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Burrowes resigns as Go-Invest CEO

By Staff Writer On June 8, 2015 @ 5:22 am In Local News

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Office for Investment (Go-Invest), Keith Burrowes has resigned from his post in the wake of the change in governments and amid concerns that his appointment was political.

Burrowes told Stabroek News yesterday that since he took up the post of CEO he has changed various mechanisms within the investment structure noting that many of the investment portfolios that were submitted to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) for approval have not yet been signed off on.

He said that he was prepared to continue dialogue with the Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the investment entity’s work since he took over as the CEO in April last year. Prior to taking over as CEO, he served as Chairman.

 Keith Burrowes Keith Burrowes

Burrowes, who has held a string of senior positions under PPP/C governments, said that should the Minister, any members of the government and members of the private sector have issues with the conduct of Go-Invest during his tenure they are welcome to provide evidence of any wrongdoing. He said that he was also prepared to showcase a report prepared while he was in office outlining the way forward for Go-Invest inclusive of a marketing strategy.

He said that prior to the change in government he was preparing to present to the government an agenda to take Go-Invest from a facilitating agency to one of a promotion and facilitating agency. He likened many components of the government investment agency to a post office which receives portfolios which are considered and later sent to the GRA for approval.

He noted that prior to becoming the CEO last year, while on the Board of Directors he was pushing for monies from the Inter-American Development Bank which would have allowed for the implementation of restructuring strategies. When questioned on these changes, Burrowes stated that maintaining the reputation of Go-Invest was necessary and he would first want to ventilate these concerns and revisions of structure with the Minister.

Burrowes noted that the Research and Development Unit was devised to take on some of the outward criticism of the investment agency. Go-Invest has been continuously criticized for its lack of transparency and was front and centre when it was revealed that legislation and the agency were manipulated and used for millions in concessions to Queens Atlantic Investment Inc (QAII) in 2008.

Analyst Christopher Ram at the time had written in Stabroek Business on July 13, 2008 that the deal facilitated by Go-Invest between the government at the time and QAII showed “how a serious erosion of the tax base by the extension of generous concessions unlawfully given to a favoured few contribute to the creation of an uneven playing field that instead of encouraging investment has the direct opposite effect.”

The agency has a history of shying away from public scrutiny and has remained fairly unresponsive to various queries by Stabroek News as it relates to major international investment deals such as the $500M Bornion Guyana Inc venture which allocated 10,000 acres in the Canje Basin to plant rubber, multiple Baishanlin investments and the D Y Patil Group’s MOU for the cultivation of over 50,000 hectares of land.

Burrowes noted that since he has headed the government investment agency he had approved roughly 90 percent of the proposals. However much of the criticism has not been about the approval of proposals but the tendency to favour known government supporters.

He said that he was prepared to step down from his position on Friday, but noted that he was also willing to assist with a transition period.

Burrowes stated that there were multiple competent persons currently at Go-Invest who could step into the positon of CEO and work with the new minister.

Burrowes noted that he had already stepped down as Chairman of the Guyana Chronicle’s Board of Directors as well as from the Guyana Sugar Cor-poration Board. In the case of the latter, the new APNU+AFC government recently called on the board members to resign.

Article printed from Stabroek News:

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Hydar will not resign, the Government has to "resign" him. He is a PPP without question. I no longer see any letters in the media by him and I no longer see anything from the man who thought he was a "big one" Haseef Yusuf.


Permanent Secretary of the now defunct Ministry of Labour, Patrick Findlay on Tuesday became the latest such public officer to have been sent home following the change of government.

A disappointed Findlay told Demerara Waves Online News that Senior Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence summoned him to a meeting, advising that his position was now redundant because there is now one ministry. “The minister said to me that there are not two ministries anymore. It is one ministry and as such my position as PS Labour has become redundant and they would not need my services anymore,” he said.

Findlay said he would not be losing any benefits as he would be proceeding on three months accumulated leave from Monday, June 15 in lieu of three months notice as is stipulated in his contract.

Prior to the May 11, 2015 general elections, there were two Ministers – one for Labour and the other for Human Services and Social Security. Now, there are Senior Minister Lawrence and her Junior Simona Broomes between whom portfolio responsibilities are being shared.

Findlay, who entered his second year as Permanent Secretary on June 1,  said his colleague PSs who campaigned and were party candidates, were still on their jobs.

“It is disappointing because I worked hard,  I have tackled the social issues,” he said, adding that he spearheaded numerous sessions on gender-based violence, domestic violence, suicide and child labour.

“I really thought that I would have been given an opportunity to continue what I do best and what I love doing. I am no politician. I am a pastor,” he said. Pastor Findlay said he always acknowledges political authority in keeping with Biblical teachings “but my season has come to an end.”

The Office of the President is responsible for appointing Deputy Permanent Secretaries and Permanent Secretaries.

He joined the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security in 2010 as the Men’s Affairs Administrator on the fixed public service establishment. Having served in the post for a few years, he was appointed Deputy Permanent Secretary in 2012 with responsibility for several key services at the Ministry, including Men’s Affairs and Counter-Trafficking in Persons. In 2014, he was promoted to Permanent Secretary (a.i), Labour and oversees the operations of the five Departments under the Labour arm of the Ministry.

Permanent Secretaries of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, and Local Government- Nigel Dharamlall and Colin Croal- are no longer employed in those positions.


"Findlay, who entered his second year as Permanent Secretary on June 1,  said his colleague PSs who campaigned and were party candidates, were still on their jobs.

“It is disappointing because I worked hard,  I have tackled the social issues,” he said, adding that he spearheaded numerous sessions on gender-based violence, domestic violence, suicide and child labour.

“I really thought that I would have been given an opportunity to continue what I do best and what I love doing. I am no politician. I am a pastor,” he said. Pastor Findlay said he always acknowledges political authority in keeping with Biblical teachings “but my season has come to an end.”"





I'd say he failed at his job, am I correct?

Originally Posted by cain:

"Findlay, who entered his second year as Permanent Secretary on June 1,  said his colleague PSs who campaigned and were party candidates, were still on their jobs.

“It is disappointing because I worked hard,  I have tackled the social issues,” he said, adding that he spearheaded numerous sessions on gender-based violence, domestic violence, suicide and child labour.

“I really thought that I would have been given an opportunity to continue what I do best and what I love doing. I am no politician. I am a pastor,” he said. Pastor Findlay said he always acknowledges political authority in keeping with Biblical teachings “but my season has come to an end.”"





I'd say he failed at his job, am I correct?

It would seem he is let go because of restructuring of the ministry, but if he was such good guy they might have given him another position to maintain his benefits.

Being pastor in GY, like Edgill, don't seem to mean much.   


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