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Diwali Messages
Diwali Messages

Diwali Messages

Diwali signifies victory of good over evil –says First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar

IT IS with extreme happiness that I extend Diwali greetings to all Guyanese, but more especially to the Hindu community, for whom this festival is a joyous occasion.


First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar

Diwali signifies the victory of good over evil; of life over death; and of light over darkness. I trust that these universal messages would touch every heart in our nation, and that the torch of enlightenment would brighten those dark crevices, such as need, ignorance and greed, which may exist within our midst.
Diwali is not just about celebration. There is a personal element that requires all of us to bring light to those areas of our lives and of society which are in darkness; to eradicate need and ignorance; to reject violence and hatred; and to banish ill thoughts and needs. It is a time for festivity, but also a call for personal and community action to bring brightness into the lives of others.
May the modesty of the simple diya that is lit at this time remind us all that, no matter how limited are our means, we can all contribute to making our country and our world a much brighter place, by generously illuminating the lives of others through doing good, and through being good. May our own personal example come to signify the conquest of good over evil.
A Happy Diwali to all!

Here’s hoping for a change of heart in due season
THE People’s Progressive Party extends best wishes to all Guyanese, and to the Hindu community in particular, on the occasion of Diwali.
The wonderful festival of lights comes at a time this year when forces around us are trying relentlessly to slow the wheels of advancement and dim the light of hope in our nation.

Diwali, which serves to illustrate that good will always triumph over evil in the long-run, is a fitting message to those who are currently willing to jeopardize the economic development of our people, and place stumbling blocks in our pathway in their quest to simply gain political leverage.
The light broke through in 1992, when the PPP/C won the first free and fair elections in post-independent Guyana. This ushered in a new era, where democracy and the rights and empowerment of our people prevail.
Slowly, however, those from that era of dictatorship and oppression have returned, and so have their old habits in a new guise.
A return to suffering, starvation, hopelessness, large-scale poverty and ultimately economic decline and desperation is not an option for our country. We have come too far as a people; we have made significant gains in gradually, painstakingly working to improve the livelihood of our people.
The journey is never complete, as there is more work to be done in our efforts to place our nation on a stable economic platform, and ensure each and every Guyanese benefit in a tangible way.
On this auspicious occasion, we hope that the illumination of the diyas and the added brightness from the participation of all Guyanese in this Hindu tradition will be enough to force a change in the hearts and minds of those who currently wish to see our people in a perpetual state of division and suspicion.
Happy Diwali to all!

Diwali is Puja to Lakshmi, Goddess of fortune and abundance

Dr. Vindhya Persaud

Dr. Vindhya Persaud

–Dr. Vindhya Persaud, President of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha
THE beautiful and most auspicious festival of Deepavali, or Diwali, occurs on the night of Amawasya (New Moon) in the month of Kartik, which is considered to be the darkest night on the Hindu calendar.
Last year, my late father, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, who was then the Sabha’s President, delivered the Sabha’s Deepavali message. And on this special occasion, in my message this year, I bring you excerpts of his writings and greetings on occasion of the festival.
The word ‘Deepavali’ means cluster of lights. The festival is, however, deeper in significance than the word suggests.
“Deepavali is basically Lakshmi Puja. The Vedas describe the Goddess, Maha Lakshmi, as the eternal source of fortune and abundance. Devotees at this time do homage to Her with reverence, love and affection. The intention is not only to seek material gains but, equally, spiritual exaltation and bliss.
In its deeper context, Deepavali signifies the emergence from the darkness of avidya – ignorance — to the light of wisdom. Light, in Hinduism, symbolizes knowledge. The principal prayer at this time is: TAMASO MAA JYOTIR GAMAYA (FROM DARKNESS, LEAD US TO LIGHT).
The festival threatens darkness in all its forms, and influences the emergence of an illuminated society in which there exists understanding, tolerance, love and cordiality. Festivals like Deepavali serve to rekindle hopes and expectations, and influence society in a positive direction.
We must worship Lakshmi Devi in all Her dimensions to strengthen our spiritual power, which will make us triumphant against all obstacles.
The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha feels that Deepavali’s pristine purity should be maintained, and any attempt to desecrate the festival should be vehemently opposed. The Sabha has always ensured that all activities for the festival are in consonance with the norms of the festival.
As such, for in excess of three decades, the Sabha organized and held Deepavali Motorcades countrywide. The Deepavali Motorcade provides the opportunity for creativity, artistry, and such activities which reveal Deepavali in all its glory and grandeur.
The motorcade itself has evolved considerably over the years, and is a unique feature at Deepavali time. The motorcade transcends ethnicity, and has grown into the biggest event in Guyana. This is visible wherever it is held, and particularly at the seawall area.
Involvement of our children, whether in depicting Hindu Gods and Goddesses, or singing Kirtan on the floats, or lining the streets in their thousands, is noteworthy. The discipline is remarkable among such huge crowds, and the greetings shouted as the motorcade passes create a beautiful atmosphere of togetherness and peace. It is a national celebration not confined to Georgetown, but extended throughout the country.
Pandit Persaud said: “I have always shared the view that our cultural diversity is an added richness and a sure vehicle to develop the harmonious blending of art, with each possessing its own charm and fascination.”
Deepavali is essentially Lakshmi Puja; consequently, homage would be done in every home and mandir as an act of thanksgiving, with the fervent hope that aspirations and wishes would be fulfilled.
From this spiritual involvement, it is hoped that negative tendencies would be marginalized, and the spirit of sharing and working for the enhancement of the well-being and welfare of all would emerge.
I invite you to light your diyas and to invite Lakshmi Mata to enter every home and mind, so that all negative thoughts would vanish entirely, and a true feeling of love and oneness would prevail.
Let the light of Deepavali burn infinitely! A blissful Deepavali to all! Deepavalika Shubh Kamanayea.

May the season light up minds, lighten burdens

 ILLUMINATION, light, vision, enlightenment: Those words and concepts tend to convey the spirit of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, usually celebrated at this time of year.
Now a nationally-embraced public holiday, Diwali captures the attention — even participation — of thousands of Guyanese citizens, including non-Hindus.

The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), itself home to a great number of Hindu union members, enjoins the Hindu community especially to find innovative, practical and productive ways to influence national leaders to indeed light up their own minds and other faculties in pursuit of the greater good of Guyana.
GAWU will not dwell on the almost romantic elements of the Diwali legend, but hopes that the Spirit of Mother Lakshmi would inspire more open-mindedness in the Guyanese society.
Our brief message, therefore, is to celebrants and leaders alike: Just as Guyanese Hindus have fashioned unique Diwali motorcades, for example, which attract national attention, let the Guyanese melas and the diyas of the mind illuminate wisdom in all communities, in places of work and worship, in Government and Parliament, to lighten the poor man’s burdens through righteous policies and programmes.
This is the least, but the most sought-after that the Union can hope for.
Happy Diwali 2013!


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by asj:


Guyana president Donald Ramotar

using his office budget

to hide paying Fat Cats, Big Poke

and Crab Louse big $$$$$$


David Degroot -  

Crab Louse/Ghost Writer


 Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month


Kwame McCoy

Presidential Information Liason Officer

$334,850 per month

Chitraykha Dass - 

Freedom House Secretary

$250,000 per month

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

Odinga Lamumba

Black House of Israel Thug

Dr Roger Luncheon

Head President Secretariat

$895,326 per month

Hydar Ally

Deputy Head President Secretariat

$550,064 per month

Office of the President

 Running a Dharam Shala

for Friends and Cronies

Charles Ramson Jr

Technical Legal Director

$430,196 per month

Joseph Singh

Special Assistant to the President

$667,440 per month

Eshwar Persaud

OP's Protocol Advisor

$268,000 per month

Kit Nascimento

Special Advisor

Leroy Cort

Cabinet Monitor Officer

$155,628 per month

Chitraykha Dass

Presidential Political Liason Officer

$255,000 per month

Kwame Gilbert

Social Policy Officer

$294,585 per Month


Black House Of Isreal Thug

Cheddi Jagan 11

(Joey Son)

$489,666 per month

Desmond Kissoon

President Political Liaison Officer Region 9


Clive Lloyd

Presidential Advisor on Sports

$721,000 per month

Norman McClean


Zulfikar Mustapha

Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer

$307,600 per Month

Philip Bynoe

Black House of Israel Thug


Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....





REV it looks like Ramotar & Jagdeo

will lose another 100,000 votes

because of wha dem do here...


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Diwali Messages
Diwali Messages

Diwali Messages

Diwali signifies victory of good over evil –says First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar

IT IS with extreme happiness that I extend Diwali greetings to all Guyanese, but more especially to the Hindu community, for whom this festival is a joyous occasion.


First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar

Diwali signifies the victory of good over evil; of life over death; and of light over darkness. I trust that these universal messages would touch every heart in our nation, and that the torch of enlightenment would brighten those dark crevices, such as need, ignorance and greed, which may exist within our midst.
Diwali is not just about celebration. There is a personal element that requires all of us to bring light to those areas of our lives and of society which are in darkness; to eradicate need and ignorance; to reject violence and hatred; and to banish ill thoughts and needs. It is a time for festivity, but also a call for personal and community action to bring brightness into the lives of others.
May the modesty of the simple diya that is lit at this time remind us all that, no matter how limited are our means, we can all contribute to making our country and our world a much brighter place, by generously illuminating the lives of others through doing good, and through being good. May our own personal example come to signify the conquest of good over evil.
A Happy Diwali to all!

Here’s hoping for a change of heart in due season
THE People’s Progressive Party extends best wishes to all Guyanese, and to the Hindu community in particular, on the occasion of Diwali.
The wonderful festival of lights comes at a time this year when forces around us are trying relentlessly to slow the wheels of advancement and dim the light of hope in our nation.

Diwali, which serves to illustrate that good will always triumph over evil in the long-run, is a fitting message to those who are currently willing to jeopardize the economic development of our people, and place stumbling blocks in our pathway in their quest to simply gain political leverage.
The light broke through in 1992, when the PPP/C won the first free and fair elections in post-independent Guyana. This ushered in a new era, where democracy and the rights and empowerment of our people prevail.
Slowly, however, those from that era of dictatorship and oppression have returned, and so have their old habits in a new guise.
A return to suffering, starvation, hopelessness, large-scale poverty and ultimately economic decline and desperation is not an option for our country. We have come too far as a people; we have made significant gains in gradually, painstakingly working to improve the livelihood of our people.
The journey is never complete, as there is more work to be done in our efforts to place our nation on a stable economic platform, and ensure each and every Guyanese benefit in a tangible way.
On this auspicious occasion, we hope that the illumination of the diyas and the added brightness from the participation of all Guyanese in this Hindu tradition will be enough to force a change in the hearts and minds of those who currently wish to see our people in a perpetual state of division and suspicion.
Happy Diwali to all!

Diwali is Puja to Lakshmi, Goddess of fortune and abundance

Dr. Vindhya Persaud

Dr. Vindhya Persaud

–Dr. Vindhya Persaud, President of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha
THE beautiful and most auspicious festival of Deepavali, or Diwali, occurs on the night of Amawasya (New Moon) in the month of Kartik, which is considered to be the darkest night on the Hindu calendar.
Last year, my late father, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, who was then the Sabha’s President, delivered the Sabha’s Deepavali message. And on this special occasion, in my message this year, I bring you excerpts of his writings and greetings on occasion of the festival.
The word ‘Deepavali’ means cluster of lights. The festival is, however, deeper in significance than the word suggests.
“Deepavali is basically Lakshmi Puja. The Vedas describe the Goddess, Maha Lakshmi, as the eternal source of fortune and abundance. Devotees at this time do homage to Her with reverence, love and affection. The intention is not only to seek material gains but, equally, spiritual exaltation and bliss.
In its deeper context, Deepavali signifies the emergence from the darkness of avidya – ignorance — to the light of wisdom. Light, in Hinduism, symbolizes knowledge. The principal prayer at this time is: TAMASO MAA JYOTIR GAMAYA (FROM DARKNESS, LEAD US TO LIGHT).
The festival threatens darkness in all its forms, and influences the emergence of an illuminated society in which there exists understanding, tolerance, love and cordiality. Festivals like Deepavali serve to rekindle hopes and expectations, and influence society in a positive direction.
We must worship Lakshmi Devi in all Her dimensions to strengthen our spiritual power, which will make us triumphant against all obstacles.
The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha feels that Deepavali’s pristine purity should be maintained, and any attempt to desecrate the festival should be vehemently opposed. The Sabha has always ensured that all activities for the festival are in consonance with the norms of the festival.
As such, for in excess of three decades, the Sabha organized and held Deepavali Motorcades countrywide. The Deepavali Motorcade provides the opportunity for creativity, artistry, and such activities which reveal Deepavali in all its glory and grandeur.
The motorcade itself has evolved considerably over the years, and is a unique feature at Deepavali time. The motorcade transcends ethnicity, and has grown into the biggest event in Guyana. This is visible wherever it is held, and particularly at the seawall area.
Involvement of our children, whether in depicting Hindu Gods and Goddesses, or singing Kirtan on the floats, or lining the streets in their thousands, is noteworthy. The discipline is remarkable among such huge crowds, and the greetings shouted as the motorcade passes create a beautiful atmosphere of togetherness and peace. It is a national celebration not confined to Georgetown, but extended throughout the country.
Pandit Persaud said: “I have always shared the view that our cultural diversity is an added richness and a sure vehicle to develop the harmonious blending of art, with each possessing its own charm and fascination.”
Deepavali is essentially Lakshmi Puja; consequently, homage would be done in every home and mandir as an act of thanksgiving, with the fervent hope that aspirations and wishes would be fulfilled.
From this spiritual involvement, it is hoped that negative tendencies would be marginalized, and the spirit of sharing and working for the enhancement of the well-being and welfare of all would emerge.
I invite you to light your diyas and to invite Lakshmi Mata to enter every home and mind, so that all negative thoughts would vanish entirely, and a true feeling of love and oneness would prevail.
Let the light of Deepavali burn infinitely! A blissful Deepavali to all! Deepavalika Shubh Kamanayea.

May the season light up minds, lighten burdens

 ILLUMINATION, light, vision, enlightenment: Those words and concepts tend to convey the spirit of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, usually celebrated at this time of year.
Now a nationally-embraced public holiday, Diwali captures the attention — even participation — of thousands of Guyanese citizens, including non-Hindus.

The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), itself home to a great number of Hindu union members, enjoins the Hindu community especially to find innovative, practical and productive ways to influence national leaders to indeed light up their own minds and other faculties in pursuit of the greater good of Guyana.
GAWU will not dwell on the almost romantic elements of the Diwali legend, but hopes that the Spirit of Mother Lakshmi would inspire more open-mindedness in the Guyanese society.
Our brief message, therefore, is to celebrants and leaders alike: Just as Guyanese Hindus have fashioned unique Diwali motorcades, for example, which attract national attention, let the Guyanese melas and the diyas of the mind illuminate wisdom in all communities, in places of work and worship, in Government and Parliament, to lighten the poor man’s burdens through righteous policies and programmes.
This is the least, but the most sought-after that the Union can hope for.
Happy Diwali 2013!


with all these righteous policies and programmes guyana still feel like RAWAN in LANKA


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