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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
YA Allah come May 11 pls bless dese tiefin skvnts with the courage to all drink cyanide

Suppose Allah answer your prayers?

You guys have a cool god, love the way you converse with your god.

Alena06 just jealous.............what's up with the 06 anyhow?


Dear Editor,

I was flabbergasted when I read that the PPP nomination list contained the names of sons, daughters and wives of the ruling class, with, most importantly, the obvious dynastic implications for the Guyanese public. In no country on this planet, except Guyana, can the ruling class claim the sole distinction of cementing on their electoral lists, family and friends, to rule, obviously in perpetuity. Only Saddam Hussein did that and thank God President Bush threw him out of power. Even President Putin of Russia, a power hungry leader, never placed family members in government.

Examine the record and one will see that I never got a job, received any land or house, never got freebies or governmental largesse when Jagan was in power – and I was never placed on any elections list either. Jagan always railed against dynastic politics and nepotism in government and would never have put me in any position, and he never did. Many times, as I grew up in his household, I heard him dismiss any suggestion that he guide his only son to take over from him, as different people over the years suggested to him. As a matter of fact, I never joined the PPP when Jagan was alive because he felt that would create the wrong impression in the people’s minds. Unfortunately, the rulers of Guyana today mean to perpetuate family control over our political processes as long as they can manipulate the traditional PPP voters into voting for “Cheddi’s party.”

The PPP leadership claims to be following President Cheddi’s beliefs, but the question is: who buys it?

Yours faithfully, Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)


"Many times, as I grew up in his household, I heard him dismiss any suggestion that he guide his only son to take over from him, as different people over the years suggested to him. As a matter of fact, I never joined the PPP when Jagan was alive because he felt that would create the wrong impression in the people’s minds."

Yours faithfully, Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)


The Indo Guyanese people need to wake up,and see that

the current cabal of the PPP are not working for their

up liftment only to enrich themselves family and friends.

Last edited by Django

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