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Former Member

Disruptive behavior during President’s address…I would have asked them to leave, or called the police to get them out if they refused- Former Speaker Sase Narain

Nov 06, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...speaker-sase-narain/

Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Sase Narain, said he would have sanctioned the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Members of Parliament (MPs) for their behavior inside the House during the President’s address last Thursday.

Narain told Kaieteur News that he would have stopped the sitting and called a meeting with the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, and the Leader of Government, Moses Nagamootoo, to warn them to desist from disrupting the President’s address.

“I would warn them to stop. On Thursday, they should have been given a warning and if they didn’t comply then sanction them. That is what I would have done. They must show respect for the President whether you like him or not,” Narain stated.

Asked about the level of sanction, the former Speaker said that he would have ejected them from the House. If they had refused to leave he would have called the police to evict them.

The former Speaker is famously known for his decision to ban the late President and PPP leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, from speaking in the National Assembly after he refused to apologize for throwing law books on the floor and for dislodging away the Speaker’s mace.

Narain had also expelled PPP MP Ishak Bashir who threw a drinking glass at him. The glass had missed the Speaker.

Narain stated that it is not for him to tell the current Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland, how to manage the proceedings of the National Assembly.

“It is not about the Speaker of the House, it is the dignity of the House that must be protected and maintained. Every Speaker has his own take on things, but Parliamentarians have a responsibility also. You can’t behave like that inside the National Assembly,” Narain maintained.

The Government has roundly criticized the opposition members for their disruptive behavior which included waving placards and shouting which drowned out parts of the President’s presentation. Many believed that the Speaker should have intervened.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, said the behaviour of the opposition represented a significant departure from what is known as legitimate protest.

“The occasion itself was not a proper forum to exhibit that kind of behaviour before your President and before all of those persons whom you invited into your house.

“It’s like if you invite somebody into the home you try to show them the best, but when they come there you give them the latrine,” Harmon had stated.

Prime Minister and First Vice President, Moses Nagamootoo, said President Granger discharged his responsibility well by delivering his address despite the noise from the opposition.

“I believe it is unprecedented…I have never seen political domestic terrorism introduced in the House the way I saw it [Thursday] because it was to terrorize the President from continuing, hoping that he would stop and walk away,” Nagamootoo stated.

The PPP/C has been unapologetic about what transpired during the sitting.

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Disruptive behavior during President’s address…I would have asked them to leave, or called the police to get them out if they refused- Former Speaker Sase Narain

Nov 06, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...speaker-sase-narain/

Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Sase Narain, said he would have sanctioned the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Members of Parliament (MPs) for their behavior inside the House during the President’s address last Thursday.

“I would warn them to stop. On Thursday, they should have been given a warning and if they didn’t comply then sanction them. That is what I would have done. They must show respect for the President whether you like him or not,” Narain stated.

Perhaps, Narain fails in memory to note that these are not the days when he was speaker in the Burnham's administration.

Issues are not fully returned to the PNC/Burnham days from 1964 - 1985.


Sase Narain was part of the PNC/Burnham dictatorship. He has no credibility or moral authority to say anything on this issue. Where was he when the PNC members were disrupting parliament after 1992?

Zed posted:

Sase Narain was part of the PNC/Burnham dictatorship. He has no credibility or moral authority to say anything on this issue. Where was he when the PNC members were disrupting parliament after 1992?

I am in agreement Sase Narine,should stay under the rock,his high handed approach as speaker of Parliament during the Burnham years are known.Democracy at the polls,have graced Guyana from 1992.

I can't recall opposition  MP'S disrupt any Presidential address to Parliament,can you are anyone shed some light.I was not paying much attention in the earlier years of PPP rule.

Drugb posted:

These pnc bais trying to stifle the voice of democracy and freedom of speech. Even the sloppy ones now concurring. 

Take note,the sloppy boys aren't made from the cloth of biasness.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Zed posted:

Sase Narain was part of the PNC/Burnham dictatorship. He has no credibility or moral authority to say anything on this issue. Where was he when the PNC members were disrupting parliament after 1992?

I am in agreement Sase Narine,should stay under the rock,his high handed approach as speaker of Parliament during the Burnham years are known.Democracy at the polls,have graced Guyana from 1992.

I can't recall opposition  MP'S disrupt any Presidential address to Parliament,can you are anyone shed some light.I was not paying much attention in the earlier years of PPP rule.

Django, you selectively get memory loss . 

You does research bud ... what happen!!! . You didn’t like what the computer show you . 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

Sase Narain was part of the PNC/Burnham dictatorship. He has no credibility or moral authority to say anything on this issue. Where was he when the PNC members were disrupting parliament after 1992?

I am in agreement Sase Narine,should stay under the rock,his high handed approach as speaker of Parliament during the Burnham years are known.Democracy at the polls,have graced Guyana from 1992.

I can't recall opposition  MP'S disrupt any Presidential address to Parliament,can you are anyone shed some light.I was not paying much attention in the earlier years of PPP rule.

Django, you selectively get memory loss . 

You does research bud ... what happen!!! . You didn’t like what the computer show you . 

What nonsense you are up to ? Django memory still sharp, slowly you are revealing your self,you are not a newbie.

i did a search and it comes up empty for 1992,i found a protest during Janet Jagan Presidency,if you have any Presidential speech disruptions,please post.

here you go,

Mob Hurl Rocks at President's Car

PRESIDENT Janet Jagan escaped injury on Thursday, February 26, when anti-government protesters hurled rocks and other missiles at her official car outside Parliament building. The President's vehicle was dented in several places and the back wind screen of a Police escort vehicle with her was damaged in the incident.

A Police Inspector on duty at the scene was hit in the chest by a missile hurled as the President left Parliament. The injured officer was taken to hospital where she was under observation...

It was not immediately clear if the vehicles carrying Barbados Prime Minister, Mr Owen Arthur and Grenada Prime Minister, Dr Keith Mitchell, who left the Parliament compound after President Jagan, were hit by the missiles.

The two Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders were at the ceremonial opening of the new Parliament elected at the December 15 elections.

The main opposition People's National Congress (PNC) of former President, Mr Desmond Hoyte, has refused to accept Mrs Jagan's accession to office and persons wearing PNC tee-shirts were among the crowd of about 200 protesters.

The demonstrators shouted "Janet must go" and "We want Desmond (Hoyte)" as they milled behind Police barricades on the street outside the Parliament compound...

In an initial statement, the PNC said it was "not in any way associated with the demonstration" outside Parliament. The statement said the demonstration was "not organized or authorized" by the PNC.

The attack on the President's vehicle came as she was leaving Parliament after the ceremonial opening and security rushed in a cordon around the car as huge pieces of concrete and other missiles rained down...

As the Presidential party moved away, the mob raced behind, pelting more objects.

A small crowd moved to State House where they kept up a demonstration after the incident.

In a later statement, the PNC said it understood that "some members of a mobstoned Mrs Jagan's car and indulged in other acts of violence."

The PNC said it dissociated itself "from these incidents and deplores them most emphatically."

It said (Police Commissioner) Lewis should "launch an urgent and vigorous investigation with a view to identifying and prosecuting the perpetrators."

But the PPP accused the PNC for "unleashing unprovoked thuggery and violence outside Parliament Buildings in a desperate attempt to disrupt the convening of the new Parliament."

In a statement, the major partner in the PPP/Civic alliance government, said known criminal elements "who participated in previous marches and demonstrations since the PNC was defeated at the free and fair polls of December 15 last, spearheaded the attack which was clearly calculated to cause harm to (President Jagan).".....

The PPP said some of the attackers wore PNC t-shirts with the slogan `Our Vote Must Count'.

It said the unlawful assembly and demonstration breached the CARICOM Accord in the presence of Mitchell and Arthur and "is an indictment of the PNC."

"We therefore call on the Caribbean Community to deplore in no uncertain way this resort to political thuggery and terrorism, and to condemn this wanton assault on the institution of democracy in Guyana", the PPP declared.

The party also called on "all civil forces and individuals in Guyana to come out in forceful condemnation of this latest assault and to say to the PNC that this nation will no longer tolerate its blatant hooliganism."

The PPP said it has "exercised monumental patience and calm in the face of an undeclared hostility and violence from (PNC headquarters) Congress Place."

It charged that yesterday's attack raised "ominous signs that the PNC is bent on creating trouble and to further undermine peace, stability as well as law and order in the society."

"The PPP has remained faithful to the requirements of the (Herdmanston) Accord and has organized no public celebrations, solidarity meetings or demonstrations since the elections. Our supporters have exercised tremendous fortitude in the face of the repeated PNC's provocations", the statement said.

It added: "The PPP now demands that the PNC resist from its destructive campaign."

(Courtesy of Guyana Chronicle)

Last edited by Django

Again , I repeat ... first time on this site . I always keep a interest ... like the mud fight . 

But, you was on Anil Facebook critizing and as usual Django give out so much info about himself and them bai track you . Them remember you face across freedom house . 

Then I does see you copy some a them bai adjective from GNI and paste it on ppp members ... you rass luck their was no copy right . Haha

Dave posted:

Again , I repeat ... first time on this site . I always keep a interest ... like the mud fight . 

But, you was on Anil Facebook critizing and as usual Django give out so much info about himself and them bai track you . Them remember you face across freedom house . 

Then I does see you copy some a them bai adjective from GNI and paste it on ppp members ... you rass luck their was no copy right . Haha

I have made a few post on Anil FB,he is jine family and can find out,who i am easily,just have to ask his mamoo.Django don't have anything to hide,I used to visit Freedom House Book store and bought a book on Electronics Engineering (Russian Author),i also had my picture posted on GNI.

By the way,show the adjective used,i will be waiting.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Again , I repeat ... first time on this site . I always keep a interest ... like the mud fight . 

But, you was on Anil Facebook critizing and as usual Django give out so much info about himself and them bai track you . Them remember you face across freedom house . 

Then I does see you copy some a them bai adjective from GNI and paste it on ppp members ... you rass luck their was no copy right . Haha

I have made a few post on Anil FB,he is jine family and can find out,who i am easily,just have to ask his mamoo.Django don't have anything to hide,I used to visit Freedom House Book store and bought a book on Electronics Engineering (Russian Author),i also had my picture posted on GNI.

By the way,show the adjective used,i will be waiting.

There you go ... 

have no time to show what you did ... those for kids .

btw was the book beneficial to you ? I guess so , cause you was the electronic Tec across freedom house . 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Again , I repeat ... first time on this site . I always keep a interest ... like the mud fight . 

But, you was on Anil Facebook critizing and as usual Django give out so much info about himself and them bai track you . Them remember you face across freedom house . 

Then I does see you copy some a them bai adjective from GNI and paste it on ppp members ... you rass luck their was no copy right . Haha

I have made a few post on Anil FB,he is jine family and can find out,who i am easily,just have to ask his mamoo.Django don't have anything to hide,I used to visit Freedom House Book store and bought a book on Electronics Engineering (Russian Author),i also had my picture posted on GNI.

By the way,show the adjective used,i will be waiting.

There you go ... 

have no time to show what you did ... those for kids .

btw was the book beneficial to you ? I guess so , cause you was the electronic Tec across freedom house . 

Seems like you making up stories,suh you show on GNI to follow Django.

Continue bhai,you revealing yourself slowly.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Again , I repeat ... first time on this site . I always keep a interest ... like the mud fight . 

But, you was on Anil Facebook critizing and as usual Django give out so much info about himself and them bai track you . Them remember you face across freedom house . 

Then I does see you copy some a them bai adjective from GNI and paste it on ppp members ... you rass luck their was no copy right . Haha

I have made a few post on Anil FB,he is jine family and can find out,who i am easily,just have to ask his mamoo.Django don't have anything to hide,I used to visit Freedom House Book store and bought a book on Electronics Engineering (Russian Author),i also had my picture posted on GNI.

By the way,show the adjective used,i will be waiting.

There you go ... 

have no time to show what you did ... those for kids .

btw was the book beneficial to you ? I guess so , cause you was the electronic Tec across freedom house . 

Seems like you making up stories,suh you show on GNI to follow Django.

Continue bhai,you revealing yourself slowly.

DJ chill out . 

How was the book ?

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

Sase Narain was part of the PNC/Burnham dictatorship. He has no credibility or moral authority to say anything on this issue. Where was he when the PNC members were disrupting parliament after 1992?

I would have liked to see him expel Simona Broomes along with the PPP MPs. She provoked.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

These pnc bais trying to stifle the voice of democracy and freedom of speech. Even the sloppy ones now concurring. 

Take note,the sloppy boys aren't made from the cloth of biasness.

Where were you went the PNc ANIMALS roamed Parliament????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

These pnc bais trying to stifle the voice of democracy and freedom of speech. Even the sloppy ones now concurring. 

Take note,the sloppy boys aren't made from the cloth of biasness.

Where were you went the PNc ANIMALS roamed Parliament????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I was not paying much attention in the earlier years of PPP rule."

Looks like you missed this post.


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