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Speaker gets injunction against

accuser of sexual molestation


The High Court on Monday ordered a 22-year old man to cease publishing allegations against House Speaker, Raphael Trotman and further ordered him to remove all such allegations from his Facebook Page, the Alliance For Change (AFC) said in a statement.

An injunction has been granted barring Johnny Anthony Welshman from publishing whether in the print or electronic media any material relating to allegations he has made against Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman. The injunction was granted today (September 22, 2014) in the High Court, said that party.
"Welshman has also been ordered to remove all malicious content from his fb page," added that party.
In his Ex Parte Affidavit in support of the application for the injunction, Trotman has also sought damages in excess of GUY$50 million for libel contained in a statements allegedly made by Welshman and published in the Stabroek News, Guyana Times and on Welshman's Facebook page.
Meanwhile, the Alliance For Change says it expresses unequivocal support for it Co-Founder and Speaker of the National Assembly against the recent spurious and unfounded allegations leveled against him.

Trotman has denied the accusations of sexual molestation. The Speaker further said he welcomed a thorough police investigation into the accusations and further desired that law enforcement agency to probe whether the allegations were calculated to besmirch the Constitutional Office of Speaker of the National Assembly.

Trotman and his AFC believed that the plot was politically motivated at a time when his party's no-confidence motion was expected to come up for debate any time after the parliamentary recess ends on October 10, 2014.

If approved, the administration of President Donald Ramotar would have to resign and call elections within 90 days.

The House Speaker on Monday confirmed that he barely knew his accuser through his family and it was on that basis that he last month gave him a broad character reference.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

This unproven accusation against Trotman should be investigated by an impartial body....also the accusation against Kwahme, a member of the PPP central committee ,  by the little boy from Linden a few years of the witnesses to the Kwahme  inquest could be Ossie Rogers who was sent to Linden by members of the cabal

 to " talk to the boy's parents ".....


No matter what Fookeetutu and his other comrade in arms here snake post about Mr. Trotman it is quickly being recognized for what this is a cheap poorly planned and orchestrated smear campaign against the speaker.


The PPP are a dutty group make no mistake about that. It is important to note Manickchand and Manickchand's role in this matter.


Trotman should have never allowed this woman to speak in parliament again until she apologized to Jaipaul Sharma. This is called Karma and common senses.


Hopefully these dunces in the opposition learn their lesson. I wouldn't bet on it though.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Paid PPP servant.

The man is a mental case. Maybe he just made up that story to get attention. We should wait for the final outcome of the ALLEGATIONS.

it is good to see a PPP stooge, Skeldon Man now calling the PPP agent provocatuer as a mad man.  Confusion in Freedom House.


I was told that Lunchamn instructed last night that all PPP PR hound dogs withdraw on the Trotman thing since it getting out of control.


Is this why Skeldon Man having a change of heart?

Originally Posted by Cobra:



This man deserves his day in court and must seek justice. Let the courts decide.


Why did Trotman rush to the courts to seek and injunction ?


Was it to shut this man down ?


Why did Trotman give this man a recommendation if he did not know him personally ?


Many unanswered questions

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:



This man deserves his day in court and must seek justice. Let the courts decide.


Why did Trotman rush to the courts to seek and injunction ?


Was it to shut this man down ?


Why did Trotman give this man a recommendation if he did not know him personally ?


Many unanswered questions

Why did jagdeo sue Freddie and tried to shut him down from speaking the truth that he is an ideological racist?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Paid PPP servant.

The man is a mental case. Maybe he just made up that story to get attention. We should wait for the final outcome of the ALLEGATIONS.

it is good to see a PPP stooge, Skeldon Man now calling the PPP agent provocatuer as a mad man.  Confusion in Freedom House.


I was told that Lunchamn instructed last night that all PPP PR hound dogs withdraw on the Trotman thing since it getting out of control.


Is this why Skeldon Man having a change of heart?

You sound more crazy than the unstable than Johnny Anthony Welshman. Not sure which one of you I should recommend to be committed at Canje mad house.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Paid PPP servant.

The man is a mental case. Maybe he just made up that story to get attention. We should wait for the final outcome of the ALLEGATIONS.

it is good to see a PPP stooge, Skeldon Man now calling the PPP agent provocatuer as a mad man.  Confusion in Freedom House.


I was told that Lunchamn instructed last night that all PPP PR hound dogs withdraw on the Trotman thing since it getting out of control.


Is this why Skeldon Man having a change of heart?

You sound more crazy than the unstable than Johnny Anthony Welshman. Not sure which one of you I should recommend to be committed at Canje mad house.


Is you come from the Berbice Mad House, not me.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:



This man deserves his day in court and must seek justice. Let the courts decide.


Why did Trotman rush to the courts to seek and injunction ?


Was it to shut this man down ?


Why did Trotman give this man a recommendation if he did not know him personally ? Trotman said he knew the young man's father.


Many unanswered questions of

Why did you call for Kaieteur News to be shut down?


Was is to stop more exposÃĐ of PPP deals?


Let the readers decide.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Paid PPP servant.

The man is a mental case. Maybe he just made up that story to get attention. We should wait for the final outcome of the ALLEGATIONS.

it is good to see a PPP stooge, Skeldon Man now calling the PPP agent provocatuer as a mad man.  Confusion in Freedom House.


I was told that Lunchamn instructed last night that all PPP PR hound dogs withdraw on the Trotman thing since it getting out of control.


Is this why Skeldon Man having a change of heart?

You sound more crazy than the unstable than Johnny Anthony Welshman. Not sure which one of you I should recommend to be committed at Canje mad house.


Is you come from the Berbice Mad House, not me.

They always welcome the crazy people like you. They like people who do not belong to Berbice..variety in the population. Ah rass fuh see you and dem ada mad man argue deh. Me guh buy front row tickets fuh see da.


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