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Divided Linden will hurt PNCR at poll – Party Coordinator

APNU Leader David Granger

APNU Leader David Granger


The ongoing division within Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) can hurt the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) during the next elections, the party’s Linden Coordinator Sandra Adams said.

Observers say that the party’s support has been rapidly moving from active to passive due to the ongoing rift between the Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon and the leadership of the party.

Solomon, who is often backed by Member of Parliament Vanessa Kissoon and Trade Unionist Leslie Gonsalves, is forming an “army” of his own, even as Adams attempts to take control.

Only last week, Party Leader David Granger had a bitter sendoff when angry PNCR supporters voiced their dissatisfaction over his leadership style. At the time, Granger was addressing a select group of supporters at the Mackenzie High School when a decision was taken by Adams to lock out the angry supporters who were at the venue.

Speaking with Guyana Times on Sunday, Adams admitted that the ongoing rivalry within the region can negatively impact the PNCR during the next elections.

APNU MP Vanessa Kissoon

APNU MP Vanessa Kissoon

According to her, the Central Executive has returned to the drawing board to devise a plan that would mitigate the impacts of such a fallout.

Small support

Based on her observation and analysis, Adams said only a handful of persons are backing the Solomon faction.

“Every day more and more people are getting clarity on the issue,” she said in response to the general attitude of Lindeners towards the party since the rift began. Having served two terms in the National Assembly since 1998 as a PNCR Member of Parliament, Adams was forced to migrate in 2007 after being diagnosed with a thyroid disorder in 2002. However by January 2014, she had undergone surgery and treatment, resulting in her full recovery. Her doctor had granted permission for her to return home and so she did in February. Adams said being full of energy and experience in the political realm, she offered her support to the Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon, recognising that there was no PNCR party structure in the region.

But this offer, she said, was rejected from the onset. “He blatantly refused. He told me he was not interested,” she recalled.

Having served as the last Chairperson of the PNCR Linden arm in 2003 and the only PNCR Member in Region 10 to serve as a Mayor and Town Council (M&TC) Councillor, RDC Councillor and Member of Parliament, Adams with the determination to rebuild the party structure in Linden she paid a visit to the party’s Headquarters in Sophia, Georgetown to make her case.

Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon

Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon

She said subsequently, the Central Executives met with all the heads in Region 10, including the Regional Chairman, Vice Chairman, two Members of Parliament and the region’s Central Executive representative Mortimer Mingo.

Taking into consideration her track record, Adams was reportedly identified by the central body as the most suitable person to rebuild the party groups within the region since at the time there was no official group in place.

But this decision was met with stern objection by Solomon and Kissoon.

“They voiced their opinions which were negative,” the now appointed Party Coordinator recalled. Her appointment was followed by a series of conflicts. Despite the prevailing problems, Adams with the support of Granger and the Central Executive continues to hold small functions to muster up support. However, plans to stage a regional conference to facilitate the implementation of a party organ in the region have been put on pause given the current hiccups. Adams in the past had accused Solomon and Kissoon of factionalism and attempting to create rifts between the party and its Region 10 supporters. Adams said there are a few members who had openly raised objections about her appointment as Regional Coordinator. She said they were not completely cognisant of the party’s structure and her responsibilities in the post.

Solomon, Kissoon ignorant

“They were personally misled by the Regional Chairman and Vanessa Kissoon. They’re in ignorance of party structure and procedure. The RDC Chairman does not know his position. I was appointed by the Central Executive Committee of my party to serve as Regional Coordinator. Region 10 has been out of a party structure for the last eight years, whether interim or full structure.”

Kissoon, however, earlier this year had flayed the party for disregarding protocol in its appointment of Adams, saying that as a sitting Member of Parliament (MP) for the region, she was not consulted. Kissoon at the time had said that it was not for her to collaborate with Adams, but for the Central Executive to respect the elected party leadership of Region 10 and resist the urge, though tempting it may be, to disrespect the will of the people which is protected in the party’s Constitution.

Writing to Granger, she had said: “Cde Leader, it is unfortunate that the APNU [A Partnership for National Unity] and PNC want to be respected and consulted on the issues that impact their constituents, even as you seek to deny similar rights and respect to the people of Linden/Region 10. I am aware Region 10 representatives were called and informed of Central Committee’s decision to appoint Cde Adams and this was made without any consultation. Cde Leader, the demands of the party members at Linden are consistent with your demands of Central Government.”

Kissoon and current Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon had been credited with ensuring a landslide victory for APNU in the Upper Demerara District at the last election, with the coalition sweeping both of the geographic seats. (

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

What is sure is Mita Grainja is not a political leader.  The electorate are not soldiers who HAVE to follow orders.


Linden will reject Grainja.

Grainja is not worried about this. Linden is in the bag for the PNC. Linden has never failed the PNC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

What is sure is Mita Grainja is not a political leader.  The electorate are not soldiers who HAVE to follow orders.


Linden will reject Grainja.

Grainja is not worried about this. Linden is in the bag for the PNC. Linden has never failed the PNC.

These words from You Skeldon man is a manifestation of your bigoted thoughts and down right racist attitudes.


So Black man must only vote for black man and visa versa.


You PPP clowns will learn the hard way because you all heard hard.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

What is sure is Mita Grainja is not a political leader.  The electorate are not soldiers who HAVE to follow orders.


Linden will reject Grainja.

Grainja is not worried about this. Linden is in the bag for the PNC. Linden has never failed the PNC.

These words from You Skeldon man is a manifestation of your bigoted thoughts and down right racist attitudes.


So Black man must only vote for black man and visa versa.


You PPP clowns will learn the hard way because you all heard hard.

Linden has never failed the PNC.


BT, prove this statement wrong before you start calling people racists. Some of my best friends in Guyana were/are black. I still see them when I visit GY.

Until you can prove me wrong, zip it!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man
Some of my best friends in Guyana were/are black. I still see them when I visit GY.

you and your "best friends" must have a real back-slappin good time when u greet them and theirs as "good fu nutten negras" and "subhuman apes," and ole talk bout how u recoiled in horror and ran away when u realized u would have to share space with blackman at that negra Howard University


nah suh bai?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man
Some of my best friends in Guyana were/are black. I still see them when I visit GY.

you and your "best friends" must have a real back-slappin good time when u greet them and theirs as "good fu nutten negras" and "subhuman apes," and ole talk bout how u recoiled in horror and ran away when u realized u would have to share space with blackman at that negra Howard University


nah suh bai?

The "good fu nutten negra" has just spoken.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man
Some of my best friends in Guyana were/are black. I still see them when I visit GY.

you and your "best friends" must have a real back-slappin good time when u greet them and theirs as "good fu nutten negras" and "subhuman apes," and ole talk bout how u recoiled in horror and ran away when u realized u would have to share space with blackman at that negra Howard University


nah suh bai?

The "good fu nutten negra" has just spoken.


no worries skeldon_man . . . ah just post so nobady is deceived


yuh know, sometimes i wonder why u making all dis effort lately to hide your scales and sores


u being an out racist and all . . . ignorant & proud


hmmm . . .?

Last edited by Former Member

Anyone notice how this lying SOaB called Cobra is making up news?


Headlines: Divided Linden will hurt PNCR at poll – Party Coordinator.

Actual words spoken: The ongoing division within Linden, Region 10 can hurt the People’s National Congress Reform during the next elections, the party’s Linden Coordinator Sandra Adams said.


Anyone notice the lies? This snake speaks with fork tongue. White man teach him good.

Last edited by Mr.T

These guys and girls should look at English history.  Queen Mary the first, divided the English people along religious lines and had them fighting against each other after she came to power. What did she really accomplish during her reign. Nothing except she kept her power base. On the other hand, her sister Queen Elizabeth united the English people.  Even today the English people still enjoy the benefits from her rule. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Check my source for heading accuracy. Every news print carry different headings on the same story.

Anyone notice how this lying SOaB called Cobra is making up news?


Cobra, what is this man calling you here?


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Check my source for heading accuracy. Every news print carry different headings on the same story.

Anyone notice how this lying SOaB called Cobra is making up news?


Cobra, what is this man calling you here?


Skelly, words don't bore holes. I does allow them to cuss and fret while I sit and smile. They're afraid to hear bad news.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Check my source for heading accuracy. Every news print carry different headings on the same story.

Anyone notice how this lying SOaB called Cobra is making up news?


Cobra, what is this man calling you here?


Skelly, words don't bore holes. I does allow them to cuss and fret while I sit and smile. They're afraid to hear bad news.  

HEHEHE A few times I would so so, just a few.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

What is sure is Mita Grainja is not a political leader.  The electorate are not soldiers who HAVE to follow orders.


Linden will reject Grainja.

They will neither vote AFC nor PPP.  Don't get too excited.  If they are upset with Granger many will stay home, but APNU will still get the lion's share as they did in 2006.  Like the people are saying they are PNC people.  They just want a better PNC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

What is sure is Mita Grainja is not a political leader.  The electorate are not soldiers who HAVE to follow orders.


Linden will reject Grainja.

They will neither vote AFC nor PPP.  Don't get too excited.  If they are upset with Granger many will stay home, but APNU will still get the lion's share as they did in 2006.  Like the people are saying they are PNC people.  They just want a better PNC.


Dat's right Caribny. PNC voters are PNC/APNU to the bone as the PPP voters to the PPP. Linden has never failed the PNC/APNU party.


Time have changed. Granger can't fool Afro Guyanese about skin color anymore. Lindeners need honest government that can deliver as promise and that is the PPP. That has been the PPP record for the past 20 years.

Originally Posted by Wally:

These guys and girls should look at English history.  Queen Mary the first, divided the English people along religious lines and had them fighting against each other after she came to power. What did she really accomplish during her reign. Nothing except she kept her power base. On the other hand, her sister Queen Elizabeth united the English people.  Even today the English people still enjoy the benefits from her rule. 

I presume you are speaking of Mary Queen of Scots. She came to power at six days old and was coronated at nine months old so she had no part in what was her unfortunate legacy. She and Elenore of Aquitaine are among my favorite of British royalty...Elizabeth I notwithstanding.

Last edited by Former Member

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