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Opposition obstructing policies beneficial to the people
Opposition obstructing policies beneficial to the people

Opposition obstructing policies beneficial to the people

I am a strong believer in the multi-party form of government. But this system necessitates a strong, intelligent and nationalist opposition which could succeed to government with the positive or tacit acceptance by its supporters, its adversaries and by the diplomatic community.

The present parliamentary opposition led by Mr Granger has not so far evidenced those qualities:
(1) The opposition merely obstructs policies which are for the benefit of the nation. These policies, such as the Amalia Falls Hydropower project would have created a competitive industrial base with cheaper electrical power, would have created more employment for the youth and would have jump-started Guyana into a growing economic prosperity. The opposition has killed the Amaila Falls Project without putting anything in place.
(2) The opposition has cut out the subsidy given to the GPL which would have ensured consumers continuing to enjoy cheaper subsidised electricity. And they have put nothing in place.
(3) The opposition has rejected the Specialty Hospital which would have saved the lives and ensured the health of numerous ordinary citizens who do not have wealth or wealthy relatives to pay for high-grade medical treatment either locally or abroad. By so doing, the opposition is responsible for the death of many who would have been successfully treated at the Specialty Hospital. Further, many Guyanese expatriates who would like to retire home in Guyana bringing their pensions and other assets here, could never do so because there is no Specialty Hospital to treat them. And the opposition has brought nothing in place.
(4) At the moment, the opposition’s desire to kill the money-laundering bill in Parliament, will not merely assist the rich money-launderers and even terrorists, but will also damage the Guyana economy and bring it down to the condition worse than the worse days of Mr L.F.S Burnham’s reign with food shortages, high prices, scarcity and people not being able to travel, or send money abroad or receive remittances from families in the USA, Canada and other places. And the opposition continues to try to kill the bill for no reason. The government, the diplomatic community and the ordinary Guyanese people have called upon the opposition to desist from killing the Bill. But they have metaphorically spat in their faces despite the danger of having their visas suspended as supporters of money-launderers and terrorists.
The business community, the diplomatic community and ordinary Guyanese have evaluated the opposition as (a) Weak since obstructing and not putting anything in place shows weakness and not strength. (b) Being anti-business and anti-private sector. (c) Being anti-national since it does not desire greater employment of youth and others. (d) Causes high prices and scarcity. (e) Rejecting the advice and interests of the Diplomatic community and also indicating that were it in Government, they would not honour their international loans.
The opposition, led by Mr. Granger has already given itself the prescription for failure at the next general elections, whether such elections be snap or at the prescribed time. It has lost the support of the diplomatic community, the business community and private sector and ordinary Guyanese folk who see it as unable to govern in any constructive and positive fashion. Mr Granger certainly realises that the days of political parties having racial block votes have passed away and the opposition, or any other political party, could no longer look forward to any racial block-voting without working for it or deserving it. If Mr Granger does not wake up to a constructive and positive mode of parliamentary politics, the PNC/APNU would soon be caught in a crescendo of decline resulting in its days being numbered.
Would Mr Granger at this late hour be able to reverse the failure syndrome which is now engulfing himself and his party?


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AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf

Nothing that the Alliance For Change (AFC) does or will do in the future will ever surprise me again. There is a saying that you only know someone when you deal with him. If I had not dealt with certain executive members of the AFC, I would still be singing their praises.I knew from the inception that Nigel Hughes would rescind his resignation because in the end, when you are in the same boat, you will never want to part company with your compadres. The β€˜top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt β€˜jahaaji’ network. They sent a message with an AFC Region 6 Councillor that if I am not pleased with the current policies and actions of the party then I should resign from the party and as an AFC Councillor. I told that Councillor in no uncertain terms that if the AFC is not pleased with my stance against cronyism and corruption and my promotion of national development, then they should expel me and furthermore, it is the corrupt ones within the AFC who should resign!

Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on β€˜bigan’ and β€˜curass’. That was a β€˜whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of β€˜misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!
Subsequently, there was numerous evidence of corruption but I no longer have the resolve to bring it up. It was simply a case of you cannot fight the Devil’s case in Hell!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;

- positions are given to cronies and those who donate a lot.

- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. The leaders of the AFC cannot afford to β€˜rock the boat.’

- During the AFC 2012 convention, members were specifically instructed not to vote for the former General Secretary but to vote in favour of David Patterson. This also happened in the case of Moses Nagamootoo and Mrs. Punalall.

- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? It seems as if the worst from the PNC and PPP formed the AFC; not the best as I had believed! Mr Ramjattan himself told me that if the AFC had won the elections, there would have been β€˜murderation’ among members for positions. But it would have also been β€˜murderation’ to fill their pockets! Imagine all the political blackmail that is going on now with the intention to fill some of the AFC’s β€˜fat cats’ pockets! Come on Ramjattan, make the β€˜right turn’ or resign! You cannot allow your β€˜boys’ to continue their corrupt tendencies! But then can you afford β€œto rock the boat”?
Is it wrong for me to speak out about the very things the AFC is preaching in public about? Should I keep my mouth shut, turn a blind eye and pretend that all is well within my party?
I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the β€˜beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the β€˜speck’ from our brother’s.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf

Nothing that the Alliance For Change (AFC) does or will do in the future will ever surprise me again. There is a saying that you only know someone when you deal with him. If I had not dealt with certain executive members of the AFC, I would still be singing their praises.I knew from the inception that Nigel Hughes would rescind his resignation because in the end, when you are in the same boat, you will never want to part company with your compadres. The β€˜top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt β€˜jahaaji’ network. They sent a message with an AFC Region 6 Councillor that if I am not pleased with the current policies and actions of the party then I should resign from the party and as an AFC Councillor. I told that Councillor in no uncertain terms that if the AFC is not pleased with my stance against cronyism and corruption and my promotion of national development, then they should expel me and furthermore, it is the corrupt ones within the AFC who should resign!

Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on β€˜bigan’ and β€˜curass’. That was a β€˜whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of β€˜misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!
Subsequently, there was numerous evidence of corruption but I no longer have the resolve to bring it up. It was simply a case of you cannot fight the Devil’s case in Hell!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;

- positions are given to cronies and those who donate a lot.

- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. The leaders of the AFC cannot afford to β€˜rock the boat.’

- During the AFC 2012 convention, members were specifically instructed not to vote for the former General Secretary but to vote in favour of David Patterson. This also happened in the case of Moses Nagamootoo and Mrs. Punalall.

- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? It seems as if the worst from the PNC and PPP formed the AFC; not the best as I had believed! Mr Ramjattan himself told me that if the AFC had won the elections, there would have been β€˜murderation’ among members for positions. But it would have also been β€˜murderation’ to fill their pockets! Imagine all the political blackmail that is going on now with the intention to fill some of the AFC’s β€˜fat cats’ pockets! Come on Ramjattan, make the β€˜right turn’ or resign! You cannot allow your β€˜boys’ to continue their corrupt tendencies! But then can you afford β€œto rock the boat”?
Is it wrong for me to speak out about the very things the AFC is preaching in public about? Should I keep my mouth shut, turn a blind eye and pretend that all is well within my party?
I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the β€˜beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the β€˜speck’ from our brother’s.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf

Nothing that the Alliance For Change (AFC) does or will do in the future will ever surprise me again. There is a saying that you only know someone when you deal with him. If I had not dealt with certain executive members of the AFC, I would still be singing their praises.I knew from the inception that Nigel Hughes would rescind his resignation because in the end, when you are in the same boat, you will never want to part company with your compadres. The β€˜top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt β€˜jahaaji’ network. They sent a message with an AFC Region 6 Councillor that if I am not pleased with the current policies and actions of the party then I should resign from the party and as an AFC Councillor. I told that Councillor in no uncertain terms that if the AFC is not pleased with my stance against cronyism and corruption and my promotion of national development, then they should expel me and furthermore, it is the corrupt ones within the AFC who should resign!

Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on β€˜bigan’ and β€˜curass’. That was a β€˜whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of β€˜misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!
Subsequently, there was numerous evidence of corruption but I no longer have the resolve to bring it up. It was simply a case of you cannot fight the Devil’s case in Hell!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;

- positions are given to cronies and those who donate a lot.

- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. The leaders of the AFC cannot afford to β€˜rock the boat.’

- During the AFC 2012 convention, members were specifically instructed not to vote for the former General Secretary but to vote in favour of David Patterson. This also happened in the case of Moses Nagamootoo and Mrs. Punalall.

- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? It seems as if the worst from the PNC and PPP formed the AFC; not the best as I had believed! Mr Ramjattan himself told me that if the AFC had won the elections, there would have been β€˜murderation’ among members for positions. But it would have also been β€˜murderation’ to fill their pockets! Imagine all the political blackmail that is going on now with the intention to fill some of the AFC’s β€˜fat cats’ pockets! Come on Ramjattan, make the β€˜right turn’ or resign! You cannot allow your β€˜boys’ to continue their corrupt tendencies! But then can you afford β€œto rock the boat”?
Is it wrong for me to speak out about the very things the AFC is preaching in public about? Should I keep my mouth shut, turn a blind eye and pretend that all is well within my party?
I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the β€˜beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the β€˜speck’ from our brother’s.


Calling jalil. Please respond to AFC corruption.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Calling jalil. Please respond to AFC corruption.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Thank Kennedy your'e in America. Otherwise the Jagans would have us all as poor as the Soviets. Desperately trying to escape his tyrannical hold.

You can thank Kennedy. He destroyed an entire Nation out of fear of Communism!!!!!!!


That's right. Kennedy created and installed the Monster and Racist PNC Paramount Leader LFS Burnham. Indo Guyanese suffered and were almost exterminated under the PNC. We must never forget our past. 


Who Vex Vex.

Look how easy dem auntyman turn around

Quote:Indo Guyanese suffered and

were almost exterminated under the PNC.

We must never forget our past. 

Facts:It was Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs

who caused the Indo Guyanese to suffer...

Lets Name a few of these Black Thugs

(1) Lamumba (2)Hamilton (3)Bynoe

(4) Kwame McCoy (5) Edgehill (6)Gilbert.


Jagdeo & Ramotar take these same Black Thugs

give them top positions over Indians

and trying to fool us by saying

(1) Lamumba (2)Hamilton (3)Bynoe

(4) Kwame McCoy (5) Edgehill (6)Gilbert.

are now Decent PPP Hindus.


Who Vex....VEX....


All of Jagdeo & Ramotar Crab louse

refuse to tell us the truth 

Who Vex....VEX....


Let us now test Ewe-gee

to see if he is a Crab Louse.....


Ewegee...who are these people below

(1) Lamumba (2)Hamilton (3)Bynoe

(4) Kwame McCoy (5) Edgehill (6)Gilbert.

(1) Are they Black Thugs who caused Indians to suffer?

(2)Are they House of Isreal`Goons?

(3)Did Jagdeo & Ramotar give them

top Jobs at OP & Freedom House?

(4) Are they now being painted as Top Hindu leaders

By Jagdeo & Ramotar who fooling the Indians?

(5) Ewe-gee is the REV correct

to call these PPP Hindus Scoundrels & Dirt Bags



Originally Posted by Jalil:

De Rev say he is a

Honorable & Decent Man.....


Damn Right jalil!


The Rev is a decent, honorable, kind, honest, truthful, polite, gracious and mannerly man--a man of impeccable character---in other words---a real man.


 Scoundrels and dirtbags like Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Bynoe---they will never be trusted---






Will Ewe-gee....Follow Rev & Speak the Truth

or will he just admit he is a Dutty Crab Louse.



 Who Vex....VEX....

40 seconds ago
 Delete Edit

Jalil Bhai


You lack political experience and understanding of political strategy. See the movie The Godfather and you will see what yuji is saying. It is better to keep your enemies close to you rather than having them working against you. You will live and learn.


Do I endorse them ? No.


How about you stop dancing around and address AFC corruption ?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Yuj, what did you guys do with Mitwah and Redux?   

* Looks like Mitwah and redux were given a time out by amral/admin for their persistent spamming and vulgarity.


* The forum is waaaaaay better off without these two nasty and vulgar deviants.




Hopefully they are sent away for good.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
40 seconds ago
 Delete Edit

Jalil Bhai


You lack political experience and understanding of political strategy. See the movie The Godfather and you will see what yuji is saying. It is better to keep your enemies close to you rather than having them working against you. You will live and learn.


Do I endorse them ? No.


How about you stop dancing around and address AFC corruption ?

Ewe-gee yuh let abee down


yuh trying fuh tell us

Jagan & Rodney was wrong

for refusing to mixup

with Dem Black House of Israel Thugs....


But Ewe-gee, Jagdeo & Ramotar was right

to Rebrand these Black Thugs

as Decent Black PPP Hindu...

and give them Top Position

at OP & Freedom House.



Ewe-gee Deserve wha eee getting

"Dutty Crab Louse"




Cannot handle the truth and runs and hide when AFC corruption is revealed:




Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf

Nothing that the Alliance For Change (AFC) does or will do in the future will ever surprise me again. There is a saying that you only know someone when you deal with him. If I had not dealt with certain executive members of the AFC, I would still be singing their praises.I knew from the inception that Nigel Hughes would rescind his resignation because in the end, when you are in the same boat, you will never want to part company with your compadres. The β€˜top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt β€˜jahaaji’ network. They sent a message with an AFC Region 6 Councillor that if I am not pleased with the current policies and actions of the party then I should resign from the party and as an AFC Councillor. I told that Councillor in no uncertain terms that if the AFC is not pleased with my stance against cronyism and corruption and my promotion of national development, then they should expel me and furthermore, it is the corrupt ones within the AFC who should resign!

Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on β€˜bigan’ and β€˜curass’. That was a β€˜whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of β€˜misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!
Subsequently, there was numerous evidence of corruption but I no longer have the resolve to bring it up. It was simply a case of you cannot fight the Devil’s case in Hell!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;

- positions are given to cronies and those who donate a lot.

- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. The leaders of the AFC cannot afford to β€˜rock the boat.’

- During the AFC 2012 convention, members were specifically instructed not to vote for the former General Secretary but to vote in favour of David Patterson. This also happened in the case of Moses Nagamootoo and Mrs. Punalall.

- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? It seems as if the worst from the PNC and PPP formed the AFC; not the best as I had believed! Mr Ramjattan himself told me that if the AFC had won the elections, there would have been β€˜murderation’ among members for positions. But it would have also been β€˜murderation’ to fill their pockets! Imagine all the political blackmail that is going on now with the intention to fill some of the AFC’s β€˜fat cats’ pockets! Come on Ramjattan, make the β€˜right turn’ or resign! You cannot allow your β€˜boys’ to continue their corrupt tendencies! But then can you afford β€œto rock the boat”?
Is it wrong for me to speak out about the very things the AFC is preaching in public about? Should I keep my mouth shut, turn a blind eye and pretend that all is well within my party?
I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the β€˜beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the β€˜speck’ from our brother’s.







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  • Unknown-2
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Originally Posted by Observer:

Yuj & Rev are powerful.  Don't mess with them. 

Ms Observer:


Give praise to the big boss here on GNI---it was amral/admin who made the wise decision to cleanse his forum of the filth and vulgarity that was starting to infest it----decent and respectable people started complaining about those 2 nasty and vulgar deviants---Mitwah and redux---and amral did what he had to do----keep his forum clean and civilized.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Yuj & Rev are powerful.  Don't mess with them. 

Ms Observer:


Give praise to the big boss here on GNI---it was amral/admin who made the wise decision to cleanse his forum of the filth and vulgarity that was starting to infest it----decent and respectable people started complaining about those 2 nasty and vulgar deviants---Mitwah and redux---and amral did what he had to do----keep his forum clean and civilized.




Now Jalil needs to clean up his acts of vulgarity. We do not mind engaging but his vulgarity and indecency must also be addressed.


Rev and Ewe-gee need to come clean


They keep switching positions

Like Councie & Kwame


Poor observer aint seeing

wha really going on...


He eating too...

not knowing what ee eating....


Rev posing as a Decent Man

Who Vex ....Vex


Rev admit Jagdeo & Ramotar thiefing

 like dem PNC Bhai under Burnham & Hoyte

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex


Ewe-gee say Jagdeo & Ramotar don't thief


Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


Rev say all them minister is thiefman

and they should be jailed

Who Vex ....Vex


Ewe-gee saying

"De current minsta's ...dem is not thiefman"

only thiefman minister eee know bout

"is De Past minista's under PNC"

and down de road....

"De Future AFC minista's"

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.



Rev painting PNC as Bad

and Ramotar & Jagdeo Stink

but nat as bad as PNC

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


Ewe-gee on the Other Hand

Painting a different Picture of Guyana Govt

According to ewe-gee....

Burnhan & PNC is Rotten

Jagan ....fair to average

Jagdeo & de Best

and AFC is de worst...


All Dem Donkey know AFC not in Govt

and AFC cannot thief State money...


But as mitwa and redux would say

 this one Jackass in de World think different


Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex

Ewe-gee is eee Brother...Dem is de same


These Donkey den decide to

label all Indians who support


"Dutty Indians"


Now Rev....the same fella

who was posing as a decent....Man

Start sucking everything

flowing from the ass

Ewegee and "Rev De Side Kick"

Now Braying..... Moses, Ramjattan, Ralph,

Ramphal, Insanally, Sahabadeen,

Luchoo, Ramsahoy, Kenard,

Beharry, Tulsie, Mazharally,

Roopnarine, Kissoon, Goolsarran, Ram

 Boyo, O'lal, Fazal ........

and the thousands who follow them

are all "Dutty Indians"

Ewe-gee & Rev ........singing "Dutty Indians"

Two disgraceful $hit-face.


Now when we point out if you can call Indians

who refuse to Support Jagdeo & Ramotar

"Dutty Indians"

others.... on GNI must be free to call "De Black Thugs"

who now working for and Supporting Jagdeo & Ramotar

"PPP Black House of Isreal Hindus"

Both Donkey start cry and run complaining.....



The Laws of Guyana states

Buggering is a Crime

and when caught you must face Death....

When we on GNI say

Councie, Kwame, Bharat & Manny

Break the Laws of Guyana....

REV say ....them is Nasty Dutty Lowlife

and as the law say...they should be Hanged

Ewe-gee start cry fuh Kwame'

and eee shame fuh mention Bharat Name....

But eee crying non stop....

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


When we explain on GNI

Muslims  and Islam against

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..


Dem try fuh tell us that....

All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar

will tolerate and accept 

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..


When we ask them about

the Black House of Israel Thugs

now with Ramotar & Jagdeo in

Office of the President & Freedom House...

Rev & Ewe-gee say

De PPP Hindu's like and accept them....


Dem two tell us on GNI....

No Problem....

All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar

 tolerate, accept, practice & Love 

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..



So our Question

to Rev and Eve-gee here and now on GNI

is if what they say is true

about The PPP Hindus love and Relationship

with The Black House of Isreal Thugs....

Why are you upset......when we say.....

"All Black House of Israel Thugs......

are now PPP Hindus"



Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex


As Mitwa & Rudux would say

Dem two Jack-ass

need fuh stop being $upper $uckers

Stop eating from the other BT

come with a clean face


and tell abee about dem

"Dutty Black PPP House of Isreal Hindus"

after we understand that....

we can discuss anything........


Come on ....Don't be shame



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