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Former Member

We are excited to bring the 2018 Annual Diwali Motorcade on Saturday, November 3, 2018, to light up the streets of Queens on the darkest night of the year. This is the largest and oldest celebration of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, in Richmond Hill, New York.  This year we're asking for your support to continue this important tradition. By donating, you will be contributing to the great cultural diversity of the World's Borough. 

This festival has become an important part of the fabric of this great city, with thousands of participants lining the streets with their children. The event is organized entirely by unpaid volunteers and funded with generous donations from local business and private citizens. 

The current budget for the 2018 Motorcade is as follows:
~ Stage, Booth, Heat, Generator, Lights, Chairs and Table Rentals $9,595
~ Sound System and Stage Lights: $5,000
~ Cash Prizes for the Motorcade: $4,505
~ Construction/Home Depot Supplies: $2,500
~Food Supplies, Water, Disposable Items: $2,500
~ Permits: $1,065
~ Rental of the Ground $500
~ Advertisements: $1,000
~ Plaques, Trophies: $600
~ Donations: $501

Thank you for your kind donation whether it be $1 or more it will go towards upholding the annual Hindu Festival of Lights in Queens NY! 

God Bless!
Lakshmee Singh 
Divya Jyoti Association

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Tola posted:
Leonora posted:

Hi Prince, go by the PA System and get Baseman's autograph. 

Yea take a pictha also, so we can see how old he get, from he India  picture.   

Is that all you left with?  Don’t worry, the base still shine!!  Take a peek at my FB. 

Btw, is there any pic of you working on all those projects you talk about?

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Guyanese can prappa talk about yesterday's story, so let talk about the Diwali parade. What are the takeaways from the Lakshmi Mala? I hope Baseman reach safely. Did anyone see Nehru peeping the chunky woman? 

Was great, the motorcade was impressive.  I actually left after the motorcade and it was cold and windy and my allergies were acting up.

What are the take aways?

Indian culture is strong and growing diverse.

The Madrassi float was great, nuff music but no funeral!!!

Apart from the Hindu themes, a Christian float made its presence which was put together for a Christmas parade.

There were many Afro Guyanese, including Barbara Atherly.

I saw a few Blacks in Kurta.  The most impressive was one with long braids to his waist decked out in a blue Kurta.  Me tinks he guh land wan dhal-gyal!

What was interesting, an Indian woman made a speech as a representative of some Indian Hindu Org in Queens.  She said she never heard/knew of this parade until now.  She showed up in a denim jeans!

Jai Hind!!!

Last edited by Former Member

I am very pleased to learn that everything went well yesterday. I congratulate all the folks that showed up and help make this year's Diwali parade a success. I used to be a staunch supporter of our religious orgs and served in our community cultural org in the past. My time and service are for others to step up to the cause. My heart and soul are still with them, but my body is somewhere else. Thanks to our resident, Baseman for playing a responsible role in our community. Get involve and come more often. Kudos!

Drugb posted:

No sweat, Lilly or slop boy can push their hands in their pockets and cover that cost without blinking. But them bais too obsessed with noir aubergine to care about their own traditions.

ronan posted:

drugb, you have a serious, twisted sex fantasy life . . . we watching carefully how you dribbling, shaking your ass and cozying up to the sick subjunctive 

frankly, we get it!. . . "trade secrets" = "Big Black Baigan"

this disgusting craving of yours has become a demonic possession in your head and the dutty compulsions have eaten away at your common sense . . . to drag Ronan and Caribny into your homoerotic sado-masochistic reverie is creepy, nasty and beyond the pale

Sir, there are certain 'business' locations in the seedier parts of Newark where you can get actual relief, and we don't want to know about it

thirsty as you are, when you do, don't forget your safe word banna


Last edited by Mitwah

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