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Excerpt from the Guyana Times PPP supporting paper. This is the Jagdeo chaired Commonwealth Observer Group which was overseeing the elections in Sri Lanka.


During these meetings, concerns were raised about a number of factors during the campaign, notably: the widespread abuse of state resources, including the comprehensive bias of state media against the Common Opposition Candidate and his supporters; the use of military personnel and public officials to support the President’s campaign; the blatant use of Government monies, handouts and gifts to induce voters; and, the extensive use of state-owned public transport for campaigning by the incumbent.  


Compare this to the hundreds who were bussed into Babu John today aboard Guysuco vehicles.



Originally Posted by Mars:

Excerpt from the Guyana Times PPP supporting paper. This is the Jagdeo chaired Commonwealth Observer Group which was overseeing the elections in Sri Lanka.


During these meetings, concerns were raised about a number of factors during the campaign, notably: the widespread abuse of state resources, including the comprehensive bias of state media against the Common Opposition Candidate and his supporters; the use of military personnel and public officials to support the President’s campaign; the blatant use of Government monies, handouts and gifts to induce voters; and, the extensive use of state-owned public transport for campaigning by the incumbent.  


Compare this to the hundreds who were bussed into Babu John today aboard Guysuco vehicles.



No wonder GuySuCo cannot stay financially afloat. The PPP has a parasitic hold on its resources, extracting its lifeblood.

Originally Posted by Mars:

Jagdeo at Babu John today â€œThe Opposition beats its drum at six in the morning and says let us throw out the coolie people”


How classy from the ex-President.


That is even more crass race-baiting than Vishnu Bisram, Nehru, Cobra and the lot. I hope the international community is taking note.


PPP's general Secretary Rohee - "Granger is a danger and Moses is a neemakaram"


You actually insult the intelligence of educated Indians when you come up with these campaign slogans. I wonder what the Honorable Liz Harper was thinking when she was experiencing this distasteful exhibition of low class behavior. Especially given that she is from a prominent PNC family.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


PPP blasts racially charged APNU+AFC campaign launch â€Ķto lodge formal complaint with GECOM today

Nehru why Ramotar & Jagdeo shitting them pants.....



Moses Say .....

 â€œWe shall defeat the monster of racism.”

.....and PPP start Cry....


 GrangerSay ....."a nasty, brutish future should the PPP be re-elected to office and not the APNU+AFC."

.....and PPP halla rape....


Granger say....

 "Life in Guyana could become more nasty and brutish for the majorityâ€ĶThe truth is that we are weary.”

.....and PPP halla advantage


Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya say

 "the Indians do not want a ‘Blackman’ to rule over them but they are going to the USA, ‘a Blackman country’, and they are going to Barbados, ‘a Blackman’country.”


.....Yusuf ,Sixtus and Balwant 

go pon TV in Berbice and

say Ramaya talking Truth ......



Ramotar go Rupununi and tell dem Amerindian Dem Stupid....and if Jagdeo was there he would slap him.....


Jagdeo go Berbice and tell dem Coolieman.....

Ramotar Stupid....He should Slap them Coolie like the Guysuco Manager at Skeldon slap aya coolie.

Skeldon Estate Manager, Dave Kumar leaving the Springlands Magistrates Court.

Skeldon Estate Manager, Dave Kumar leaving the Springlands Magistrates Court.
Back in September 2014, he allegedly slapped Steven Daniel who was subsequently dismissed from the Corporation. That dismissal had sparked off a strike.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Django:

Jaggy the bad boi tellin Dunald


"Donald you are a democratic man but sometimes we need to kick up some asses,"



He gave the world an insight into his mindset. He does not believe in democracy. Sad...sad day...disgraceful to say the least.

The saddest thing is that Jagdeo's hateful fulminations were uttered on a supposed sacred occasion to honour the memory of Cheddi Jagan.

Most of all, at a time when the nation is crying out for responsible leadership, for hope and promise, for vision, Jagdeo's presentation clearly showed emptiness and desperation.

Originally Posted by Mars:

PPP's general Secretary Rohee - "Granger is a danger and Moses is a neemakaram"


You actually insult the intelligence of educated Indians when you come up with these campaign slogans. I wonder what the Honorable Liz Harper was thinking when she was experiencing this distasteful exhibition of low class behavior. Especially given that she is from a prominent PNC family.

What a sad day for East Indians and Guyanese overall.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Django:

Jaggy the bad boi tellin Dunald


"Donald you are a democratic man but sometimes we need to kick up some asses,"



He gave the world an insight into his mindset. He does not believe in democracy. Sad...sad day...disgraceful to say the least.

The saddest thing is that Jagdeo's hateful fulminations were uttered on a supposed sacred occasion to honour the memory of Cheddi Jagan.

Most of all, at a time when the nation is crying out for responsible leadership, for hope and promise, for vision, Jagdeo's presentation clearly showed emptiness and desperation.


Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Django:

Jaggy the bad boi tellin Dunald


"Donald you are a democratic man but sometimes we need to kick up some asses,"



He gave the world an insight into his mindset. He does not believe in democracy. Sad...sad day...disgraceful to say the least.

The saddest thing is that Jagdeo's hateful fulminations were uttered on a supposed sacred occasion to honour the memory of Cheddi Jagan.

Most of all, at a time when the nation is crying out for responsible leadership, for hope and promise, for vision, Jagdeo's presentation clearly showed emptiness and desperation.


Obama looking for some "ass to kick" in BP oil spill catastrophe



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WASHINGTON--President Obama said on Tuesday he is looking for some "ass to kick" in the ongoing BP oil spill catastrophe. Obama's reply to critics to how he is handling the crisis: "I don't always have time to perform for the benefit of the cable shows."


In an NBC "Today Show" interview with host Matt Lauer, Obama defended his administration--and his personal--response to the inability to cap the deepwater gusher. Obama does not like being portrayed as emotionally detached from the situation.

Said Obama, "And I understand. And here's what -- I'm going to push back hard on this, because I think that this is just an idea that got in folks' heads and the media has run with it. I was down there a month ago, before most of these talking heads were even paying attention to the Gulf. A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there standing in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be.

"And I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers so I know whose ass to kick, right?

"So, you know, this is not theater. Most of the decisions that I make on a day-to-day basis, I make because I have gathered the best information possible in very difficult situations, and my job is to figure out how can I move the federal government, the private sector, all the various players who are involved, to perform some very, very difficult tasks?

"And I don't always have time to perform for the benefit of the cable shows. What I do have is dedication and commitment to make sure that the people who are actually being affected by this are going to get the best possible service from me. And as long as I'm president, that's the approach that I'm going to take to this job."



7:02 A.M. EDT, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2010

MR. LAUER: We begin on a Tuesday morning with the disaster in the Gulf, now in its 50th day, and our exclusive interview with President Obama. We sat down on Monday before his commencement speech at a high school in Kalamazoo, Michigan. And I began by asking the president if the oil spill in the Gulf has made this the toughest point in his presidency to date.

(Begin videotaped segment.)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: This is tough, no doubt about it, because, you know, when you watch television or you go down to the Gulf and you see birds covered in oil and you talk to fishermen who are on the verge of tears -- big, tough guys, but, you know, their livelihoods are being smothered by this oil that's coming into the estuaries and marshes -- it gets you frustrated.

And so this is a difficult time for the country. But it has not reduced my confidence that our trajectory is right. We've just got to keep on moving. We've got to keep on pushing. It's going to be tough, but we're going to get through it.

MR. LAUER: Do you feel at this stage, 50 days or so into this, that your administration has been damaged by this oil spill?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: No. First of all, I'm not concerned about my politics right now. What I'm concerned about is what's happening down in the Gulf. And I guarantee you, the folks in the Gulf have been damaged by this oil spill. And livelihoods are at stake.

This is the largest federal response to an environmental disaster in history. From day one, we understood that this was going to be a major disaster. We have put unprecedented resources to deal with it.

MR. LAUER: Then why do you think there's so much frustration aimed not only at BP right now but at your administration? There are people who are STARTING to wonder out loud if the oil spill in the Gulf could be -- could do to you what Katrina did to President Bush or even what the Iran hostage situation did to President Carter.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: You know, I have to tell you, some of this is just the nature of the 24-hour news cycle. You've got a camera showing oil spilling out in the Gulf, and people are understandably frustrated and they're upset, and they have every right to be.

But here's what I can say, that we have responded with unprecedented resources. And when you look at what most of the critics say, Matt, and you ask them, "Well, specifically what is it that the administration could or should have done differently that would have an impact on whether or not oil was hitting the shore?" you're met with silence.

And the fact of the matter is there has not been an idea that is mentioned out there by any of the critics that we haven't evaluated. And if it was going to work, we would have done it. But it happened under my watch that you still had these oil rigs out there that we thought could deal with this kind of situation and they haven't been able to deal with it.

MR. LAUER: A day or so after that oil rig sank --


MR. LAUER: -- I spoke to Rear Admiral Mary Landry of the Coast Guard --


MR. LAUER: -- who was speaking on behalf of the administration. And I asked her --


MR. LAUER: -- I said, "We're seeing an oil slick in the water. Where's that coming from?" And she said, "There is no evidence that that's coming from this wellhead. That's residual oil coming from the rig itself."


MR. LAUER: A day later, she echoed those same comments.


MR. LAUER: Was the administration misled, in your opinion? Were you relying too much on information from BP? And from the START, did BP try to downplay the situation?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, here's what I think happened. Initially the thinking was that, in fact, the rig had sunk but the blowout preventers had shut down the well, because that's what they were supposed to do. So the anticipation was maybe a thousand barrels might be leaking a day, but this is not going to be a monumental spill.

As soon as people understood that the blowout preventers weren't working, that the valves that were supposed to shut down in the event of a blowout like this had not functioned properly, then I think people understood right then that this was going to be a significant emergency.

In terms of our relationship with BP, our general attitude has been that they have an incentive to shut this thing down because it's going to cost them money, and I'm going to stay on them, if it's the last thing I do in this administration, to make sure they're paying off those fishermen and --

MR. LAUER: Have you spoken directly to Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I have not spoken to him directly, and here's the reason, because my experience is when you talk to a guy like a BP CEO, he's going to say all the right things to me. I'm not interested in words. I'm interested in actions.


PRESIDENT OBAMA: And we are communicating to him every single day exactly what we expect of him and what we expect of that administration.

MR. LAUER: In all due respect, that feels strange to me; that here we've got the CEO of a company that's responsible for the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, and I think -- I'm just curious why you didn't pick up -- you wouldn't pick up the phone and in some ways just give him a piece of your mind.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, the -- look, this has sort of been -- this has been the main critique of the administration is giving a piece of my mind to these guys. Look, I would love to vent. I would love to just shout and holler, because I'm thinking about this day in and day out. But my main job is to solve the problem.

MR. LAUER: To solve the problem, you have to have a reliable partner. Let me read you some of the things that Mr. Hayward has said over the course of this disaster. He said, "The Gulf of Mexico is a big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we're putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume. The environmental impact of this disaster is likely to be very, very modest." And then he said, "There's no one who wants this to end more than I do. I'd like my life back."

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Yeah. Well, the -- I think the --

MR. LAUER: The family members of those 11 people who died on the rig and the people whose lives are going to be changed for years want their lives back too. He doesn't work for you. But if he did, would you want him out?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: He wouldn't be working for me after any of those statements. First of all, we're going to have to find out why this thing went in the first place. And the fact of the matter is that there's going to be a thorough review. And I don't want to prejudge it, but the initial reports indicate that there may be situations in which not only human error was involved, but you also saw some corner cutting in terms of safety, and that BP is a multibillion-dollar corporation. It's talking about paying $10.5 billion in dividends just for this quarter.

MR. LAUER: Right.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: We are going to have to make sure that not only do they shut down the cap, we are not only going to have to make sure that any deepwater drilling process that's out there is, in fact, fail-safe and oil companies know what they're doing, but we also have to make sure that every single person who's been affected by this is properly compensated and made whole. When I went down there last Friday --

MR. LAUER: Can BP do that? Can they do all that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Absolutely. They can afford it. If I START seeing BP nickel and diming folks down there, then they are going to have to answer to us.

MR. LAUER: We've heard time and time again throughout this crisis, as BP has tried and failed with all their fixes, that this technology is untested at this depth.


MR. LAUER: And it just raises a question. If this is where we're drilling for oil, at 4,000 and 5,000 feet under the surface of the ocean, where's the oversight in that? Why are they allowed to drill there if the worst-case-scenario methods to prevent disaster are untested at that depth? It doesn't help to test them at 100 feet.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: When it comes to how we were operating in overseeing and taking the word of the oil industry generally, not just BP in terms of the fail-safe nature of what they could do, I think we have to completely review that. And that's why I've assigned this bipartisan commission. I want them to report back to me, because you obviously cannot take the word of oil companies when they say they've got a bunch of redundancy and backup plans, when something like this happens and it turns out they have no idea what they're doing.

MR. LAUER: So even as the oil is spewing into the Gulf, would you consider halting all drilling below a certain depth right now?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, keep in mind what's happening. First of all, there is -- we've already instituted a moratorium --

MR. LAUER: On new drilling.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: -- on new drilling. The production wells that are already pumping oil, those don't seem to be the problem. The problem has to do with actually drilling and starting a new well. So we've put a moratorium on new wells. Shallow wells aren't a problem because the risers essentially come up above the water. So if something like this happened in a shallow-water well, then folks would just get up on the platform and they would START fixing it and it would be shut down fairly quickly.

What we don't have right now is an assurance that in these incredible depths, a mile down, and then they're drilling another three miles down to get to oil --

MR. LAUER: Right.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: -- that we can actually handle a crisis like this.

MR. LAUER: Have you allowed yourself to even imagine what the Gulf region will look like if oil CONTINUES to spew until August, what it will smell like, what the economic situation will be like down there?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I have. And here's what I'll say. This is going to be a mess. It already is. But I've been down there, and the people are resilient, and these ecosystems are more resilient than I think we anticipate right now, if we act swiftly, if we act seriously.

There are going to be marshes, for example, where the oil goes in and the sea life that's there is decimated for a season, maybe two. But potentially we can preserve those estuaries and those marshes so that three years from now things have come back; things have bounced back.

MR. LAUER: Critics are now talking about your style, which is the first time I've heard that in a long time. And they're saying here's a guy who likes to be known as cool and calm and collected, and this isn't the time for cool, calm and collected --


MR. LAUER: -- that this is not the time to meet with experts and advisers. This is a time to spend more time in the Gulf and -- I never thought I'd say this to a president -- but kick some butt.


MR. LAUER: And I don't mean it to be funny.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: No. And I understand. And here's what -- I'm going to push back hard on this, because I think that this is just an idea that got in folks' heads and the media has run with it. I was down there a month ago, before most of these talking heads were even paying attention to the Gulf. A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there standing in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be.

And I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers so I know whose ass to kick, right?

So, you know, this is not theater. Most of the decisions that I make on a day-to-day basis, I make because I have gathered the best information possible in very difficult situations, and my job is to figure out how can I move the federal government, the private sector, all the various players who are involved, to perform some very, very difficult tasks?

And I don't always have time to perform for the benefit of the cable shows. What I do have is dedication and commitment to make sure that the people who are actually being affected by this are going to get the best possible service from me. And as long as I'm president, that's the approach that I'm going to take to this job.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Jagdeo at Babu John today â€œThe Opposition beats its drum at six in the morning and says let us throw out the coolie people”


How classy from the ex-President.


That is even more crass race-baiting than Vishnu Bisram, Nehru, Cobra and the lot. I hope the international community is taking note.


The so-called "international community" can tek all de friggin notes dem like. Just like they always tek notes coolies are gttin beat, raped, robbed, and murered fuh decades. And they can file dem notes in de same sub basement of some nondescipt archives building.


Reporting on Jagdeo in today's SN: "The former president also said that it must be naÃŊvetÃĐ or desperation on the part of the AFC to link up with APNU. The leadership of that party betrayed its supporters and will soon be out in the cold, he declared."
How on earth can AFC's alliance with APNU be betrayal of its supporters? Is it beccause we must never work with those blackman? Read between the lines folks. What 5Dr Jagdeo is implying is African Guyanese are all bad people. That Indians are always good and right. That they (Indians) have no business uniting and working together with black people to move the country forward. He feels he is entitled to all East Indian votes. This is an insult to my intelligence and I hope East Indians see this as an insult to theirs as well. They must demand better from their leaders. Tell the people man...what is the state of UG under your govt, is NIS sustainable?, when will the US$200 mill Skeldon factory work as intended?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The so-called "international community" can tek all de friggin notes dem like. Just like they always tek notes coolies are gttin beat, raped, robbed, and murered fuh decades. And they can file dem notes in de same sub basement of some nondescipt archives building.

lil tuff-man-come-lately like shyteaan with nuff macho fat talk would be quietly filing notes in some similar "sub basement" . . . making a corrupt living bribing wan wan hungry belly Queens politicians on behalf of drug trafficking GY 'businessmen' if that same "so-called international community" did not intervene to break PNC dictatorial rule in 1992


i actually miss 'baseman' . . . his act at least had a certain immoral, lunatic consistency

Last edited by Former Member

Report from Today's SN: "Rohee also launched a scathing attack on persons in the APNU+AFC alliance who he did not name. “They claim that they have decent and honest people among them, comrades let me tell youâ€Ķwhat do they have? They have a rapist, they have a pedophile, they have an elections rigger, a ballot box thief they have a namakaram, they have a shooter and they have a junkie in their midst,” he said while questioning if those characters should be given the opportunity to govern."
Dear East Indians and Guyanese...ponder those words above. Remember they come out from the mouth of the man who heads CARICOM's most predatory police force, one which lacks legitimacy and trust from the population as the 2014 LAPOP poll shows. A force known more for torture and extra-judicial killings. Do you guys now understand the mentality running police operations in Guyana?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Jagdeo at Babu John today â€œThe Opposition beats its drum at six in the morning and says let us throw out the coolie people”


How classy from the ex-President.


That is even more crass race-baiting than Vishnu Bisram, Nehru, Cobra and the lot. I hope the international community is taking note.


The so-called "international community" can tek all de friggin notes dem like. Just like they always tek notes coolies are gttin beat, raped, robbed, and murered fuh decades. And they can file dem notes in de same sub basement of some nondescipt archives building.

lil tuff-man-come-lately like shyteaan with nuff macho fat talk would be quietly filing notes in some similar "sub basement" . . . making a corrupt living bribing wan wan hungry belly Queens politicians on behalf of drug trafficking GY 'businessmen' if that same "so-called international community" did not intervene to break PNC dictatorial rule in 1992


i actually miss 'baseman' . . . his act was somewhat original with a certain lunatic consistency


I believe Sir that you mistake me for Vishnu Mahadeo. I've never had to bribe my corrupt friends for anything

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


The so-called "international community" can tek all de friggin notes dem like. Just like they always tek notes coolies are gttin beat, raped, robbed, and murered fuh decades. And they can file dem notes in de same sub basement of some nondescipt archives building.

lil tuff-man-come-lately like shyteaan with nuff macho fat talk would be quietly filing notes in some similar "sub basement" . . . making a corrupt living bribing wan wan hungry belly Queens politicians on behalf of drug trafficking GY 'businessmen' if that same "so-called international community" did not intervene to break PNC dictatorial rule in 1992


i actually miss 'baseman' . . . his act at least had a certain immoral, lunatic consistency

 I believe Sir that you mistake me for Vishnu Mahadeo. I've never had to bribe my corrupt friends for anything

i believe u


now go re-read what i said

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

Report from Today's SN: "Rohee also launched a scathing attack on persons in the APNU+AFC alliance who he did not name. “They claim that they have decent and honest people among them, comrades let me tell youâ€Ķwhat do they have? They have a rapist, they have a pedophile, they have an elections rigger, a ballot box thief they have a namakaram, they have a shooter and they have a junkie in their midst,” he said while questioning if those characters should be given the opportunity to govern."
Dear East Indians and Guyanese...ponder those words above. Remember they come out from the mouth of the man who heads CARICOM's most predatory police force, one which lacks legitimacy and trust from the population as the 2014 LAPOP poll shows. A force known more for torture and extra-judicial killings. Do you guys now understand the mentality running police operations in Guyana?

Rohee's mentality is commensurate with his level of academic learning, which is minimal.

Anyway, in Roheespeak, the PPP has not one but more rapists, not one but more pedophiles, not one but more elections riggers and ballot box thieves formerly from the PNC.

Rohee has provided sweet salara and Coca-Cola to APNU+AFC campaigners who will not hesitate to name all the PPP rapists, pedophiles, riggers, etc.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


The so-called "international community" can tek all de friggin notes dem like. Just like they always tek notes coolies are gttin beat, raped, robbed, and murered fuh decades. And they can file dem notes in de same sub basement of some nondescipt archives building.

lil tuff-man-come-lately like shyteaan with nuff macho fat talk would be quietly filing notes in some similar "sub basement" . . . making a corrupt living bribing wan wan hungry belly Queens politicians on behalf of drug trafficking GY 'businessmen' if that same "so-called international community" did not intervene to break PNC dictatorial rule in 1992


i actually miss 'baseman' . . . his act at least had a certain immoral, lunatic consistency

 I believe Sir that you mistake me for Vishnu Mahadeo. I've never had to bribe my corrupt friends for anything

i believe u


now go re-read what i said


I had ignored you on account of the fact that I left that shytehole Guyana before the mudheads came to office in 1992.


I can only congratulate the international community for breaking the PNC dictatorial rule that they themselves originally instituted.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Report from Today's SN: "Rohee also launched a scathing attack on persons in the APNU+AFC alliance who he did not name. “They claim that they have decent and honest people among them, comrades let me tell youâ€Ķwhat do they have? They have a rapist, they have a pedophile, they have an elections rigger, a ballot box thief they have a namakaram, they have a shooter and they have a junkie in their midst,” he said while questioning if those characters should be given the opportunity to govern."
Dear East Indians and Guyanese...ponder those words above. Remember they come out from the mouth of the man who heads CARICOM's most predatory police force, one which lacks legitimacy and trust from the population as the 2014 LAPOP poll shows. A force known more for torture and extra-judicial killings. Do you guys now understand the mentality running police operations in Guyana?

Rohee's mentality is commensurate with his level of academic learning, which is minimal.

Anyway, in Roheespeak, the PPP has not one but more rapists, not one but more pedophiles, not one but more elections riggers and ballot box thieves formerly from the PNC.

Rohee has provided sweet salara and Coca-Cola to APNU+AFC campaigners who will not hesitate to name all the PPP rapists, pedophiles, riggers, etc.


Why are you all focusing on everything except the core issues which drive Indian support for the PPP inspite of the fact that most Indians hate them?


Address Indian security concerns and you may carry the day. The Coalition seems to have done a damn good job addressing the African dilemma.


You Jaganites got some worthless Vice Presidencies and other jobs for yourselves.


The Indian security dilemma is not addressed by givin some of you homeless Jaganites Cabinet wuk.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Report from Today's SN: "Rohee also launched a scathing attack on persons in the APNU+AFC alliance who he did not name. “They claim that they have decent and honest people among them, comrades let me tell youâ€Ķwhat do they have? They have a rapist, they have a pedophile, they have an elections rigger, a ballot box thief they have a namakaram, they have a shooter and they have a junkie in their midst,” he said while questioning if those characters should be given the opportunity to govern."
Dear East Indians and Guyanese...ponder those words above. Remember they come out from the mouth of the man who heads CARICOM's most predatory police force, one which lacks legitimacy and trust from the population as the 2014 LAPOP poll shows. A force known more for torture and extra-judicial killings. Do you guys now understand the mentality running police operations in Guyana?

Rohee's mentality is commensurate with his level of academic learning, which is minimal.

Anyway, in Roheespeak, the PPP has not one but more rapists, not one but more pedophiles, not one but more elections riggers and ballot box thieves formerly from the PNC.

Rohee has provided sweet salara and Coca-Cola to APNU+AFC campaigners who will not hesitate to name all the PPP rapists, pedophiles, riggers, etc.


Why are you all focusing on everything except the core issues which drive Indian support for the PPP inspite of the fact that most Indians hate them?


Address Indian security concerns and you may carry the day. The Coalition seems to have done a damn good job addressing the African dilemma.


You Jaganites got some worthless Vice Presidencies and other jobs for yourselves.


The Indian security dilemma is not addressed by givin some of you homeless Jaganites Cabinet wuk.

Maybe, you haven't read my previous response to you. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. It's still early days in the campaign.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Report from Today's SN: "Rohee also launched a scathing attack on persons in the APNU+AFC alliance who he did not name. “They claim that they have decent and honest people among them, comrades let me tell youâ€Ķwhat do they have? They have a rapist, they have a pedophile, they have an elections rigger, a ballot box thief they have a namakaram, they have a shooter and they have a junkie in their midst,” he said while questioning if those characters should be given the opportunity to govern."
Dear East Indians and Guyanese...ponder those words above. Remember they come out from the mouth of the man who heads CARICOM's most predatory police force, one which lacks legitimacy and trust from the population as the 2014 LAPOP poll shows. A force known more for torture and extra-judicial killings. Do you guys now understand the mentality running police operations in Guyana?

Rohee's mentality is commensurate with his level of academic learning, which is minimal.

Anyway, in Roheespeak, the PPP has not one but more rapists, not one but more pedophiles, not one but more elections riggers and ballot box thieves formerly from the PNC.

Rohee has provided sweet salara and Coca-Cola to APNU+AFC campaigners who will not hesitate to name all the PPP rapists, pedophiles, riggers, etc.


Why are you all focusing on everything except the core issues which drive Indian support for the PPP inspite of the fact that most Indians hate them?


Address Indian security concerns and you may carry the day. The Coalition seems to have done a damn good job addressing the African dilemma.


You Jaganites got some worthless Vice Presidencies and other jobs for yourselves.


The Indian security dilemma is not addressed by givin some of you homeless Jaganites Cabinet wuk.

Maybe, you haven't read my previous response to you. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. It's still early days in the campaign.


Well I'm sure glad ya'll found time to address dem important issues relating to the Fourth and Fifth Vice Presidencies.


We'll just wait patiently for the minor "so-called" imaginary issue of Indian security. Can you Jaganites even utter the term without disgust and derision?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


The so-called "international community" can tek all de friggin notes dem like. Just like they always tek notes coolies are gttin beat, raped, robbed, and murered fuh decades. And they can file dem notes in de same sub basement of some nondescipt archives building.

lil tuff-man-come-lately like shyteaan with nuff macho fat talk would be quietly filing notes in some similar "sub basement" . . . making a corrupt living bribing wan wan hungry belly Queens politicians on behalf of drug trafficking GY 'businessmen' if that same "so-called international community" did not intervene to break PNC dictatorial rule in 1992


i actually miss 'baseman' . . . his act at least had a certain immoral, lunatic consistency

 I believe Sir that you mistake me for Vishnu Mahadeo. I've never had to bribe my corrupt friends for anything

i believe u


now go re-read what i said

. . . I can only congratulate the international community for breaking the PNC dictatorial rule that they themselves originally instituted.

eating your own words is never pleasant . . . but better late than never

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Report from Today's SN: "Rohee also launched a scathing attack on persons in the APNU+AFC alliance who he did not name. “They claim that they have decent and honest people among them, comrades let me tell youâ€Ķwhat do they have? They have a rapist, they have a pedophile, they have an elections rigger, a ballot box thief they have a namakaram, they have a shooter and they have a junkie in their midst,” he said while questioning if those characters should be given the opportunity to govern."
Dear East Indians and Guyanese...ponder those words above. Remember they come out from the mouth of the man who heads CARICOM's most predatory police force, one which lacks legitimacy and trust from the population as the 2014 LAPOP poll shows. A force known more for torture and extra-judicial killings. Do you guys now understand the mentality running police operations in Guyana?

Rohee's mentality is commensurate with his level of academic learning, which is minimal.

Anyway, in Roheespeak, the PPP has not one but more rapists, not one but more pedophiles, not one but more elections riggers and ballot box thieves formerly from the PNC.

Rohee has provided sweet salara and Coca-Cola to APNU+AFC campaigners who will not hesitate to name all the PPP rapists, pedophiles, riggers, etc.


Why are you all focusing on everything except the core issues which drive Indian support for the PPP inspite of the fact that most Indians hate them?


Address Indian security concerns and you may carry the day. The Coalition seems to have done a damn good job addressing the African dilemma.


You Jaganites got some worthless Vice Presidencies and other jobs for yourselves.


The Indian security dilemma is not addressed by givin some of you homeless Jaganites Cabinet wuk.

Maybe, you haven't read my previous response to you. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. It's still early days in the campaign.


Well I'm sure glad ya'll found time to address dem important issues relating to the Fourth and Fifth Vice Presidencies.


We'll just wait patiently for the minor "so-called" imaginary issue of Indian security. Can you Jaganites even utter the term without disgust and derision?

Truly, my worthy opponent, I don't consider myself a Jaganite while I do admire some aspects of the man, as Guyanese politicians go.

I'm an evolving creature, a work in progress, not yet a perfect humanoid, and I would say that at this stage in my evolution I'm a Nagarite-Grangerite.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Jagdeo must tell the nation how much his diarrhea and medical airlift to Florida cost the tax payers. Did he hide diamonds or gold in his diaper?


That you all miss issue for Indo voters who will actually vote is kinda sad.


The principal issue for Indian voters to the near exclusion of all other is the PNC and it's not so pretty record in and out of office vis a vis Indians.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Report from Today's SN: "Rohee also launched a scathing attack on persons in the APNU+AFC alliance who he did not name. “They claim that they have decent and honest people among them, comrades let me tell youâ€Ķwhat do they have? They have a rapist, they have a pedophile, they have an elections rigger, a ballot box thief they have a namakaram, they have a shooter and they have a junkie in their midst,” he said while questioning if those characters should be given the opportunity to govern."
Dear East Indians and Guyanese...ponder those words above. Remember they come out from the mouth of the man who heads CARICOM's most predatory police force, one which lacks legitimacy and trust from the population as the 2014 LAPOP poll shows. A force known more for torture and extra-judicial killings. Do you guys now understand the mentality running police operations in Guyana?

Rohee's mentality is commensurate with his level of academic learning, which is minimal.

Anyway, in Roheespeak, the PPP has not one but more rapists, not one but more pedophiles, not one but more elections riggers and ballot box thieves formerly from the PNC.

Rohee has provided sweet salara and Coca-Cola to APNU+AFC campaigners who will not hesitate to name all the PPP rapists, pedophiles, riggers, etc.


Why are you all focusing on everything except the core issues which drive Indian support for the PPP inspite of the fact that most Indians hate them?


Address Indian security concerns and you may carry the day. The Coalition seems to have done a damn good job addressing the African dilemma.


You Jaganites got some worthless Vice Presidencies and other jobs for yourselves.


The Indian security dilemma is not addressed by givin some of you homeless Jaganites Cabinet wuk.

Maybe, you haven't read my previous response to you. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. It's still early days in the campaign.


Well I'm sure glad ya'll found time to address dem important issues relating to the Fourth and Fifth Vice Presidencies.


We'll just wait patiently for the minor "so-called" imaginary issue of Indian security. Can you Jaganites even utter the term without disgust and derision?

 You would get more votes for the PPP if you change your approach a little - I think if you would focus on dhall and aloo you would do a lot better. 

If you ask any average coolie whether in country, backdam or town about their "security" experience under PNC verses PPP, almost none would say they feel any more secure under the PPP. If you ask them about their concern about loosing their access to dhall and aloo that would be a concern to the majority coolies...







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