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Norway’s Olav Fykse Tveit is general secretary of the Geneva-based World Council of Churches; Lois Wilson is a past president of that body, as well as a former Canadian senator


Interesting interview with them


We’ve been talking about relationships among Christians. What does this imply for dialogue between Christians and other faiths?


Wilson: The time has come to move beyond conversation. We have had enough of talking about differences; what we need today is to move together with Muslims, Jews and so on. We share the same religious impulse.

Tveit: There is no way to have a Christian witness without being in dialogue with people of other faiths. This doesn’t mean you give up your own faith. But nobody can say they believe in God and then say, “Our God is against you.” God is the Creator of all.

Wilson: God isn’t even Christian! We’ve spent years in dialogue, saying “You’re a Muslim; I’m a Christian; here’s how we’re different. Whose God is supreme?” and so on. In the meantime, the world is going to hell in a basket. Now we need to ask, “What has your community got to bring to that? What can we bring to that together?”


Read the entire article:


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His mother is a Jew. His grandmother is a Jew, therefore he is a Jew. He came to save the Jews. Go in any church and look at his picture. Long blond hair, blue eyes, and white skin. Even the Shroud of Turin show his Causcasian features. I repeat, Gentle Jesus is white. If he wasn't, Christianity would have failed centuries ago. Muslims say he is not God, but a prophet. The Jews say he is a Jewish imposter.
Last edited by Former Member

Mohammad came for the A-rabs. Suh y should it be surprising that Christ would come for the Jews. He came for the lost sheep of Israel.


Perhaps, Mohammad might have thought, if Jews have a messiah then y shouldn't the A-rabs. Yuh c, the A-rabs had mutitudes of gods and idols. Mohammad was a Jew-a direct descendant of Ishmael-and a practicing worshipper of the Almighty(no jews or moslems then). With that knowledge Mohammad embarked on ridding the A-rabs of idol worship.


Milleniums ago, mankind was close to God, but fools like we have today with their moronic diatribe have moved mankind away from God again. 


Ishmael saw his father Abraham making sacrifices to the God of the Ages. True neither of them were jews-no such tribe existed at the time.


Jacob was given the name Israel and his tewlve sons became the tribes of Israel. However, only the tribe of the eldest son survived in Palestine. The tribe of Judah.


And they became known as jews in the AD. Then mankind became either jews or gentiles. Later, Mohammad modified it, and mankind became infidels if they refused his doctrines.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Mohammad came for the A-rabs. Suh y should it be surprising that Christ would come for the Jews. He came for the lost sheep of Israel.


Perhaps, Mohammad might have thought, if Jews have a messiah then y shouldn't the A-rabs. Yuh c, the A-rabs had mutitudes of gods and idols. Mohammad was a Jew-a direct descendant of Ishmael-and a practicing worshipper of the Almighty(no jews or moslems then). With that knowledge Mohammad embarked on ridding the A-rabs of idol worship.


Milleniums ago, mankind was close to God, but fools like we have today with their moronic diatribe have moved mankind away from God again. 

Why do you write Arabs as A-rabs?


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