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Former Member

The Rodney COI is a means of dividing the nation


Posted By Staff Writer On July 3, 2014 @ 5:05 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Some observers have argued that the Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI) is a necessary step towards national healing. We disagree. The COI is strategically timed in the post-2011 period as a means of dividing the nation and driving fear in the mind of East Indians. It is all part of a race-based election strategy of ‘don’t split the votes,’ namely the East Indian votes of the PPP. The saddest irony is that Dr Rodney and his political party are most known for multi-ethnic mobilisation. The COI is in the line of the terrible race-based propaganda that is launched from the annual Cheddi Jagan memorial at Babu Jaan by Mr Jagdeo and Mr Ramotar. The strategy is clear: stir up racial fears and hope East Indians cling to the PPP. This trick, however, is overshadowed these days by the radical demographic shifts taking place, including an expanding proportion of mixed race Guyanese who do not self-identify with either larger popular ethnicity, and voters too young to remember Dr Rodney or anything of PNC rule.


Editor, we have learned a few interesting points from the COI. We believe the findings will backfire against the ‘don’t split the East Indian votes’ strategy. Presenters at the inquiry have revealed a few interesting historical events. Firstly, we now have some perspective that the late Commissioner of Police, Laurie Lewis, may have been part of the plot. Interestingly that late commissioner was maintained in 1992 by the new PPP/C administration, well past his retirement age. Guyanese deserve to know why he was kept on the job. Secondly, as yet uncorroborated testimony at the RCOI asserted that a KGB advisor was brought to Guyana. Which political leaders in Guyana at the time had the closest associations with Soviet Union during the Cold War?


Thirdly, several of the individuals from the House of Israel cult as well as very high ranking military veterans have become extremely close friends with the Jagdeo PPP. One of them may even have flown out the alleged killer of Dr Rodney. We are to believe that presenter cannot remember who ordered the flight.


Fourthly, the COI has backfired and we must continue to raise these findings with the public as one obvious purpose of the inquiry is to try to besmirch the good name of Brigadier David Granger. Thanks to the COI, many people now know that David Granger was not only subordinate to Norman McLean in the GDF, but also had been sent to Yugoslavia at the time of Dr Rodney’s killing, long before the advent of text messages, the internet, and even direct dialled overseas calls.


Yours faithfully,

Tarron Khemraj

Gerhard Ramsaroop

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dis DAAG TK and his side kick idiot were here on GNI calling for an Investigation of the DEATH OF OUR BELOVED DR WALTER RODNEY FOR YEARS. NOW THESE TWO ROBBER BARRONS COMING HERE AND SPEW GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dis DAAG TK and his side kick idiot were here on GNI calling for an Investigation of the DEATH OF OUR BELOVED DR WALTER RODNEY FOR YEARS. NOW THESE TWO ROBBER BARRONS COMING HERE AND SPEW GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!


FROM Mr Ramsaroop and Mr Khemraj letter:


The saddest irony is that Dr Rodney and his political party are most known for multi-ethnic mobilisation. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dis DAAG TK and his side kick idiot were here on GNI calling for an Investigation of the DEATH OF OUR BELOVED DR WALTER RODNEY FOR YEARS. NOW THESE TWO ROBBER BARRONS COMING HERE AND SPEW GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't even entertain this stupidity. Look who is posting and who are the writers. One from PNC and the other from AFC. Altogether, they both played a role in the Linden and Agricola riots.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dis DAAG TK and his side kick idiot were here on GNI calling for an Investigation of the DEATH OF OUR BELOVED DR WALTER RODNEY FOR YEARS. NOW THESE TWO ROBBER BARRONS COMING HERE AND SPEW GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't even entertain this stupidity. Look who its posting and who are the writers. One from PNC and the other from AFC. Altogether, they both played a role in the Linden and Agricola riots.

Indeed one would not expect you to entertain a thought about what was said here but instead you entertained the thought to comment ignorantly about what you do not read.




Fourthly, the COI has backfired and we must continue to raise these findings with the public as one obvious purpose of the inquiry is to try to besmirch the good name of Brigadier David Granger.



Originally Posted by Cobra:

Fourthly, the COI has backfired and we must continue to raise these findings with the public as one obvious purpose of the inquiry is to try to besmirch the good name of Brigadier David Granger.



TK is trying to break Ramjattan record to show Granger that he's blacker than black. Well, he have to work hard to gain that position.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Fourthly, the COI has backfired and we must continue to raise these findings with the public as one obvious purpose of the inquiry is to try to besmirch the good name of Brigadier David Granger.



Yes really....not a damn thing was said of the man in evidence that hints to complicity. His boss McCLean is in the PPP ranks and he is apparently absolved by the PPP. Then there is the Gerry Goveia who is supposed to fly the killer out of t he area to a remote location and yet is apparently oblivious to all that went on. The PPP need the idea that Granger knows something about this to make him unpalatable to platform crossers!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I wouldn't even entertain this stupidity. Look who is posting and who are the writers. One from PNC and the other from AFC. Altogether, they both played a role in the Linden and Agricola riots.

Why does the PPP feel the need to ignore the two parties supported by t5he MAJORITY o9f voters?


Is that6 democratic?  I think not.  It is a sign that the PPP has become every bit as dictatorial and arrogant as the Burnham regime was. 


Note that in a culture where charismatic politicians are still prized Romotar has NONE, and Jagdeo is too busy making millions to have time to help them campaign, and in any case he has lost waht ever cxredibility that he once had, given that he more than any one else is responsible for the current level of PPP corruption, crony capitalism and out and out greed!


When ever the PPP holds the next election, and 2016 looks like when this will be, expect the PPP to win no0 more than 45% ofr the votes.  With the US govt becoming more and more open to blatantly accusing the PPP of being a dictatorship, many Guyanese will take note.  The booing that occurred was done by the type of elite high society Guyanese who in prior years would have been groveling for PPP soup.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Fourthly, the COI has backfired and we must continue to raise these findings with the public as one obvious purpose of the inquiry is to try to besmirch the good name of Brigadier David Granger.



TK is trying to break Ramjattan record to show Granger that he's blacker than black. Well, he have to work hard to gain that position.


Looks like Gerhard is also trying to prove that he is blacker than black.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The PNC will use Gerhard and then kick him to the curb. The only role for an Indo in the PNC is a yard dog, just barking all day long.


I hope Gerhard smarten up.

Nitwit, answer the OP and take a time out from you chronic inanities.


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