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kp posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Dave, cloth masks might be better than nothing, but there is no proof that they provide full protection.  

The problem with cloth masks is that it provides a false sense of complete protection and people might feel they don't need to do the other things like self isolation, social distancing and constant hands washing, until its too late. 

So what is your issue?  Einstein, we all know of the measures one should take. No single measure offers totally protection however, together they mitigate the risk substantially.  This goes for masks, cloth of otherwise!

Hea smart man,  some Guyanese in Guyana or even NY/NJ  are not like other North Americans, who understands all about precautions needed to protect them from  the virus.  You give a Guyanese a cloth  mask and dem think nothing can touch them, till dem drop dead.

You ever see a sneeze tests on  a dish with a cloth mask, try it and see what protection they provide.  

Again, what’s your point?  Cloth is the simplest item to make into a mask in the absence of more professional medical grade!  Here people are using scarves or anything else.

What you should question is why Volda creating unnecessary bottlenecks in the process. She does not even have the mandate to do the half job she is doing.

Na worries, stay quiet. Me gun ask Bibi you question, cause she smarter dan you and she knows everything.

You are a dirty Old Man haunted to go after a fight. Base should drop your buckta and put lash on your ass.

And you are a nasty unintelligent grouch who  you should check out he bukta. Do you understand what Graemlins are ? 

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:

So what is your issue?  Einstein, we all know of the measures one should take. No single measure offers totally protection however, together they mitigate the risk substantially.  This goes for masks, cloth of otherwise!

Hea smart man,  some Guyanese in Guyana or even NY/NJ  are not like other North Americans, who understands all about precautions needed to protect them from  the virus.  You give a Guyanese a cloth  mask and dem think nothing can touch them, till dem drop dead.

You ever see a sneeze tests on  a dish with a cloth mask, try it and see what protection they provide.  

Again, what’s your point?  Cloth is the simplest item to make into a mask in the absence of more professional medical grade!  Here people are using scarves or anything else.

What you should question is why Volda creating unnecessary bottlenecks in the process. She does not even have the mandate to do the half job she is doing.

Na worries, stay quiet. Me gun ask Bibi you question, cause she smarter dan you and she knows everything.

I ask you a question, don’t scamper off in irrelevance.  Again, what’s your issue with the masks?  Apart from the fact it’s a PPP initiative.

This is simpler than a suicide question.


This is the kind of work happening across the country through the Irfaan Ali led #maskupGuyana campaign. tens of thousands of masks have been distributed making people more conscious as well as safer. To all involved, on behalf of a grateful people, most of who had no place to turn to in order to get a mask, my heartfelt thanks!


FC,  the chinese may have given out proper face masks. No surprise there. They started the shit in the first place. However, when it comes to a third world country like Guyana, its any port in a storm 


Today Saturday 11 April 2020.

A team from the National Task Force for COVID 19 led by President-Elect Dr. Irfaan Ali visited an area north of Hydronie Parika, the area is populated with the poorest and most vulnerbale of our Citizens.

We delivered food stuff to them in this time of great need and hardship.

My heart always break whenever I visit this area to see the rife poverty among our people.

The team included the exceptional Mr. Paul Cheong , HYDRONIE NDC Chairman Parsram and Cde. Georgieanna Rahman.

The food hampers were donated by Mr.Terry Singh and the Japarts Family.

Terry Singh has displayed a heart of gold with his generosity to this project.



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Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people and people standing
Image may contain: one or more people, sky, tree and outdoor
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, sky and outdoor


The Mayor and Town Council of the PPP/C party of the Corriverton municipality together with R.D.C vice chairman Mr. Dennis Deroop and Mr. Adrian Anamayah were engaged in the distribution of the face masks this morning to the vendors and the customers of the Corriverton Municipal market. Approximately 500 masks were distributed. It is the responsibility of the mayor and councilors to help in the fight against the Covid 19 disaster
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, sky and outdoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and food

I know the mayor of Corriverton. We attended Line Path Secondary together. He lived closeby us and made his fortune off of banned goods during Burnham and Hoyte administrations. Nice dude.


@cain: Believe me he bribed his way through the customs guys to pay as little as possible. But of course, all these guys did. They unloaded the goods from Suriname at the back of our house. Whenever I visited and took my camera by the waterside, they chased me away saying that cameras not allowed. I argued with them and told them I understood why they would not want a camera there. They threatened me with arrest. I asked them for what. No response.


Good thing Dave wasn't around, either he would have hundreds of pictures in his arsenal, (then again they were his people he wouldn't have posted it) or they would have laid a beat down on him.

Guyana is so deep into this bribery thing it's pathetic. Someone I knew was rebuilding a house there and always running into roadblocks having to pay bribes. The house was about done and when it was time to run the phone cable he was told they had no more cable left, buddy went into his wallet when suddenly the tech said, " you know wuh, ah might have a piece in the truck you could use" That is some barefaced shit.  He finally had enough and sold the place.


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