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skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Where is yuji during all of this? Look how Chief insulting the boy on a daily basis.  

Yuji might one day go to NY, "ketch" Chief and give him a good "patkay" on his head.


Chief is one wicked Fullah, take a close read on what he posts. He is no different than his brothers who are slaughtering innocent people.

He will get a good "patkay" one of these days.


cain posted:

Imam won't say Muslims are terrorists, but will say Terrorists are mostly Muslims.

True or not?

Cain bai, that's only because only when Muslims do these acts, they are called terrorists. This same week there was an attack on a mosque in Switzerland where some Muslims were killed. Not only was it not called a terrorist attack but it wasn't even worthy of making it on the coveted pages of GNI.

I am very concerned with all the violence carried out by Muslims and I know fully well how their actions are hurting many people including Muslims so I am at the top of the list for wanting them to stop their shit.

Chief posted:


Do not rub your shit on others.

Every decent GNIERS called you out for stating that every Muslim is a terrorist.


You are a bare faced liar. I challenge you to provide proof where I stated that ALL muslims are terrorists.

You are upset because I called you out for not condemning these acts of terrorism by your brothers.

Pray for forgiveness on Friday when you go to masjid because you are a bare faced liar. You dirty language and cussing are also subject to forgiveness.

This is my last direct conversation with a bare faced liar and Islamist Sympathizer.

yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


Do not rub your shit on others.

Every decent GNIERS called you out for stating that every Muslim is a terrorist.


You are a bare faced liar.I challenge you to provide proof where I stated that ALL muslims are terrorists.

You are upset because I called you out for not condemning these acts of terrorism by your brothers.

Pray for forgiveness on Friday when you go to masjid because you are a bare faced liar. You dirty language and cussing are also subject to forgiveness.

This is my last direct conversation with a bare faced liar and Islamist Sympathizer.

That's a good call, yuji. Chief's famous words are "let the game begins." So, put your proof where your mouth is.  

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