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September 5, 2017


By Akola Thompson

I NO longer expect much from politicians. The person, who had excitedly travelled to the Linden highway to vote in an election for the first time, is no longer surprised by the ideas our politicians sow to keep us divided. Whether sexuality, class, race or socio-economic status cause that divide, I am no longer surprised.

Not because we have become accustomed to something however, means that we should not call it out when we see it.
After reading Nigel Dharamlall’s comments on the placement of three school buses that have begun operating in Region Four and the racism that seeped out of it in that post, I was torn.

The divisiveness he spreads is nothing new. It is something many of us have become accustomed to, but still, it needed to be addressed. Dharamlall found issue with the fact that two of the three buses were placed in South Georgetown, a “stronghold of the PNCR and dominated by one ethnic group.” The ethnic group to which he refers is Afro-Guyanese and he further states that only APNU+AFC supporters benefit.

What Dharamlall is doing here is further solidifying the idea that the two main political parties are separated by race and that this is acceptable. In the same post he called out NCN reporter Janelle Persaud. It was not long before persons answered his clarion call of racism by giving their own ideas on the stance of afro-descended persons and the perceived things associated with them. None of the statements was called out. If anything, they were encouraged by Dharamlall’s silence.

As a Member of Parliament, Dharamlall is a representative of the people. In their pursuit of power, many politicians forget the reason they are in these positions in the first place. As a representative, he should be careful not to sow seeds of discord in an already racially tense society. Allowing your supporters to make dangerous and tribal comments without reprimand is encouraging that to continue. It is not surprising for someone who is himself a participant in the racism that drives our politics.

When he was called out on his rhetoric, Dharamlall likened the label of ‘racist,’ as being an act of ‘playing the victim. He stated that the “fallback mantra,” of racism was always being used when one was criticised for the “discriminatory and divisive policies of the regime that you are currently one of the faces of.” This statement was directed towards Persaud.

The tensions that we have come to know that exists between the black and Indian populace within Guyana, is something that has been historically shaped and honed over the years. When slavery was abolished in the 1830s, Indian indentured workers were brought to Guyana after the planters needed to fill the labour vacuum. Due to their willingness to work for less money than everyone else, this helped to create tensions amongst the Afros and Indians. This tension worked to the advantage of the planters, who had long since known that they needed to divide if they were to counquer.

Racism is structural and is based upon power. Many don’t buy into the argument that they have privilege in their colour or hair. They don’t buy into it because they feel as if it does not relate to them. They, as far as they know, do not benefit from their race. They are the poor, the ones who work hard for everything they have. They are the ones who have to fetch water and for whom electricity is seen as something only the well-off has. They do not know how they can be privileged, when they have never been given something for this supposed privilege.

Men like Dharamlall are aware of this and the discontent it forms. They prey on this discontent. They make clarion calls for further divides and depict the afro-descended as out to get Indians. Men like Dharamlall tell them things such as, ‘take back the country from them, or ‘don’t trust them.’ Men like Dharamlall try to hide under the guise of fairness and reason, but the thin veils lay bare their blatant hypocrisy.

One thing that he said that struck me as funny was, and I quote, “The People’s Progressive Party/Civic was never such and will never be such a racist and divisive government as APNU+AFC.” In here, Dharamlall basically admits the rule of the PPP/C administration was racist and divisive. His argument here runs akin to the idea that yes, ‘I might be racist and divisive, but I am not as racist as I perceive these people to be.’

I won’t call Dharamlall a racist; he seems to think the word is unfair and overused. The words I will call him however and the ones who support the divisive rhetoric of him are: xenophobe, biased, bigoted. I hope the ones who value race over humanity and respect will find favour in one of these words. To sum up my feelings best on the entire debacle, Leroy Nelson said it best when he wrote, “Guyana is a strange place. The very embryo of racial/tribal dominance is speaking about racism. Then again, the incompetence and arrogance of the current administration will fuel this miasma.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

Last edited by seignet
seignet posted:

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

That young girl is in group of young people,who will bring about the changes that Guyana needs,

expose the "Racist"

Wondering why Burnham was surrounded by brightest East Indians,one wrote the Constitution of Guyana,does that seems like hate.

Last edited by Django

Wah happen to the putagees, freed blacks from America and the Caribbean who were indentured and worked for low wages.

Slaves had no wage structure. Suh how de f-u-c-k she knows cooolie ppl were working fuh cheap.

This racist pig should read more or shut up she poke. She seems to be talking through it.


Django posted:
seignet posted:

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

That young girl is in group of young people,who will bring about the changes that Guyana needs,

expose the "Racist"

really! once she has black in her, there is hate for indians. You fail to see the dimensions of it. 

seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

That young girl is in group of young people,who will bring about the changes that Guyana needs,

expose the "Racist"

really! once she has black in her, there is hate for indians. You fail to see the dimensions of it. 

No Sir,my mindset differs.

If there is hate for East Indians,why the mixed race is increasing in the home land.

The hate is peddled by the likes of gun toting Dharamlall and some at the East Indian saviors from the Guyana Times,"one of them said in the late 1800's African Sugar Estate drivers took advantage on Indian Indentured laborers" their agenda is to poison the East Indian minds so that they can hold on to their voting base.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

That young girl is in group of young people,who will bring about the changes that Guyana needs,

expose the "Racist"

Wondering why Burnham was surrounded by brightest East Indians,one wrote the Constitution of Guyana,does that seems like hate.

Indians in general fail to look after Indian interests. They prefer self interests. In the end, even their own families feels the brunt after those Indians fall out of favor.

I think a better thing to do is to look after the nations business.

Intelligent People, blacks or indians recognizes chaos and mayhem

Dem cooolie dat was wid forbes ain suh brite. Look wah dem mek beautiful guyana into.Despotic politicians.

Django posted:
seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

That young girl is in group of young people,who will bring about the changes that Guyana needs,

expose the "Racist"

really! once she has black in her, there is hate for indians. You fail to see the dimensions of it. 

No Sir,my mindset differs.

If there is hate for East Indians,why the mixed race is increasing in the home land.

The hate is peddled by the likes of gun toting Dharamlall.

Nah bai, doan confuse sex with ingrained hate fuh cooolie ppl. Sex is a sweet thing, doan matter the hair or color as the lil gurl wrote. The writer is aware of hate, she seems to mention it in here composition.

In 1838, dem coolie baboos used to bang dem negressess too.

seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

That young girl is in group of young people,who will bring about the changes that Guyana needs,

expose the "Racist"

really! once she has black in her, there is hate for indians. You fail to see the dimensions of it. 

No Sir,my mindset differs.

If there is hate for East Indians,why the mixed race is increasing in the home land.

The hate is peddled by the likes of gun toting Dharamlall.

Nah bai, doan confuse sex with ingrained hate fuh cooolie ppl. Sex is a sweet thing, doan matter the hair or color as the lil gurl wrote. The writer is aware of hate, she seems to mention it in here composition.

In 1838, dem coolie baboos used to bang dem negressess too.

The hate is peddled by the likes of gun toting Dharamlall and some at the East Indian saviors from the Guyana Times,"one of them said in the late 1800's African Sugar Estate drivers took advantage on Indian Indentured laborers" their agenda is to poison the East Indian minds so that they can hold on to their voting base.


You ketching some sense.

Any way i was editing my post while you were responding,the full piece is above.

seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Racism is a reality. Why this stupid azz lil gurl think it is unfair to be one. She great gran daddies Burnham and Green were the architects of Hate for Coolie People.

Is steel meeting steel these days. Coolie ppl nah friken anymore. Sparks flying.

Give dem fiah Dharamlall.  

That young girl is in group of young people,who will bring about the changes that Guyana needs,

expose the "Racist"

really! once she has black in her, there is hate for indians. You fail to see the dimensions of it. 

No Sir,my mindset differs.

If there is hate for East Indians,why the mixed race is increasing in the home land.

The hate is peddled by the likes of gun toting Dharamlall.

Nah bai, doan confuse sex with ingrained hate fuh cooolie ppl. Sex is a sweet thing, doan matter the hair or color as the lil gurl wrote. The writer is aware of hate, she seems to mention it in here composition.

In 1838, dem coolie baboos used to bang dem negressess too.

Seigy, sex sweeter than honey and Demerara sugar combine. It makes the body fine and the mind clear.


Whether we like it or not, we all have some feeling of racism. We hate coolies, blacks, Chiney, putagee and everyone else. It so happens that it is being magnified when the color of our skin is taken into consideration.

skeldon_man posted:

Whether we like it or not, we all have some feeling of racism. We hate coolies, blacks, Chiney, putagee and everyone else. It so happens that it is being magnified when the color of our skin is taken into consideration.

There is no doubt about that,no one is perfect,my view it's not healthy to display in public or used for political gains or any gains.

seignet posted:

Wah happen to the putagees, freed blacks from America and the Caribbean who were indentured and worked for low wages.

Slaves had no wage structure. Suh how de f-u-c-k she knows cooolie ppl were working fuh cheap.

This racist pig should read more or shut up she poke. She seems to be talking through it.


1. By the 1860s slavery had already been abolished so why your screams about slaves had no wage structure? The freed blacks went on strike TWICE in the 1840s to demand better wages and work conditions. By the 1880s the Indians went on strike for the SAME THINGS!

2. The other indentured groups soon left the estates as they weren't willing to endure the conditions that the Indians tolerated until the 1880s. Interestingly enough blacks, both Guyanese and Bajans were used as strike breakers by the 1880s, and on occasion were attacked by Indians for doing this.

3. It is clear that the planters wanted two separate groups of powerless workers to compete against each other and to bring down wages. So they successfully undermined the village economy by heavily taxing it, by not providing them with assistance in building and maintaining drainage and irrigation system which were clearly beyond the scope of impoverished people. In addition sugar estates even attempted to flood the farms of these villagers and made it impossible for them to acquire more lands as the populations grew.

4. And in order to reinforce the jealousies between the groups. They made it easier for Indians to acquire lands as compared to blacks, with various land settlement schemes that were developed. This while blacks lands were flooded by the estates.

By focusing education purely within Christian environments they ensured that Indians wouldn't acquire education and so were locked out of certain occupations. So both groups felt that the other was giving more favorable treatment.


Racism is a reality. Why this stupid .1800's African Sugar Estate drivers took advantage on Indian Indentured laborers" their agenda is to poison the East Indian minds so that they can hold on to their voting base.

 No mention of course that Indian drivers similarly took advantage of their fellow Indians, and raping their wives wasn't unknown either.



seignet posted:."

really! once she has black in her, there is hate for indians. You fail to see the dimensions of it. 

So you are suggesting that an Indo girl with an Afro boyfriend is encouraging racism against Indians.    Hmmmm!


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