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Former Member

It may appear that Django is in denial mode about the failure of the racist, clueless and corrupt AFC/PNC dictatorship.

Granger and the racist Harmonium have shoved the AFC aside while Django is still trying to dig up old and useless articles in attempting to blame the PPP for this clueless and incompetent AFC/PNC administration's disgusting record.

Smell the coffee man, take some fresh air and start highlighting the destruction of Guyana under this incompetent administration which has ZERO to show so far and yes, that includes alleged PPP corruption which cannot be proven by these clowns.

And yes, the racist agenda by the once racist Burnham PNC propaganda man Adam Harris from KN is just rubbish and dem boys seh yellow journalism does not count.

To date the audits by your PNC clowns for auditors proved ZERO.

Transparence Internation is also critical of this corrupt AFC/PNC administration.

I will provide my report card on these AFC/PNC clowns after their one year disaster.

Or wait, all you scared to stand up to two lil Blackmen ? Grow some.

Who are these clowns trying to fool ?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Live and let live, yuji. Django is entitled to his opinions as much as you are entitled to yours. Remember the saying: don't throw stones if you live in glass houses. You PPP guys in this forum have been throwing stones at APNU+AFC. Fine. No problem. The coalition is not perfect and is making missteps, some big ones too. We the supporters of the coalition are ourselves offering our criticisms.

But when you PPP guys throw your stones, you must not think that the PPP is squeaky clean and not deserving of criticism. After all, the PPP is out of government today because of its own misdeeds. You must also remember that APNU+AFC is a democratically elected government stamped with verification by international observers who jointly declared that the 2015 general and regional elections were "free, fair and credible."

Gilbakka posted:

Live and let live, yuji. Django is entitled to his opinions as much as you are entitled to yours. Remember the saying: don't throw stones if you live in glass houses. You PPP guys in this forum have been throwing stones at APNU+AFC. Fine. No problem. The coalition is not perfect and is making missteps, some big ones too. We the supporters of the coalition are ourselves offering our criticisms.

But when you PPP guys throw your stones, you must not think that the PPP is squeaky clean and not deserving of criticism. After all, the PPP is out of government today because of its own misdeeds. You must also remember that APNU+AFC is a democratically elected government stamped with verification by international observers who jointly declared that the 2015 general and regional elections were "free, fair and credible."

Why blame them (PPP) for today's problems? You can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time; but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Time for the coalition to take responsibility for the problems in Guyana. You cannot blame the thief man in jail for all the thefts still happening.


Yugi,have you not read my condemnation of the Coalition government when the goofed up,the post concerning the logging industry is to refresh our memory of that deal and how that company operates in Guyana past and present,the coalition have to put some pressure on defaulting companies,i don't think the people are benefiting from this Industry,these companies are raking in billion of dollars and also importing their workers,this deal need to be sanitized,hopefully that will be done.

Django posted:

Yugi,have you not read my condemnation of the Coalition government when the goofed up,the post concerning the logging industry is to refresh our memory of that deal and how that company operates in Guyana past and present,the coalition have to put some pressure on defaulting companies,i don't think the people are benefiting from this Industry,these companies are raking in billion of dollars and also importing their workers,this deal need to be sanitized,hopefully that will be done.

Close dem down like they did to the sugar factories. They were quick to put the coolies on the bread line. Lie dem frikken dem chiney mafia in Guyana? Dem might ask fuh you help fuh close down dem chiney man laggin'. Nex dem guh close down dem chiney man kook shap too. Be careful!!!


Chief, democracy is when you can tell Granger about his black skvunt and don't have to worry about prosecution. Democracy means by law to provide a recount on a closely contested election. The refusal of GECOM to do the honorable thing opens a can of worm of with suspensions of fraud. How can a broad base party won with a slim margin of one seat? Yall enjoy the glamor while it last.

Nehru posted:
Stormborn posted:

No one needs to try to fool you. You are completely a half wit prone to delusion so even in your most lucid moment you are on a rant about completely air-headed realities.

HEHEHE Look who is talkin. GNI IDIOT and Class Clown(and that is giving you too much)

And you are bright at this particular burry cow my daddy had that would try to bite if you try to milk her. She forgot she had feet to kick. All you had to do was put a rope around her neck and she was fine. All you need to feel is you are smart. It does not make the bilge you write wisdom.

skeldon_man posted:

Why blame them (PPP) for today's problems? You can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time; but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Time for the coalition to take responsibility for the problems in Guyana. You cannot blame the thief man in jail for all the thefts still happening.

You fools are still blaming Burnham after all these years so carry yo rass da side too yeh.

Gilbakka posted:

Live and let live, yuji. Django is entitled to his opinions as much as you are entitled to yours. Remember the saying: don't throw stones if you live in glass houses. You PPP guys in this forum have been throwing stones at APNU+AFC. Fine. No problem. The coalition is not perfect and is making missteps, some big ones too. We the supporters of the coalition are ourselves offering our criticisms.

But when you PPP guys throw your stones, you must not think that the PPP is squeaky clean and not deserving of criticism. After all, the PPP is out of government today because of its own misdeeds. You must also remember that APNU+AFC is a democratically elected government stamped with verification by international observers who jointly declared that the 2015 general and regional elections were "free, fair and credible."


I do not want to enter into an argument.

The election was RIGGED. No country in the world allows a vote that close and not to be recounted unless a foreign force or dictators in the making are involved.

That was the case in Guyana, the election was rigged. Please do not sell us snake oil twice.

We now have to fight to defend democracy and PNC racism. Free speech is  being muzzled by a dictator with convenient legislation while he defends corruption and racism.

We can go on and on but these AFC/PNC crooks are a disgrace and a pack of liars.

I have every right to speak out.

The AFC is lying down while two lil blackman roll all over them.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


I do not want to enter into an argument.

The election was RIGGED. No country in the world allows a vote that close and not to be recounted unless a foreign force or dictators in the making are involved.

That was the case in Guyana, the election was rigged. Please do not sell us snake oil twice.

We now have to fight to defend democracy and PNC racism. Free speech is  being muzzled by a dictator with convenient legislation while he defends corruption and racism.

We can go on and on but these AFC/PNC crooks are a disgrace and a pack of liars.

I have every right to speak out.

The AFC is lying down while two lil blackman roll all over them.

Allahyou dumb rass from the PPP were biting pillows while dem big black House Of Israel goons climbed pon your backs.

Last edited by cain
Chief posted:

Nehru, SKELDONMAN, YUGI, COBRA AND A FEW OTHERS CANNOT ACCEPT THAT THE PPP got cut ass at the last general elections.

Talk about sour grapes.

Hello that is what  is call democracy.

It's not whether you win or lose; it's how you play. Be a good sport. In every race, someone has to lose and the PPP supposedly lost. We may never know unless the recount challenge is accepted. PNC folks should be barred from using the word democracy. They would not know democracy even if it hits them in the ass. They have never experienced it.


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