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Mr.T posted:

It is quite strange that they had an unexpected majority in areas where they had little support during the national elections. The other parties should ask for a recount and inspection of the ballot papers.

You too falling for the PPP con job.

The PPP lost big time even in Lethem, which has always been an anti PNC town.

The PPP won in the Indo villages, as one will expect. Seats are allocated on a "winner take all" basis, so even if the PPP only won 50.1% of an area, they will get that seat. So most rural communities in Guyana will go Indo (PPP).

So the election was quite fair, and the only unexpected results are those which should create panic. The PPP decided that it would form an East Indian Amerindian coalition, to offset the declining Indo vote.   They would then buy a sliver of black mixed votes to ensure that they had enough.

Now that they are no longer in gov't they are losing the non Indo vote. The Indo vote isn't enough!

baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why can't Carib be bold and honest enough to say that  the PNC could not have won the elections on its own regardless of all the statistical information given????

He is setting the stage for the rigging in 2020!!   He said from day 1, the AFC was a non-factor until Congress Place told him to lighten-up, keep the cat in the bag for now.

By 2020, the AFC will likely be in the political sewer with Nagamootoo fluttering around for lil fresh air trying to save his own skin!  PNC will go it alone and seh, we told you so!!

Like you making a living posting all day.

baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why can't Carib be bold and honest enough to say that  the PNC could not have won the elections on its own regardless of all the statistical information given????

He is setting the stage for the rigging in 2020!!   He said from day 1, the AFC was a non-factor until Congress Place told him to lighten-up, keep the cat in the bag for now.

By 2020, the AFC will likely be in the political sewer with Nagamootoo fluttering around for lil fresh air trying to save his own skin!  PNC will go it alone and seh, we told you so!!

This is precisely the plan of the PNC. Carib is no dummy. He wants total domination by the PNC>

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mr.T posted:

It is quite strange that they had an unexpected majority in areas where they had little support during the national elections. The other parties should ask for a recount and inspection of the ballot papers.

There we go again with your nonsense. The election reflect the national election of 2015. The Amerindians will vote for whoever is in government. 

Both you and Carib have some warped analysis, without looking at the data.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why can't Carib be bold and honest enough to say that  the PNC could not have won the elections on its own regardless of all the statistical information given????

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why can't Carib be bold and honest enough to say that  the PNC could not have won the elections on its own regardless of all the statistical information given????

Even Jagdeo is admitting that the PPP lost ground outside of its Indian areas, so why don't you admit that this doesn't bode well for the PPP?

Dummie.  The coalition demolished you in G/town, which has 2/3 of the votes in Region 4, and over 25% nation wide.

Dumb dumb.  Guyanese vote race.  Blacks in G/town knew that there was no way that there would be a  PPP mayor, so didn't see why they should vote.  Ditto in Linden.

Now in 2020 when the brown bai KKK Jagdeo is running to be president, they will ensure that he doesn't win.

Now listen to your hero as he admits that the PPP is a "coolie people party", and is too terrified to try to win black/mixed support, and reconciled to its loss of Amerindian support, as it can no longer buy it.

Simpleton respond to those points. Aaaah, forgot that when intelligence was being shared out the PPP didn't get any because no bribes were being offered.


baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why can't Carib be bold and honest enough to say that  the PNC could not have won the elections on its own regardless of all the statistical information given????

He is setting the stage for the rigging in 2020!!   He said from day 1, the AFC was a non-factor until Congress Place told him to lighten-up, keep the cat in the bag for now.

By 2020, the AFC will likely be in the political sewer with Nagamootoo fluttering around for lil fresh air trying to save his own skin!  PNC will go it alone and seh, we told you so!!

The Photo I posted a few days ago aptly describe Uncle Tom!!!!!!

VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

It is quite strange that they had an unexpected majority in areas where they had little support during the national elections. The other parties should ask for a recount and inspection of the ballot papers.

There we go again with your nonsense. The election reflect the national election of 2015. The Amerindians will vote for whoever is in government. 

Both you and Carib have some warped analysis, without looking at the data.

Are you serious,LGE is a different ball game than National Elections.

VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

It is quite strange that they had an unexpected majority in areas where they had little support during the national elections. The other parties should ask for a recount and inspection of the ballot papers.

There we go again with your nonsense. The election reflect the national election of 2015. The Amerindians will vote for whoever is in government. 

Both you and Carib have some warped analysis, without looking at the data.

Yes here comes the man who will look at the stats and argue vehemently that the PPP won in Region 4.  I told you since last year that you ought to look at engineering data and leave socio political data analysis alone!

Funny.  Even Jagdeo had to impishly explain why the PPP can only win in Indian RURAL areas, cannot win in urban areas, and is losing ground in the interior.

As the Indo vote has declined, and the PPP campaigns to galvanize it by portraying the black as the savage, they try the same strategy with the Amerindians. 

But as the coalition made inroads into Mabaruma, and has taken over Lethem (and I am using PPP stats, as I am unaware that the official states are available)  their Amerindian bond is fraying.

So let us say that APNU is a racist towards Indians as the brown bai KKK scream that they will be, the Indo decline will be even MORE rapid than it was under the PPP.

So of what use will it be for the PPP to galvanize the Indo vote, when this bloc WILL NOT BE ENOUGH!

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

It is quite strange that they had an unexpected majority in areas where they had little support during the national elections. The other parties should ask for a recount and inspection of the ballot papers.

There we go again with your nonsense. The election reflect the national election of 2015. The Amerindians will vote for whoever is in government. 

Both you and Carib have some warped analysis, without looking at the data.

Are you serious,LGE is a different ball game than National Elections.

One is hard ball and the other soft ball??? Is it different people voted in the local government election than the general election. I can see at the general election there was AFC and now NO AFC.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

It is quite strange that they had an unexpected majority in areas where they had little support during the national elections. The other parties should ask for a recount and inspection of the ballot papers.

There we go again with your nonsense. The election reflect the national election of 2015. The Amerindians will vote for whoever is in government. 

Both you and Carib have some warped analysis, without looking at the data.

Are you serious,LGE is a different ball game than National Elections.

Forgive the PPP.  Black and mixed people still reject them, and in a mere 10 months Amerindians look like they are telling the PPP "it was nice knowing you, but APNU is now buying our votes".

All they can do is scream that they got the Indian vote.  I didn't think that the PPP was in such bad shape that they had lost the Indian vote, as it was very apparent that they got almost 100% of it 10 months ago, aside from the large % of the G/town Indo vote which they lost!

Only the Moses fan club will suggest that Nagamootoo kept his 2011 Region 5 and 6 vote.  The rest of us know better than that, and I mean both those in the PPP, in APNU, and in the Trotman faction of the AFC.

kp posted:

One is hard ball and the other soft ball??? Is it different people voted in the local government election than the general election. I can see at the general election there was AFC and now NO AFC.


National you vote for president, which Guyanese associate with total power, given that we have an electoral dictatorship system of national governance.

LGE is for city/village council.  Most Guyanese have no idea what these local representatives do, as they haven't seen any evidence that they can be effective for almost 20 years!

Implications.  Guyanese will run out and vote in the national, as their racial fears force them to protect themselves against the dictator of the other race.

At LGE they know that the other race CANNOT win in their municipality, so G/town and Linden folks stayed home.  in fact over 50% of the people who voted in 2015 refused to vote this time.  NOT all of this group were coalition supporters either.

But like a said, "monkey show off, and he gun soon end up in jaguar belly". 

I am making points which the PPP should note, and I will be very glad if their lack of intelligence removes their ability to understand what I am saying!

caribny posted:
kp posted:

One is hard ball and the other soft ball??? Is it different people voted in the local government election than the general election. I can see at the general election there was AFC and now NO AFC.


National you vote for president, which Guyanese associate with total power, given that we have an electoral dictatorship system of national governance.

LGE is for city/village council.  Most Guyanese have no idea what these local representatives do, as they haven't seen any evidence that they can be effective for almost 20 years!

Implications.  Guyanese will run out and vote in the national, as their racial fears force them to protect themselves against the dictator of the other race.

At LGE they know that the other race CANNOT win in their municipality, so G/town and Linden folks stayed home.  in fact over 50% of the people who voted in 2015 refused to vote this time.  NOT all of this group were coalition supporters either.

But like a said, "monkey show off, and he gun soon end up in jaguar belly". 

I am making points which the PPP should note, and I will be very glad if their lack of intelligence removes their ability to understand what I am saying!

I really like your analogy of the monkey and the jaguar.


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