.  Great delivery.  What did the LOUSE JAGGY DO - built Marot Hotel that costing the Treasury G$20 million a month.

Jalil, like you like follow-pattern that banna KIshanB, BT, Georgie, mek you own music, dance, then clap what a good boy am I!

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Jagdeo said all the right things during his address. He came over like a seasoned statesman. whether he is lying or not, he showed interest in the whole country not only the PPP supporters. He emphasized respect for the President, the Guyanese borders, flag and anthem. He didn't come off as partisan at all. After Carl Greenidge opened the door of the pre-1992 PNC government, Jagdeo rightfully chastised him. Jagdeo displayed proper decorum even sitting during his speech when other stood up to speak although it was his turn to address the Assembly. I was impressed by his address. Looking forward to seeing the addresses of Moses and Jordan.

wolf in sheep clothing he is only there to protect his own skin 

Exactly! He knows there is trouble looming for he and his band of merry men. Look at Brassington now toasting he other tiefman buddy.

Dem bannas ( as yugi and the other ID 10Ts would say) they now got belly wuk and BJ cyant use a plane fo fly out the country to go take a crap, he cork duck.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Jagdeo said all the right things during his address. He came over like a seasoned statesman. whether he is lying or not, he showed interest in the whole country not only the PPP supporters. He emphasized respect for the President, the Guyanese borders, flag and anthem. He didn't come off as partisan at all. After Carl Greenidge opened the door of the pre-1992 PNC government, Jagdeo rightfully chastised him. Jagdeo displayed proper decorum even sitting during his speech when other stood up to speak although it was his turn to address the Assembly. I was impressed by his address. Looking forward to seeing the addresses of Moses and Jordan.

wolf in sheep clothing he is only there to protect his own skin 

Exactly! He knows there is trouble looming for he and his band of merry men. Look at Brassington now toasting he other tiefman buddy.

Dem bannas ( as yugi and the other ID 10Ts would say) they now got belly wuk and BJ cyant use a plane fo fly out the country to go take a crap, he cork duck.

That banna look least worried?  PNC gat nuff headache and belly wuk while BJ traveling fuss-class.  From my last exchange, he is very confident and unfazed and will engage the new Govt in a productive but uncompromising manner.  They see the tactical and strategic errors of the current cabal but is only worried about the strategic errors which will be difficult to correct when they return to power in 2020.  Yes, tough days ahead for Guyana, many will soon miss the PPP and wonder what the hell they did.  The inept PNC and their incompetent sidekick will keep on stumbling and mumbling until 2020.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Jagdeo said all the right things during his address. He came over like a seasoned statesman. whether he is lying or not, he showed interest in the whole country not only the PPP supporters. He emphasized respect for the President, the Guyanese borders, flag and anthem. He didn't come off as partisan at all. After Carl Greenidge opened the door of the pre-1992 PNC government, Jagdeo rightfully chastised him. Jagdeo displayed proper decorum even sitting during his speech when other stood up to speak although it was his turn to address the Assembly. I was impressed by his address.Looking forward to seeing the addresses of Moses and Jordan. is there i watched all the debates,i plan to record

when i get some time.


click on link.


I must say I was not impressed with either Moses or Jordan. Moses in responding to Jagdeo's comments seem to not remember what Jagdeo said. He also forgot that he was also a main part of the PPP government along with Jagdeo who befriended those people who eventually ended up in jail. Some of those were also his friends as they were Ramjattan's as evidenced by the photo which Shaitan posted not so long ago. Politica make strange bedfellows. The longest part of his address was reading the 100 days accomplishments which would be a stretch to conclude that any of them are really done. At best, they are all in progress. As for Jordan, he pretty much read his address verbatim from a prepared paper. Not the best visual for public speaking. Plus it does him no good complaining about Jagdeo commenting about pre 1992 when his colleague, Greenidge opened the door to that period. Jagdeo certainly demonstrated his comfort in that Assembly.

Originally Posted by asj:



Jagdeo said the recent declarations by the Finance Minister, which claimed that Guyana is bankrupt, could do severe harm to the economy as it will deter investments from investing in Guyana.

β€œLet me tell you, do not underestimate what that signals, when you say something like that what it means to the rest of the world. If investors hear you are bankrupted as a country, they will start thinking well the Government will raise taxes, if the insurance companies will start pushing the premium up, the cost of loans and interest rates go up. One little statement of that nature can make a huge difference and this country is not bankrupted by any stretch of the imagination,”


who is investing in Guyana again if not us in the diasopora? The coffee vendor turned lumber company invests not a damn thing. They spend to pillage the forests. Plus only jagdeo knows how they came there because th ey all are friends. The same with surendra who ripped us off of 4 million dollars and the principals disappeared into thin air. Again only Jagdeo could explain it here since only he knows.

The Chinese are not investors. They are exploiters....the same with the large farms in the Rupununi. Surely the could have make a case for t he world bank or some bank to fund a project for te Amerindians who are now mere shop workers for Chinese and Brazilians!


Who are we hiding our impoverishment from again? and why hide what is clearly a function of the PPP corruption?...I guess Jagdeo does not want that known!

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Django: is there i watched all the debates,i plan to record

when i get some time.


click on link.


Don't know if any of you guys notice it but around the 1:40 mark and for a bit afterwards, there was a woman situated behind Jordan who couldn't stay awake.   Jordan wasn't too riveting.

Ow..bhai it was late in the night,that is Volda Lawerance.


Jordan got some experience been around MF a long time.


Book mark this link,it is hidden in political

got some good info.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Django: is there i watched all the debates,i plan to record

when i get some time.


click on link.


Don't know if any of you guys notice it but around the 1:40 mark and for a bit afterwards, there was a woman situated behind Jordan who couldn't stay awake.   Jordan wasn't too riveting.

Ow..bhai it was late in the night,that is Volda Lawerance.


Jordan got some experience been around MF a long time.


Book mark this link,it is hidden in political

got some good info.

Will keep the link for future reference. That lady Amna Ally was prappa busing down Jagdeo at the end of his address.


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