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Herstelling community road construction behind schedule

August 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


- Gov’t may terminate $38M contract


Chung Global Construction has failed to complete constructing community roads in Herstelling, East Bank Demerara, by the extended deadline of August 15, 2014.

Deplorable: One of the incomplete streets in Herstelling

Deplorable: One of the incomplete streets in Herstelling

The Public Works Ministry is now contemplating whether to grant another extension or terminate the contract.
This was confirmed by Joel Tucker, Engineer of the Public Works Ministry during a brief interview with this publication.
According to Tucker, the $38M contract was awarded to Chung Global Construction in December 2012, and should have been completed in six months.
However, after construction of the roads (First, Second, and Third Streets) had begun it was realized that the designs needed adjustments.
As such, works were stalled for a short while to allow changes to the designs. This resulted in the scope of works also being changed so that the project would remain within budget. The new changes included installing of drains and surfacing the structure with Double Bitumen Surface Treatment rather than asphalted concrete.
Tucker related that the project is ongoing and the contractor has scraped the roads and placed crusher-run on the surfaces. He observed that during his last visit to the area about two weeks ago the contractor was not executing any works on the project.
Residents claim that the workers have only been in the area about four times since 2012. This publication was told that the workers only removed surface material from the road. This, coupled with poor weather conditions has reportedly led to the deterioration of the roadway.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It would seems as if this is how the Corrupt PPP/C do business.


According to Tucker, the $38M contract was awarded to Chung Global Construction in December 2012, and should have been completed in six months.


Lies after lies after lies...........the Incompetent and Corrupt PPP/C for you.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

It would seems as if this is how the Corrupt PPP/C do business.


According to Tucker, the $38M contract was awarded to Chung Global Construction in December 2012, and should have been completed in six months.


Lies after likes after lies...........the PPP/C for you.


Another chinese outfit?


PPP mediocrity and incompetence is everywhere for all to see.


How is this government any different from the same PNC they complain about?


It is time for them to go cool off for 10 years, there has to be more competition in the political arena and the electorate has to make these politicians accountable.



Deplorable: One of the incomplete streets in Herstelling
What derass wrong wit dis road, I doan see anything rong. Look man, I see a few lil ponds in de roadway where wildlife could bring up their young. We doan wanna mess up their habitats. WE into eco system stuff yeh, everyting irea.
Da lef side got nuff nuff room fo pass, what more they want? Stweeeeps!  Yall gettin spoil.
Guyana too sweet.
Last edited by cain

OH yeah an another ting. Yall mus stop saying things about the tiefin Govt peeps dem. Look is like dis. If you got something and other people doan know you got it and you want keep it, is aright, is like is you own anyway.

If you have something dem people give you and they keep like..keep givin you things ( taxes an shit like dat)and you feel like you gettin confuse with all dat stuff, jus tek it home with you, is like is you own anyway.


So stop blame the tiefin people dem about tiefin stuff, is not dem fault, and is dem time anyway.(Abie time now)


On a serious note, these contractors have to be hunted down and questioned, this is sheer bullshit.

Last edited by cain

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